from flask import request, session, redirect, flash, url_for from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session from app import s3 from app.auth.base import auth_bp from app.config import URL, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET from app.db import Session from app.log import LOG from app.models import User, File, SocialAuth from app.utils import random_string, sanitize_email from .login_utils import after_login _authorization_base_url = "" _token_url = "" _scope = [ "", "", "openid", ] # need to set explicitly redirect_uri instead of leaving the lib to pre-fill redirect_uri # when served behind nginx, the redirect_uri is localhost... and not the real url _redirect_uri = URL + "/auth/google/callback" @auth_bp.route("/google/login") def google_login(): # to avoid flask-login displaying the login error message session.pop("_flashes", None) next_url = request.args.get("next") # Google does not allow to append param to redirect_url # we need to pass the next url by session if next_url: session["google_next_url"] = next_url google = OAuth2Session(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, scope=_scope, redirect_uri=_redirect_uri) authorization_url, state = google.authorization_url(_authorization_base_url) # State is used to prevent CSRF, keep this for later. session["oauth_state"] = state return redirect(authorization_url) @auth_bp.route("/google/callback") def google_callback(): # user clicks on cancel if "error" in request.args: flash("please use another sign in method then", "warning") return redirect("/") google = OAuth2Session( GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, # some how Google Login fails with oauth_state KeyError # state=session["oauth_state"], scope=_scope, redirect_uri=_redirect_uri, ) google.fetch_token( _token_url, client_secret=GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, authorization_response=request.url, ) # Fetch a protected resource, i.e. user profile # { # "email": "", # "family_name": "First name", # "given_name": "Last name", # "id": "1234", # "locale": "en", # "name": "First Last", # "picture": "http://profile.jpg", # "verified_email": true # } google_user_data = google.get( "" ).json() email = sanitize_email(google_user_data["email"]) user = User.get_by(email=email) picture_url = google_user_data.get("picture") if user: if picture_url and not user.profile_picture_id: LOG.d("set user profile picture to %s", picture_url) file = create_file_from_url(user, picture_url) user.profile_picture_id = Session.commit() else: flash( "Sorry you cannot sign up via Google, please use email/password sign-up instead", "error", ) return redirect(url_for("auth.register")) next_url = None # The activation link contains the original page, for ex authorize page if "google_next_url" in session: next_url = session["google_next_url"] LOG.d("redirect user to %s", next_url) # reset the next_url to avoid user getting redirected at each login :) session.pop("google_next_url", None) if not SocialAuth.get_by(, social="google"): SocialAuth.create(, social="google") Session.commit() return after_login(user, next_url) def create_file_from_url(user, url) -> File: file_path = random_string(30) file = File.create(path=file_path, s3.upload_from_url(url, file_path) Session.flush() LOG.d("upload file %s to s3", file) return file