/** * @author d98762625 [d98762625@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import Utils from "../core/Utils"; import Dish from "../core/Dish"; import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"; import log from "loglevel"; /** * Subclass of Dish where `get` and `_translate` are synchronous. * Also define functions to improve coercion behaviour. */ class SyncDish extends Dish { /** * Synchronously returns the value of the data in the type format specified. * * @param {number} type - The data type of value, see Dish enums. * @param {boolean} [notUTF8=false] - Do not treat strings as UTF8. * @returns {*} - The value of the output data. */ get(type, notUTF8=false) { if (typeof type === "string") { type = Dish.typeEnum(type); } if (this.type !== type) { this._translate(type, notUTF8); } return this.value; } /** * alias for get * @param args see get args */ to(...args) { return this.get(...args); } /** * Avoid coercion to a String primitive. */ toString() { return this.get(Dish.typeEnum("string")); } /** * Log only the value to the console in node. */ inspect() { return this.get(Dish.typeEnum("string")); } /** * Avoid coercion to a Number primitive. */ valueOf() { return this.get(Dish.typeEnum("number")); } /** * Synchronously translates the data to the given type format. * * @param {number} toType - The data type of value, see Dish enums. * @param {boolean} [notUTF8=false] - Do not treat strings as UTF8. */ _translate(toType, notUTF8=false) { log.debug(`Translating Dish from ${Dish.enumLookup(this.type)} to ${Dish.enumLookup(toType)}`); const byteArrayToStr = notUTF8 ? Utils.byteArrayToChars : Utils.byteArrayToUtf8; // Convert data to intermediate byteArray type switch (this.type) { case Dish.STRING: this.value = this.value ? Utils.strToByteArray(this.value) : []; break; case Dish.NUMBER: this.value = typeof this.value === "number" ? Utils.strToByteArray(this.value.toString()) : []; break; case Dish.HTML: this.value = this.value ? Utils.strToByteArray(Utils.unescapeHtml(Utils.stripHtmlTags(this.value, true))) : []; break; case Dish.ARRAY_BUFFER: // Array.from() would be nicer here, but it's slightly slower this.value = Array.prototype.slice.call(new Uint8Array(this.value)); break; case Dish.BIG_NUMBER: this.value = this.value instanceof BigNumber ? Utils.strToByteArray(this.value.toFixed()) : []; break; case Dish.JSON: this.value = this.value ? Utils.strToByteArray(JSON.stringify(this.value)) : []; break; // case Dish.FILE: // this.value = Utils.readFileSync(this.value); // this.value = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.value); // break; // case Dish.LIST_FILE: // this.value = this.value.map(f => Utils.readFileSync(f)); // this.value = this.value.map(b => Array.prototype.slice.call(b)); // this.value = [].concat.apply([], this.value); // break; default: break; } this.type = Dish.BYTE_ARRAY; // Convert from byteArray to toType switch (toType) { case Dish.STRING: case Dish.HTML: this.value = this.value ? byteArrayToStr(this.value) : ""; this.type = Dish.STRING; break; case Dish.NUMBER: this.value = this.value ? parseFloat(byteArrayToStr(this.value)) : 0; this.type = Dish.NUMBER; break; case Dish.ARRAY_BUFFER: this.value = new Uint8Array(this.value).buffer; this.type = Dish.ARRAY_BUFFER; break; case Dish.BIG_NUMBER: try { this.value = new BigNumber(byteArrayToStr(this.value)); } catch (err) { this.value = new BigNumber(NaN); } this.type = Dish.BIG_NUMBER; break; case Dish.JSON: this.value = JSON.parse(byteArrayToStr(this.value)); this.type = Dish.JSON; break; // case Dish.FILE: // this.value = new File(this.value, "unknown"); // break; // case Dish.LIST_FILE: // this.value = [new File(this.value, "unknown")]; // this.type = Dish.LIST_FILE; // break; default: break; } } } export default SyncDish;