{% extends "default.html" %} {% set active_page = "dashboard" %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block title %}Alias{% endblock %} {% block default_content %}
All time
{{ stats.nb_alias }}
Last 14 days
{{ stats.nb_forward }}
Last 14 days
{{ stats.nb_reply }}
Last 14 days
{{ stats.nb_block }}
{{ csrf_form.csrf_token }}
{{ csrf_form.csrf_token }}
{{ csrf_form.csrf_token }}
{% if query or sort or filter %} Reset {% endif %}
{% for alias_info in alias_infos %} {% set alias = alias_info.alias %}
{{ alias.email }} {% if alias.automatic_creation %} {% endif %} {% if alias.pinned %} {% endif %} {% if alias.hibp_breaches | length > 0 %} {% endif %} {% if alias.custom_domain and not alias.custom_domain.verified %} {% endif %}
{% if alias_info.latest_email_log != None %} {% set email_log = alias_info.latest_email_log %} {% set contact = alias_info.latest_contact %} {% if email_log.is_reply %} {{ contact.website_email }} {{ email_log.created_at | dt }} {% elif email_log.bounced %} {{ contact.website_email }} {{ email_log.created_at | dt }} {% elif email_log.blocked %} {{ contact.website_email }} {{ email_log.created_at | dt }} {% else %} {{ contact.website_email }} {{ email_log.created_at | dt }} {% include 'partials/toggle_contact.html' %} {% endif %} {% else %} No emails received/sent in the last 14 days. Created {{ alias.created_at | dt }}. {% endif %}
Alias description (automatically saved when you click outside the field)
{% if not current_user.expand_alias_info %} {% endif %}
{% if alias_info.latest_email_log != None %}
Alias created {{ alias.created_at | dt }}
{% endif %} {{ alias_info.nb_forward }} forwarded, {{ alias_info.nb_blocked }} blocked, {{ alias_info.nb_reply }} sent in the last 14 days See All  → {% if mailboxes|length > 1 %}
Current mailbox
{% elif alias_info.mailbox != None and alias_info.mailbox.email != current_user.email %}
Owned by {{ alias_info.mailbox.email }} mailbox
{% endif %}
Display name (automatically saved when you click outside the field or press Enter)
{% if alias.mailbox_support_pgp() %}
{% endif %}
Pin this alias
{{ csrf_form.csrf_token }} Delete   
{% endfor %}
{% if page > 0 or not last_page %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}