import asyncio import time from email.message import Message import aiospamc from app.config import SPAMASSASSIN_HOST from app.email_utils import to_bytes from app.log import LOG from app.models import EmailLog from app.spamassassin_utils import SpamAssassin async def get_spam_score_async(message: Message) -> float: sa_input = to_bytes(message) # Spamassassin requires to have an ending linebreak if not sa_input.endswith(b"\n"): LOG.d("add linebreak to spamassassin input") sa_input += b"\n" try: # wait for at max 300s which is the default spamd timeout-child response = await asyncio.wait_for( aiospamc.check(sa_input, host=SPAMASSASSIN_HOST), timeout=300 ) return response.headers["Spam"].score except asyncio.TimeoutError: LOG.e("SpamAssassin timeout") # return a negative score so the message is always considered as ham return -999 except Exception: LOG.e("SpamAssassin exception") return -999 def get_spam_score( message: Message, email_log: EmailLog, can_retry=True ) -> (float, dict): """ Return the spam score and spam report """ LOG.d("get spam score for %s", email_log) sa_input = to_bytes(message) # Spamassassin requires to have an ending linebreak if not sa_input.endswith(b"\n"): LOG.d("add linebreak to spamassassin input") sa_input += b"\n" try: # wait for at max 300s which is the default spamd timeout-child sa = SpamAssassin(sa_input, host=SPAMASSASSIN_HOST, timeout=300) return sa.get_score(), sa.get_report_json() except Exception: if can_retry: LOG.w("SpamAssassin exception, retry") time.sleep(3) return get_spam_score(message, email_log, can_retry=False) else: # return a negative score so the message is always considered as ham LOG.exception("SpamAssassin exception, ignore spam check") return -999, None