from app.db import Session """ List of apps that user has used via the "Sign in with SimpleLogin" """ from flask import render_template, request, flash, redirect from flask_login import login_required, current_user from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from app.dashboard.base import dashboard_bp from app.models import ( ClientUser, ) @dashboard_bp.route("/app", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def app_route(): client_users = ( ClientUser.filter_by( .options(joinedload(ClientUser.client)) .options(joinedload(ClientUser.alias)) .all() ) sorted(client_users, key=lambda cu: if request.method == "POST": client_user_id = request.form.get("client-user-id") client_user = ClientUser.get(client_user_id) if not client_user or client_user.user_id != flash( "Unknown error, sorry for the inconvenience, refresh the page", "error" ) return redirect(request.url) client = client_user.client ClientUser.delete(client_user_id) Session.commit() flash(f"Link with {} has been removed", "success") return redirect(request.url) return render_template( "dashboard/app.html", client_users=client_users, )