{% extends "default.html" %} {% set active_page = "dashboard" %} {% block title %}Alias Contact Manager{% endblock %} {% block default_content %}

{{ alias.email }} contacts

{% if can_create_contacts %}
{{ new_contact_form.csrf_token }} {{ new_contact_form.email(class="form-control", placeholder="First Last ", autofocus=True) }} {{ render_field_errors(new_contact_form.email) }}
Where do you want to send the email?
{% if can_create_contacts %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ csrf_form.csrf_token }}
{% if query %} {% if highlight_contact_id %} Reset {% else %} Reset {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% for contact_info in contact_infos %} {% set contact = contact_info.contact %}
{{ contact.website_email }} {% if contact.pgp_finger_print %} 🗝 {% endif %}
************************* Copy reverse-alias
{% if contact_info.latest_email_log != None %} {% set email_log = contact_info.latest_email_log %} {% if email_log.is_reply %} {{ email_log.created_at | dt }} {% elif email_log.bounced %} {{ email_log.created_at | dt }} {% elif email_log.blocked %} {{ email_log.created_at | dt }} {% else %} {{ email_log.created_at | dt }} {% endif %}
Contact created {{ contact.created_at | dt }} {% else %} No Activity in the last 14 days. Contact created {{ contact.created_at | dt }} {% endif %}
{{ contact_info.nb_forward }} forwarded, {{ contact_info.nb_reply }} sent in the last 14 days.
Edit ➡
{{ csrf_form.csrf_token }} Delete
{% endfor %}
{% if nb_contact > PAGE_LIMIT or page > 0 %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}