/* globals Zlib, bzip2 */ /** * Compression operations. * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 * * @namespace */ var Compress = { /** * @constant * @default */ COMPRESSION_TYPE: ["Dynamic Huffman Coding", "Fixed Huffman Coding", "None (Store)"], /** * @constant * @default */ INFLATE_BUFFER_TYPE: ["Adaptive", "Block"], /** * @constant * @default */ COMPRESSION_METHOD: ["Deflate", "None (Store)"], /** * @constant * @default */ OS: ["MSDOS", "Unix", "Macintosh"], /** * @constant * @default */ RAW_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOOKUP: { "Fixed Huffman Coding" : Zlib.RawDeflate.CompressionType.FIXED, "Dynamic Huffman Coding" : Zlib.RawDeflate.CompressionType.DYNAMIC, "None (Store)" : Zlib.RawDeflate.CompressionType.NONE, }, /** * Raw Deflate operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runRawDeflate: function(input, args) { var deflate = new Zlib.RawDeflate(input, { compressionType: Compress.RAW_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOOKUP[args[0]] }); return Array.prototype.slice.call(deflate.compress()); }, /** * @constant * @default */ INFLATE_INDEX: 0, /** * @constant * @default */ INFLATE_BUFFER_SIZE: 0, /** * @constant * @default */ INFLATE_RESIZE: false, /** * @constant * @default */ INFLATE_VERIFY: false, /** * @constant * @default */ RAW_BUFFER_TYPE_LOOKUP: { "Adaptive" : Zlib.RawInflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE, "Block" : Zlib.RawInflate.BufferType.BLOCK, }, /** * Raw Inflate operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runRawInflate: function(input, args) { // Deal with character encoding issues input = Utils.strToByteArray(Utils.byteArrayToUtf8(input)); var inflate = new Zlib.RawInflate(input, { index: args[0], bufferSize: args[1], bufferType: Compress.RAW_BUFFER_TYPE_LOOKUP[args[2]], resize: args[3], verify: args[4] }), result = Array.prototype.slice.call(inflate.decompress()); // Raw Inflate somethimes messes up and returns nonsense like this: // ]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]....]... // e.g. Input data of [8b, 1d, dc, 44] // Look for the first two square brackets: if (result.length > 158 && result[0] === 93 && result[5] === 93) { // If the first two square brackets are there, check that the others // are also there. If they are, throw an error. If not, continue. var valid = false; for (var i = 0; i < 155; i += 5) { if (result[i] !== 93) { valid = true; } } if (!valid) { throw "Error: Unable to inflate data"; } } // Trust me, this is the easiest way... return result; }, /** * @constant * @default */ ZLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOOKUP: { "Fixed Huffman Coding" : Zlib.Deflate.CompressionType.FIXED, "Dynamic Huffman Coding" : Zlib.Deflate.CompressionType.DYNAMIC, "None (Store)" : Zlib.Deflate.CompressionType.NONE, }, /** * Zlib Deflate operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runZlibDeflate: function(input, args) { var deflate = new Zlib.Deflate(input, { compressionType: Compress.ZLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOOKUP[args[0]] }); return Array.prototype.slice.call(deflate.compress()); }, /** * @constant * @default */ ZLIB_BUFFER_TYPE_LOOKUP: { "Adaptive" : Zlib.Inflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE, "Block" : Zlib.Inflate.BufferType.BLOCK, }, /** * Zlib Inflate operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runZlibInflate: function(input, args) { // Deal with character encoding issues input = Utils.strToByteArray(Utils.byteArrayToUtf8(input)); var inflate = new Zlib.Inflate(input, { index: args[0], bufferSize: args[1], bufferType: Compress.ZLIB_BUFFER_TYPE_LOOKUP[args[2]], resize: args[3], verify: args[4] }); return Array.prototype.slice.call(inflate.decompress()); }, /** * @constant * @default */ GZIP_CHECKSUM: false, /** * Gzip operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runGzip: function(input, args) { var filename = args[1], comment = args[2], options = { deflateOptions: { compressionType: Compress.ZLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOOKUP[args[0]] }, flags: { fhcrc: args[3] } }; if (filename.length) { options.flags.fname = true; options.filename = filename; } if (comment.length) { options.flags.fcommenct = true; options.comment = comment; } var gzip = new Zlib.Gzip(input, options); return Array.prototype.slice.call(gzip.compress()); }, /** * Gunzip operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runGunzip: function(input, args) { // Deal with character encoding issues input = Utils.strToByteArray(Utils.byteArrayToUtf8(input)); var gunzip = new Zlib.Gunzip(input); return Array.prototype.slice.call(gunzip.decompress()); }, /** * @constant * @default */ PKZIP_FILENAME: "file.txt", /** * @constant * @default */ ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_LOOKUP: { "Deflate" : Zlib.Zip.CompressionMethod.DEFLATE, "None (Store)" : Zlib.Zip.CompressionMethod.STORE }, /** * @constant * @default */ ZIP_OS_LOOKUP: { "MSDOS" : Zlib.Zip.OperatingSystem.MSDOS, "Unix" : Zlib.Zip.OperatingSystem.UNIX, "Macintosh" : Zlib.Zip.OperatingSystem.MACINTOSH }, /** * Zip operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runPkzip: function(input, args) { var password = Utils.strToByteArray(args[2]), options = { filename: Utils.strToByteArray(args[0]), comment: Utils.strToByteArray(args[1]), compressionMethod: Compress.ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_LOOKUP[args[3]], os: Compress.ZIP_OS_LOOKUP[args[4]], deflateOption: { compressionType: Compress.ZLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOOKUP[args[5]] }, }, zip = new Zlib.Zip(); if (password.length) zip.setPassword(password); zip.addFile(input, options); return Array.prototype.slice.call(zip.compress()); }, /** * @constant * @default */ PKUNZIP_VERIFY: false, /** * Unzip operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runPkunzip: function(input, args) { var options = { password: Utils.strToByteArray(args[0]), verify: args[1] }, file = "", unzip = new Zlib.Unzip(input, options), filenames = unzip.getFilenames(), output = "
" + filenames.length + " file(s) found
\n"; output += "
"; window.uzip = unzip; for (var i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) { file = Utils.byteArrayToUtf8(unzip.decompress(filenames[i])); output += "
" + "" + "
" + "
" + Utils.escapeHtml(file) + "
"; } return output + "
"; }, /** * Bzip2 Decompress operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runBzip2Decompress: function(input, args) { var compressed = new Uint8Array(input), bzip2Reader, plain = ""; bzip2Reader = bzip2.array(compressed); plain = bzip2.simple(bzip2Reader); return plain; }, /** * @constant * @default */ TAR_FILENAME: "file.txt", /** * Tar unpack operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ tar: function(input, args) { // Not implemented yet return input; }, /** * Untar unpack operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {html} */ untar: function(input, args) { var Stream = function(input) { this.bytes = input; this.position = 0; }; Stream.prototype.readString = function(numBytes) { var result = ""; for(var i = this.position; i < this.position + numBytes; i++) { var currentByte = this.bytes[i]; if(currentByte === 0) break; result += String.fromCharCode(currentByte); } this.position += numBytes; return result; }; Stream.prototype.readInt = function(numBytes, base) { var string = this.readString(numBytes); return parseInt(string, base); }; Stream.prototype.hasMore = function() { return this.position < this.bytes.length; }; var stream = new Stream(input), files = []; while(stream.hasMore()) { var dataPosition = stream.position + 512; var file = { fileName: stream.readString(100), fileMode: stream.readString(8), ownerUID: stream.readString(8), ownerGID: stream.readString(8), size: parseInt(stream.readString(12), 8), // Octal lastModTime: new Date(1000 * stream.readInt(12, 8)), // Octal checksum: stream.readString(8), type: stream.readString(1), linkedFileName: stream.readString(100), USTARFormat: stream.readString(6).indexOf("ustar") >= 0, }; if(file.USTARFormat) { file.version = stream.readString(2); file.ownerUserName = stream.readString(32); file.ownerGroupName = stream.readString(32); file.deviceMajor = stream.readString(8); file.deviceMinor = stream.readString(8); file.filenamePrefix = stream.readString(155); } stream.position = dataPosition; if(file.type === "0") { // File files.push(file); var endPosition = stream.position + file.size; if(file.size % 512 !== 0) { endPosition += 512 - (file.size % 512); } file.contents = ""; while(stream.position < endPosition) { file.contents += stream.readString(512); } } else if(file.type === "5") { // Directory files.push(file); } else { // Symlink or empty bytes } } var output = Utils.HTMLFiles(files); return output; }, };