import uuid from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from io import BytesIO from mailbox import Message from typing import Optional, Union from app import s3 from app.config import ( ALERT_COMPLAINT_REPLY_PHASE, ALERT_COMPLAINT_TRANSACTIONAL_PHASE, ALERT_COMPLAINT_FORWARD_PHASE, ) from import headers from app.email_utils import ( parse_full_address, save_email_for_debugging, to_bytes, render, send_email_with_rate_control, parse_address_list, get_header_unicode, get_verp_info_from_email, ) from app.log import LOG from app.models import ( User, Alias, DeletedAlias, DomainDeletedAlias, Contact, ProviderComplaint, Phase, ProviderComplaintState, RefusedEmail, VerpType, EmailLog, Mailbox, ) @dataclass class OriginalMessageInformation: sender_address: str rcpt_address: str mailbox_address: Optional[str] class ProviderComplaintOrigin(ABC): @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_original_addresses( cls, message: Message ) -> Optional[OriginalMessageInformation]: pass @classmethod def _get_mailbox_id(cls, return_path: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Mailbox]: if not return_path: return None _, return_path = parse_full_address(get_header_unicode(return_path)) verp_data = get_verp_info_from_email(return_path) if not verp_data: return None verp_type, email_log_id = verp_data if verp_type == VerpType.transactional: return None email_log = EmailLog.get_by(id=email_log_id) if email_log: return return None @classmethod def sanitize_addresses_and_extract_mailbox_id( cls, rcpt_header: Optional[str], message: Message ) -> Optional[OriginalMessageInformation]: """ If the rcpt_header is not None, use it as the valid rcpt address, otherwise try to extract it from the To header of the original message, since in the original message there can be more than one recipients. There can only be one sender so that one can safely be extracted from the message headers. """ try: if not rcpt_header: rcpt_header = message[headers.TO] rcpt_list = parse_address_list(get_header_unicode(rcpt_header)) if not rcpt_list: saved_file = save_email_for_debugging(message, "NoRecipientComplaint") LOG.w(f"Cannot find rcpt. Saved to {saved_file or 'nowhere'}") return None rcpt_address = rcpt_list[0][1] _, sender_address = parse_full_address( get_header_unicode(message[headers.FROM]) ) return OriginalMessageInformation( sender_address, rcpt_address, cls._get_mailbox_id(message[headers.RETURN_PATH]), ) except ValueError: saved_file = save_email_for_debugging(message, "ComplaintOriginalAddress") LOG.w(f"Cannot parse from header. Saved to {saved_file or 'nowhere'}") return None @classmethod @abstractmethod def name(cls): pass class ProviderComplaintYahoo(ProviderComplaintOrigin): @classmethod def get_original_message(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[Message]: # 1st part is the container # 2nd has empty body # 6th is the original message current_part = 0 for part in message.walk(): current_part += 1 if current_part == 6: return part return None @classmethod def get_feedback_report(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[Message]: """ Find a report that yahoo embeds in the complaint. It has content type 'message/feedback-report' """ for part in message.walk(): if part["content-type"] == "message/feedback-report": content = part.get_payload() if not content: continue return content[0] return None @classmethod def get_original_addresses( cls, message: Message ) -> Optional[OriginalMessageInformation]: """ Try to get the proper recipient from the report that yahoo adds as a port of the complaint. If we cannot find the rcpt in the report or we can't find the report, use the first address in the original message from """ report = cls.get_feedback_report(message) original = cls.get_original_message(message) rcpt_header = report[headers.YAHOO_ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT] return cls.sanitize_addresses_and_extract_mailbox_id(rcpt_header, original) @classmethod def name(cls): return "yahoo" class ProviderComplaintHotmail(ProviderComplaintOrigin): @classmethod def get_original_message(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[Message]: # 1st part is the container # 2nd has empty body # 3rd is the original message current_part = 0 for part in message.walk(): current_part += 1 if current_part == 3: return part return None @classmethod def get_original_addresses( cls, message: Message ) -> Optional[OriginalMessageInformation]: """ Try to get the proper recipient from original x-simplelogin-envelope-to header we add on delivery. If we can't find the header, use the first address in the original message from""" original = cls.get_original_message(message) rcpt_header = original[headers.SL_ENVELOPE_TO] return cls.sanitize_addresses_and_extract_mailbox_id(rcpt_header, original) @classmethod def name(cls): return "hotmail" def handle_hotmail_complaint(message: Message) -> bool: return handle_complaint(message, ProviderComplaintHotmail()) def handle_yahoo_complaint(message: Message) -> bool: return handle_complaint(message, ProviderComplaintYahoo()) def find_alias_with_address(address: str) -> Optional[Union[Alias, DomainDeletedAlias]]: return Alias.get_by(email=address) or DomainDeletedAlias.get_by(email=address) def is_deleted_alias(address: str) -> bool: return DeletedAlias.get_by(email=address) is not None def handle_complaint(message: Message, origin: ProviderComplaintOrigin) -> bool: msg_info = origin.get_original_addresses(message) if not msg_info: return False user = User.get_by(email=msg_info.rcpt_address) if user: LOG.d(f"Handle provider {} complaint for {user}") report_complaint_to_user_in_transactional_phase(user, origin, msg_info) return True alias = find_alias_with_address(msg_info.sender_address) # the email is during a reply phase, from=alias and to=destination if alias: LOG.i( f"Complaint from {} during reply phase {alias} -> {msg_info.rcpt_address}, {user}" ) report_complaint_to_user_in_reply_phase( alias, msg_info.rcpt_address, origin, msg_info ) store_provider_complaint(alias, message) return True if is_deleted_alias(msg_info.sender_address): LOG.i("Complaint is for deleted alias. Do nothing") return True contact = Contact.get_by(reply_email=msg_info.sender_address) if contact: alias = contact.alias else: alias = find_alias_with_address(msg_info.rcpt_address) if is_deleted_alias(msg_info.rcpt_address): LOG.i("Complaint is for deleted alias. Do nothing") return True if not alias: LOG.e( f"Cannot find alias for address {msg_info.rcpt_address} or contact with reply {msg_info.sender_address}" ) return False report_complaint_to_user_in_forward_phase(alias, origin, msg_info) return True def report_complaint_to_user_in_reply_phase( alias: Union[Alias, DomainDeletedAlias], to_address: str, origin: ProviderComplaintOrigin, msg_info: OriginalMessageInformation, ): capitalized_name = mailbox_email = msg_info.mailbox_address if not mailbox_email: if type(alias) is Alias: mailbox_email = else: mailbox_email = alias.domain.mailboxes[0].email send_email_with_rate_control( alias.user, f"{ALERT_COMPLAINT_REPLY_PHASE}_{}", mailbox_email, f"Abuse report from {capitalized_name}", render( "transactional/provider-complaint-reply-phase.txt.jinja2", user=alias.user, alias=alias, destination=to_address, provider=capitalized_name, ), max_nb_alert=1, nb_day=7, ) def report_complaint_to_user_in_transactional_phase( user: User, origin: ProviderComplaintOrigin, msg_info: OriginalMessageInformation ): capitalized_name = send_email_with_rate_control( user, f"{ALERT_COMPLAINT_TRANSACTIONAL_PHASE}_{}", msg_info.mailbox_address or, f"Abuse report from {capitalized_name}", render( "transactional/provider-complaint-to-user.txt.jinja2", user=user, provider=capitalized_name, ), render( "transactional/provider-complaint-to-user.html", user=user, provider=capitalized_name, ), max_nb_alert=1, nb_day=7, ) def report_complaint_to_user_in_forward_phase( alias: Union[Alias, DomainDeletedAlias], origin: ProviderComplaintOrigin, msg_info: OriginalMessageInformation, ): capitalized_name = user = alias.user mailbox_email = msg_info.mailbox_address if not mailbox_email: if type(alias) is Alias: mailbox_email = else: mailbox_email = alias.domain.mailboxes[0].email send_email_with_rate_control( user, f"{ALERT_COMPLAINT_FORWARD_PHASE}_{}", mailbox_email, f"Abuse report from {capitalized_name}", render( "transactional/provider-complaint-forward-phase.txt.jinja2", user=user, email=mailbox_email, provider=capitalized_name, ), render( "transactional/provider-complaint-forward-phase.html", user=user, email=mailbox_email, provider=capitalized_name, ), max_nb_alert=1, nb_day=7, ) def store_provider_complaint(alias, message): email_name = f"reply-{uuid.uuid4().hex}.eml" full_report_path = f"provider_complaint/{email_name}" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio( full_report_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(message)), email_name ) refused_email = RefusedEmail.create( full_report_path=full_report_path, user_id=alias.user_id, path=email_name, commit=True, ) ProviderComplaint.create( user_id=alias.user_id,, phase=Phase.reply.value,, commit=True, )