
133 lines
3.8 KiB

* @author n1474335 []
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation.mjs";
import Utils from "../Utils.mjs";
import OperationError from "../errors/OperationError.mjs";
* Frequency distribution operation
class FrequencyDistribution extends Operation {
* FrequencyDistribution constructor
constructor() {
super(); = "Frequency distribution";
this.module = "Default";
this.description = "Displays the distribution of bytes in the data as a graph.";
this.infoURL = "";
this.inputType = "ArrayBuffer";
this.outputType = "json";
this.presentType = "html";
this.args = [
"name": "Show 0%s",
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
"name": "Show ASCII",
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
* @param {ArrayBuffer} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {json}
run(input, args) {
const data = new Uint8Array(input);
if (!data.length) throw new OperationError("No data");
const distrib = new Array(256).fill(0),
percentages = new Array(256),
len = data.length;
let i;
// Count bytes
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Calculate percentages
let repr = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (distrib[i] > 0) repr++;
percentages[i] = distrib[i] / len * 100;
return {
"dataLength": len,
"percentages": percentages,
"distribution": distrib,
"bytesRepresented": repr
* Displays the frequency distribution as a bar chart for web apps.
* @param {json} freq
* @returns {html}
present(freq, args) {
const [showZeroes, showAscii] = args;
// Print
let output = `<canvas id='chart-area'></canvas><br>
Total data length: ${freq.dataLength}
Number of bytes represented: ${freq.bytesRepresented}
Number of bytes not represented: ${256 - freq.bytesRepresented}
var canvas = document.getElementById("chart-area"),
parentRect = canvas.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
scores = ${JSON.stringify(freq.percentages)};
canvas.width = parentRect.width * 0.95;
canvas.height = parentRect.height * 0.9;
CanvasComponents.drawBarChart(canvas, scores, "Byte", "Frequency %", 16, 6);
<table class="table table-hover table-sm">
<tr><th>Byte</th>${showAscii ? "<th>ASCII</th>" : ""}<th>Percentage</th><th></th></tr>`;
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (freq.distribution[i] || showZeroes) {
let c = "";
if (showAscii) {
if (i <= 32) {
c = String.fromCharCode(0x2400 + i);
} else if (i === 127) {
c = String.fromCharCode(0x2421);
} else {
c = String.fromCharCode(i);
const bite = `<td>${Utils.hex(i, 2)}</td>`,
ascii = showAscii ? `<td>${c}</td>` : "",
percentage = `<td>${(freq.percentages[i].toFixed(2).replace(".00", "") + "%").padEnd(8, " ")}</td>`,
bars = `<td>${Array(Math.ceil(freq.percentages[i])+1).join("|")}</td>`;
output += `<tr>${bite}${ascii}${percentage}${bars}</tr>`;
output += "</table>";
return output;
export default FrequencyDistribution;