from app.db import Session from app.db import Session from time import sleep import flask_migrate from IPython import embed from sqlalchemy_utils import create_database, database_exists, drop_database from app.config import DB_URI from app.email_utils import send_email, render from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG from app.models import ( User, Mailbox, ) from job_runner import ( onboarding_pgp, onboarding_browser_extension, onboarding_mailbox, onboarding_send_from_alias, ) from server import create_app def create_db(): if not database_exists(DB_URI): LOG.d("db not exist, create database") create_database(DB_URI) # Create all tables # Use flask-migrate instead of db.create_all() flask_migrate.upgrade() def change_password(user_id, new_password): user = User.get(user_id) user.set_password(new_password) Session.commit() def reset_db(): if database_exists(DB_URI): drop_database(DB_URI) create_db() def send_mailbox_newsletter(): for user in User.order_by( if user.notification and user.activated: try: LOG.d("Send newsletter to %s", user) send_email(, "Introducing Mailbox - our most requested feature", render("com/newsletter/mailbox.txt", user=user), render("com/newsletter/mailbox.html", user=user), ) sleep(1) except Exception: LOG.w("Cannot send to user %s", user) def send_pgp_newsletter(): for user in User.order_by( if user.notification and user.activated: try: LOG.d("Send PGP newsletter to %s", user) send_email(, "Introducing PGP - encrypt your emails so only you can read them", render("com/newsletter/pgp.txt", user=user), render("com/newsletter/pgp.html", user=user), ) sleep(1) except Exception: LOG.w("Cannot send to user %s", user) def send_mobile_newsletter(): count = 0 for user in User.order_by( if user.notification and user.activated: count += 1 try: LOG.d("#%s: send to %s", count, user) send_email(, "Mobile and Dark Mode", render("com/newsletter/mobile-darkmode.txt", user=user), render("com/newsletter/mobile-darkmode.html", user=user), ) except Exception: LOG.w("Cannot send to user %s", user) if count % 5 == 0: # sleep every 5 sends to avoid hitting email limits LOG.d("Sleep 1s") sleep(1) def disable_mailbox(mailbox_id): """disable a mailbox and all of its aliases""" mailbox = Mailbox.get(mailbox_id) mailbox.verified = False for alias in mailbox.aliases: alias.enabled = False Session.commit() email_msg = f"""Hi, Your mailbox {} cannot receive emails. To avoid forwarding emails to an invalid mailbox, we have disabled this mailbox along with all of its aliases. If this is a mistake, please reply to this email. Thanks, SimpleLogin team. """ try: send_email(, f"{} is disabled", email_msg, email_msg.replace("\n", "
"), ) except Exception: LOG.e("Cannot send disable mailbox email to %s", mailbox.user) def send_onboarding_emails(user): onboarding_send_from_alias(user) onboarding_mailbox(user) onboarding_browser_extension(user) onboarding_pgp(user) if __name__ == "__main__": # to test email template # with open("/tmp/email.html", "w") as f: # user = User.first() # f.write( # render( # "transactional/reset-password.html", #, # user=user, #, # activation_link="", # alias="", # directory="dir", # domain="domain", # new_email="", # current_email="", # link="", # mailbox_email="", # sender="", # reset_password_link="http://reset_password_link", # ) # ) embed()