2019-10-16 15:38:20 +01:00

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* File type functions
* @author n1474335 []
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2018
* @license Apache-2.0
import {FILE_SIGNATURES} from "./FileSignatures.mjs";
import {sendStatusMessage} from "../Utils.mjs";
* Checks whether a signature matches a buffer.
* @param {Object|Object[]} sig - A dictionary of offsets with values assigned to them.
* These values can be numbers for static checks, arrays of potential valid matches,
* or bespoke functions to check the validity of the buffer value at that offset.
* @param {Uint8Array} buf
* @param {number} [offset=0] Where in the buffer to start searching from
* @returns {boolean}
function signatureMatches(sig, buf, offset=0) {
// Using a length check seems to be more performant than `sig instanceof Array`
if (sig.length) {
// sig is an Array - return true if any of them match
// The following `reduce` method is nice, but performance matters here, so we
// opt for a faster, if less elegant, for loop.
// return sig.reduce((acc, s) => acc || bytesMatch(s, buf, offset), false);
for (let i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
if (bytesMatch(sig[i], buf, offset)) return true;
return false;
} else {
return bytesMatch(sig, buf, offset);
* Checks whether a set of bytes match the given buffer.
* @param {Object} sig - A dictionary of offsets with values assigned to them.
* These values can be numbers for static checks, arrays of potential valid matches,
* or bespoke functions to check the validity of the buffer value at that offset.
* @param {Uint8Array} buf
* @param {number} [offset=0] Where in the buffer to start searching from
* @returns {boolean}
function bytesMatch(sig, buf, offset=0) {
for (const sigoffset in sig) {
const pos = parseInt(sigoffset, 10) + offset;
switch (typeof sig[sigoffset]) {
case "number": // Static check
if (buf[pos] !== sig[sigoffset])
return false;
case "object": // Array of options
if (sig[sigoffset].indexOf(buf[pos]) < 0)
return false;
case "function": // More complex calculation
if (!sig[sigoffset](buf[pos]))
return false;
throw new Error(`Unrecognised signature type at offset ${sigoffset}`);
return true;
* Given a buffer, detects magic byte sequences at specific positions and returns the
* extension and mime type.
* @param {Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} buf
* @param {string[]} [categories=All] - Which categories of file to look for
* @returns {Object[]} types
* @returns {string} - Name of file type
* @returns {string} type.ext - File extension
* @returns {string} type.mime - Mime type
* @returns {string} [type.desc] - Description
export function detectFileType(buf, categories=Object.keys(FILE_SIGNATURES)) {
if (buf instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
buf = new Uint8Array(buf);
if (!(buf && buf.length > 1)) {
return [];
const matchingFiles = [];
const signatures = {};
for (const cat in FILE_SIGNATURES) {
if (categories.includes(cat)) {
signatures[cat] = FILE_SIGNATURES[cat];
for (const cat in signatures) {
const category = signatures[cat];
category.forEach(filetype => {
if (signatureMatches(filetype.signature, buf)) {
return matchingFiles;
* Given a buffer, searches for magic byte sequences at all possible positions and returns
* the extensions and mime types.
* @param {Uint8Array} buf
* @param {string[]} [categories=All] - Which categories of file to look for
* @returns {Object[]} foundFiles
* @returns {number} foundFiles.offset - The position in the buffer at which this file was found
* @returns {Object} foundFiles.fileDetails
* @returns {string} - Name of file type
* @returns {string} foundFiles.fileDetails.ext - File extension
* @returns {string} foundFiles.fileDetails.mime - Mime type
* @returns {string} [foundFiles.fileDetails.desc] - Description
export function scanForFileTypes(buf, categories=Object.keys(FILE_SIGNATURES)) {
if (!(buf && buf.length > 1)) {
return [];
const foundFiles = [];
const signatures = {};
for (const cat in FILE_SIGNATURES) {
if (categories.includes(cat)) {
signatures[cat] = FILE_SIGNATURES[cat];
for (const cat in signatures) {
const category = signatures[cat];
for (let i = 0; i < category.length; i++) {
const filetype = category[i];
const sigs = filetype.signature.length ? filetype.signature : [filetype.signature];
sigs.forEach(sig => {
let pos = 0;
while ((pos = locatePotentialSig(buf, sig, pos)) >= 0) {
if (bytesMatch(sig, buf, pos)) {
sendStatusMessage(`Found potential signature for ${} at pos ${pos}`);
offset: pos,
fileDetails: filetype
// Return found files in order of increasing offset
return foundFiles.sort((a, b) => {
return a.offset - b.offset;
* Fastcheck function to quickly scan the buffer for the first byte in a signature.
* @param {Uint8Array} buf - The buffer to search
* @param {Object} sig - A single signature object (Not an array of signatures)
* @param {number} offset - Where to start search from
* @returns {number} The position of the match or -1 if one cannot be found.
function locatePotentialSig(buf, sig, offset) {
// Find values for first key and value in sig
const k = parseInt(Object.keys(sig)[0], 10);
const v = Object.values(sig)[0];
switch (typeof v) {
case "number":
return buf.indexOf(v, offset + k) - k;
case "object":
for (let i = offset + k; i < buf.length; i++) {
if (v.indexOf(buf[i]) >= 0) return i - k;
return -1;
case "function":
for (let i = offset + k; i < buf.length; i++) {
if (v(buf[i])) return i - k;
return -1;
throw new Error("Unrecognised signature type");
* Detects whether the given buffer is a file of the type specified.
* @param {string|RegExp} type
* @param {Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} buf
* @returns {string|false} The mime type or false if the type does not match
export function isType(type, buf) {
const types = detectFileType(buf);
if (!(types && types.length)) return false;
if (typeof type === "string") {
return types.reduce((acc, t) => {
const mime = t.mime.startsWith(type) ? t.mime : false;
return acc || mime;
}, false);
} else if (type instanceof RegExp) {
return types.reduce((acc, t) => {
const mime = type.test(t.mime) ? t.mime : false;
return acc || mime;
}, false);
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid type input.");
* Detects whether the given buffer contains an image file.
* @param {Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} buf
* @returns {string|false} The mime type or false if the type does not match
export function isImage(buf) {
return isType("image", buf);
* Attempts to extract a file from a data stream given its offset and extractor function.
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
* @param {Object} fileDetail
* @param {string} fileDetail.mime
* @param {string} fileDetail.extension
* @param {Function} fileDetail.extractor
* @param {number} offset
* @returns {File}
export function extractFile(bytes, fileDetail, offset) {
if (fileDetail.extractor) {
sendStatusMessage(`Attempting to extract ${} at pos ${offset}...`);
const fileData = fileDetail.extractor(bytes, offset);
const ext = fileDetail.extension.split(",")[0];
return new File([fileData], `extracted_at_0x${offset.toString(16)}.${ext}`, {
type: fileDetail.mime
throw new Error(`No extraction algorithm available for "${fileDetail.mime}" files`);