/** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import Utils from "../core/Utils"; /** * Object to handle the creation of operation ingredients. */ class HTMLIngredient { /** * HTMLIngredient constructor. * * @param {Object} config - The configuration object for this ingredient. * @param {App} app - The main view object for CyberChef. * @param {Manager} manager - The CyberChef event manager. */ constructor(config, app, manager) { this.app = app; this.manager = manager; this.name = config.name; this.type = config.type; this.value = config.value; this.disabled = config.disabled || false; this.hint = config.hint || false; this.rows = config.rows || false; this.target = config.target; this.defaultIndex = config.defaultIndex || 0; this.toggleValues = config.toggleValues; this.id = "ing-" + this.app.nextIngId(); this.min = (typeof config.min === "number") ? config.min : ""; this.max = (typeof config.max === "number") ? config.max : ""; this.step = config.step || 1; } /** * Renders the ingredient in HTML. * * @returns {string} */ toHtml() { let html = "", i, m, eventFn; switch (this.type) { case "string": case "binaryString": case "byteArray": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; break; case "shortString": case "binaryShortString": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; break; case "toggleString": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; break; case "number": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; break; case "boolean": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; break; case "option": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; break; case "populateOption": case "populateMultiOption": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; eventFn = this.type === "populateMultiOption" ? this.populateMultiOptionChange : this.populateOptionChange; this.manager.addDynamicListener("#" + this.id, "change", eventFn, this); break; case "editableOption": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; this.manager.addDynamicListener(".editable-option-menu a", "click", this.editableOptionClick, this); break; case "editableOptionShort": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; this.manager.addDynamicListener(".editable-option-menu a", "click", this.editableOptionClick, this); break; case "text": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; break; case "argSelector": html += `
${this.hint ? "" + this.hint + "" : ""}
`; this.manager.addDynamicListener(".arg-selector", "change", this.argSelectorChange, this); break; default: break; } return html; } /** * Handler for populate option changes. * Populates the relevant argument with the specified value. * * @param {event} e */ populateOptionChange(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const el = e.target; const op = el.parentNode.parentNode; const target = op.querySelectorAll(".arg")[this.target]; const popVal = el.childNodes[el.selectedIndex].getAttribute("populate-value"); if (popVal !== "") target.value = popVal; const evt = new Event("change"); target.dispatchEvent(evt); this.manager.recipe.ingChange(); } /** * Handler for populate multi option changes. * Populates the relevant arguments with the specified values. * * @param {event} e */ populateMultiOptionChange(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const el = e.target; const op = el.parentNode.parentNode; const args = op.querySelectorAll(".arg"); const targets = this.target.map(i => args[i]); const vals = JSON.parse(el.childNodes[el.selectedIndex].getAttribute("populate-value")); const evt = new Event("change"); for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { targets[i].value = vals[i]; } // Fire change event after all targets have been assigned this.manager.recipe.ingChange(); // Send change event for each target once all have been assigned, to update the label placement. for (const target of targets) { target.dispatchEvent(evt); } } /** * Handler for editable option clicks. * Populates the input box with the selected value. * * @param {event} e */ editableOptionClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const link = e.target, input = link.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("input"); input.value = link.getAttribute("value"); const evt = new Event("change"); input.dispatchEvent(evt); this.manager.recipe.ingChange(); } /** * Handler for argument selector changes. * Shows or hides the relevant arguments for this operation. * * @param {event} e */ argSelectorChange(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const option = e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex]; const op = e.target.closest(".operation"); const args = op.querySelectorAll(".ingredients .form-group"); const turnon = JSON.parse(option.getAttribute("turnon")); const turnoff = JSON.parse(option.getAttribute("turnoff")); args.forEach((arg, i) => { if (turnon.includes(i)) { arg.classList.remove("d-none"); } if (turnoff.includes(i)) { arg.classList.add("d-none"); } }); } } export default HTMLIngredient;