Populate dish API

d98762625 2018-09-21 12:32:37 +01:00
parent c20645e1d8
commit 5d50b90bbd
1 changed files with 198 additions and 21 deletions

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ chef.toMorseCode("hello").toString();
// => .... . .-.. .-.. ---
Or you can import individual operationsm, benefitting from tree-shaking:
Or you can import individual operations:
import {toMorseCode} from "CyberChef";
@ -163,15 +163,23 @@ Operation arguments are the second argument in an operation call. The best way t
Some operation arguments have default values. Some, for example `AESEncrypt`, will not work without specifying some argument.
##### Number and String arguments
##### Number, String, binaryString and boolean arguments
Declare these arguments as key value pairs, where the key is the argument name.
Example: `toGeoHash`
Example: `toGeoHash` (Number)
chef.toGeoHash("37.8324,112.5584", {
precision: 10,
Example: `toBase32` (binaryString)
chef.toBase32("diamond", {
alphabet: "A-Z",
##### Option arguments
These are arguments represented as dropdowns in the UI. Here the string value must be an exact match for the option string.
@ -182,7 +190,7 @@ chef.toDecimal("Hello", {
##### toggleString arguments (name???)
##### toggleString arguments
ToggleStrings are arguments where there is a value and an option in one argument. For example, the `ADD` operation has a `key` argument where you can also select the encoding for the key.
Example: `ADD` with default encoding
@ -203,17 +211,8 @@ chef.ADD("abc", {
##### binaryString arguments (any different??)
##### boolean args (same??)
#### Operation return type
Operations return a `Dish` type. `Dish` has some functions and behaviours that make it easy to use. Most of the time you can ignore this and treat it as a string or a number.
Operations return a [`Dish`](#the-dish-type) type. [`Dish`](#the-dish-type) has some functions and behaviours that make it easy to use. Most of the time you can ignore this and treat it as a string or a number.
Logging to the console, string coercion and number coercion work as you would expect:
@ -237,6 +236,8 @@ dropBytes("I'd love a byte").value
// => ArrayBuffer { byteLength: 8 }
Calling `toString` will give a string representation of the result.
[See more about `Dish` here.](#the-dish-type)
#### Compose operations
@ -353,17 +354,62 @@ dish.toBase32().toString(); // => NBSWY3DP
For more information on `Dish`, see the [`Dish` API](#Dish) below
#### `Dish` coercion
Dish will coerce to a String or an Int where appropriate.
Dish will coerce to a String or an Number where appropriate.
#### `Dish` examples
// Dish constructor
Empty Dish contructor
const dish = new Dish();
dish.value; // => []
dish.type; // => 0 (byteArray)
// Operaiton on dish that has byteArray value. Show use of toString
Dish with type implied from input
const dish = new Dish("input");
dish.value; // => "input"
dish.type; // => 1 (string)
// use of number coercion
Dish with explicit type declaration
const dish = new Dish(2, "number");
dish.value; // => 2
dish.type; // => 2 (number)
// operation chaining.
Dish will not perform coercion on construction
const dish = new Dish("2", "number");
// Data is not a valid number: "2"
Coerce dish value to another type
const dish = new Dish("42");
dish.type; // => 1
dish.get("number") // => 42
dish.type; // => 2
Dish values get coerced to String on `console.log` or `toString`
const result = chef.ADD("some input", {
key: "65 66 67 68",
// ADD output type is byteArray.
result.value // => [ 216, 213, 212, 205, 133, 207, 213, 216, 218, 218 ]
console.log(result); /* => ØÕÔͅÏÕØÚÚ */
result.toString(); /* => ØÕÔͅÏÕØÚÚ */
Perform operations straight off a Dish:
const result = new Dish("Yum").toBinary();
result.value; // => 01011001 01110101 01101101
result.type; // => 1 (string)
#### `Dish` types
The types for `Dish` are:
@ -413,7 +459,7 @@ chef.help("md5")
### `chef.dish`
### `chef.Dish`
Class which is used to return operation results, or instantiate your own for operation composition
Also exposed as a top level export `Dish`.
@ -424,7 +470,7 @@ Also exposed as a top level export `Dish`.
|`type=null`|`String`|The type that you want the input coerced to.|
#### Example:
const dish = new chef.dish("hello");
const dish = new chef.Dish("hello");
dish.value; // "hello"
dish.type; // 1, signifying string type enum.
@ -482,6 +528,137 @@ chef.bake("Apple pie", [
## `Dish`
### static `typeEnum`
Map from string representation of type to the type enum.
#### Arguments
|typeStr|String|String representation of type|
#### Returns
|Number|The type enum for the string.
#### Example
0 === Dish.typeEnum("bytearray"); // => true
### static `enumLookup`
Get string representation of Dish type enum.
#### Arguments
|typeEnum|Number|Dish type enum|
#### Returns
|String|The string representation of the Dish type enum.
#### Example
"JSON" === Dish.enumLookup(Dish.JSON); // => true
### Constructor
Construct a new Dish.
#### Arguments:
|inputOrDish|any or `Dish` instance|The input for the recipe. Input a Dish to clone it. Accepts object of shape `{input: "a", value: "b"}` or just input.|
|type|String or Number|type enum or string representation of type.
#### Examples:
// Empty Dish constructor
const dish = new Dish();
// String type dish (implied)
const dish = new Dish("some input");
// Number type dish (explicit)
const dish = new Dish(460, "number");
// Dish from another dish. Clones it.
const secondDish = new Dish(dish);
### `dish.get` or `dish.to`
Coerce the dish to a different type.
#### Arguments
|type|String or Number|Type enum or string representation of type to convert to|
#### Returns
|any|The value of the dish in after being coerced to the new type.
#### Examples
const dish = new Dish("360");
dish.type; // => 1 (string)
const asNumber = dish.get("number");
asNumber; // => 360
dish.type; // => 2 (number)
### `toString`
Coerce the current dish to a string value. Calls `get(1)` on the dish.
### `dish.set`
Sets the data value and type and then validates them.
#### Arguments
|value|*|new dish value|
|type|String or Number| The data type of value. See Dish enums.
#### Example
const dish = new Dish()
dish.set("this is the value", "string"); // ok
dish.set("this has invalid type", "number") // throws Error.
### `dish.valid`
#### Returns
|boolean|whether the current dish config is valid.
### `dish.size`
Calculate the size of the dish.
#### Returns
|Number|A representation of the size of the dish value. Calculated in different ways depending on the type.
### `dish.clone`
Clone the dish.
#### Returns
|Dish|The cloned dish.
// TODO document dish enums