
245 lines
7.8 KiB

* @author n1474335 []
* @author Phillip Nordwall []
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @license Apache-2.0
import JSON5 from "json5";
import OperationError from "../errors/OperationError.mjs";
import Operation from "../Operation.mjs";
import Utils from "../Utils.mjs";
* JSON Beautify operation
class JSONBeautify extends Operation {
* JSONBeautify constructor
constructor() {
super(); = "JSON Beautify";
this.module = "Code";
this.description = "Indents and pretty prints JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) code.<br><br>Tags: json viewer, prettify, syntax highlighting";
this.inputType = "string";
this.outputType = "string";
this.presentType = "html";
this.args = [
name: "Indent string",
type: "binaryShortString",
value: " "
name: "Sort Object Keys",
type: "boolean",
value: false
name: "Formatted",
type: "boolean",
value: true
* @param {string} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {string}
run(input, args) {
if (!input) return "";
const [indentStr, sortBool] = args;
let json = null;
try {
json = JSON5.parse(input);
} catch (err) {
throw new OperationError("Unable to parse input as JSON.\n" + err);
if (sortBool) json = sortKeys(json);
return JSON.stringify(json, null, indentStr);
* Adds various dynamic features to the JSON blob
* @param {string} data
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {html}
present(data, args) {
const formatted = args[2];
if (!formatted) return Utils.escapeHtml(data);
const json = JSON5.parse(data);
const options = {
withLinks: true,
bigNumbers: true
let html = '<div class="json-document">';
if (isCollapsable(json)) {
const isArr = json instanceof Array;
html += '<details open class="json-details">' +
`<summary class="json-summary ${isArr ? "json-arr" : "json-obj"}"></summary>` +
json2html(json, options) +
} else {
html += json2html(json, options);
html += "</div>";
return html;
* Sort keys in a JSON object
* @author Phillip Nordwall []
* @param {object} o
* @returns {object}
function sortKeys(o) {
if (Array.isArray(o)) {
} else if ("[object Object]" === {
return Object.keys(o).sort().reduce(function(a, k) {
a[k] = sortKeys(o[k]);
return a;
}, {});
return o;
* Check if arg is either an array with at least 1 element, or a dict with at least 1 key
* @returns {boolean}
function isCollapsable(arg) {
return arg instanceof Object && Object.keys(arg).length > 0;
* Check if a string looks like a URL, based on protocol
* @returns {boolean}
function isUrl(string) {
const protocols = ["http", "https", "ftp", "ftps"];
for (let i = 0; i < protocols.length; i++) {
if (string.startsWith(protocols[i] + "://")) {
return true;
return false;
* Transform a json object into html representation
* Adapted for CyberChef by @n1474335 from jQuery json-viewer
* @author Alexandre Bodelot <>
* @link
* @license MIT
* @returns {string}
function json2html(json, options) {
let html = "";
if (typeof json === "string") {
// Escape tags and quotes
json = Utils.escapeHtml(json);
if (options.withLinks && isUrl(json)) {
html += `<a href="${json}" class="json-string" target="_blank">${json}</a>`;
} else {
// Escape double quotes in the rendered non-URL string.
json = json.replace(/&quot;/g, "\\&quot;");
html += `<span class="json-string">"${json}"</span>`;
} else if (typeof json === "number" || typeof json === "bigint") {
html += `<span class="json-literal">${json}</span>`;
} else if (typeof json === "boolean") {
html += `<span class="json-literal">${json}</span>`;
} else if (json === null) {
html += '<span class="json-literal">null</span>';
} else if (json instanceof Array) {
if (json.length > 0) {
html += '<span class="json-bracket">[</span><ol class="json-array">';
for (let i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
html += "<li>";
// Add toggle button if item is collapsable
if (isCollapsable(json[i])) {
const isArr = json[i] instanceof Array;
html += '<details open class="json-details">' +
`<summary class="json-summary ${isArr ? "json-arr" : "json-obj"}"></summary>` +
json2html(json[i], options) +
} else {
html += json2html(json[i], options);
// Add comma if item is not last
if (i < json.length - 1) {
html += '<span class="json-comma">,</span>';
html += "</li>";
html += '</ol><span class="json-bracket">]</span>';
} else {
html += '<span class="json-bracket">[]</span>';
} else if (typeof json === "object") {
// Optional support different libraries for big numbers
// json.isLosslessNumber: package lossless-json
// json.toExponential(): packages bignumber.js, big.js, decimal.js, decimal.js-light, others?
if (options.bigNumbers && (typeof json.toExponential === "function" || json.isLosslessNumber)) {
html += `<span class="json-literal">${json.toString()}</span>`;
} else {
let keyCount = Object.keys(json).length;
if (keyCount > 0) {
html += '<span class="json-brace">{</span><ul class="json-dict">';
for (const key in json) {
if (, key)) {
const safeKey = Utils.escapeHtml(key);
html += "<li>";
// Add toggle button if item is collapsable
if (isCollapsable(json[key])) {
const isArr = json[key] instanceof Array;
html += '<details open class="json-details">' +
`<summary class="json-summary ${isArr ? "json-arr" : "json-obj"}">${safeKey}<span class="json-colon">:</span> </summary>` +
json2html(json[key], options) +
} else {
html += safeKey + '<span class="json-colon">:</span> ' + json2html(json[key], options);
// Add comma if item is not last
if (--keyCount > 0) {
html += '<span class="json-comma">,</span>';
html += "</li>";
html += '</ul><span class="json-brace">}</span>';
} else {
html += '<span class="json-brace">{}</span>';
return html;
export default JSONBeautify;