{% extends "default.html" %} {% set active_page = "custom_domain" %} {% block title %}Custom Domains{% endblock %} {% block head %}{% endblock %} {% block default_content %}

Custom Domains

{% if not current_user.is_premium() %} {% endif %}
{% for custom_domain in custom_domains %}
{{ custom_domain.domain }} {% if custom_domain.ownership_verified and not custom_domain.verified %} Ownership verified. Setup the DNS {% elif custom_domain.ownership_verified and custom_domain.verified %} Domain ready {% else %} Verify domain ownership {% endif %}
Created {{ custom_domain.created_at | dt }}
{{ custom_domain.nb_alias() }} aliases.
Details ➡
{% endfor %}
{{ new_custom_domain_form.csrf_token }}

New Domain

{{ new_custom_domain_form.domain(class="form-control", placeholder="my-domain.com", maxlength=128) }} {{ render_field_errors(new_custom_domain_form.domain) }}
Please use full path domain, for example my-domain.com or my-subdomain.my-domain.com if you are using a subdomain.
{% endblock %}