import base64 import email import enum import os import quopri import random import re from email.header import decode_header from email.message import Message from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import make_msgid, formatdate, parseaddr from smtplib import SMTP import arrow import dkim from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from validate_email import validate_email from app.config import ( SUPPORT_EMAIL, ROOT_DIR, POSTFIX_SERVER, NOT_SEND_EMAIL, DKIM_SELECTOR, DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY, DKIM_HEADERS, ALIAS_DOMAINS, SUPPORT_NAME, POSTFIX_SUBMISSION_TLS, MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN, DISPOSABLE_EMAIL_DOMAINS, MAX_ALERT_24H, POSTFIX_PORT, SENDER, URL, LANDING_PAGE_URL, EMAIL_DOMAIN, ) from app.dns_utils import get_mx_domains from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG from app.models import Mailbox, User, SentAlert, CustomDomain, SLDomain, Contact from app.utils import random_string, convert_to_id, convert_to_alphanumeric def render(template_name, **kwargs) -> str: templates_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "templates", "emails") env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir)) template = env.get_template(template_name) return template.render( MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN=MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN, URL=URL, LANDING_PAGE_URL=LANDING_PAGE_URL, **kwargs, ) def send_welcome_email(user): to_email, unsubscribe_link, via_email = user.get_communication_email() if not to_email: return # whether this email is sent to an alias alias = to_email if to_email != else None send_email( to_email, f"Welcome to SimpleLogin {}", render("com/welcome.txt",, user=user, alias=alias), render("com/welcome.html",, user=user, alias=alias), unsubscribe_link, via_email, ) def send_trial_end_soon_email(user): send_email(, f"Your trial will end soon {}", render("transactional/trial-end.txt",, user=user), render("transactional/trial-end.html",, user=user), ) def send_activation_email(email, name, activation_link): send_email( email, f"Just one more step to join SimpleLogin {name}", render( "transactional/activation.txt", name=name, activation_link=activation_link, email=email, ), render( "transactional/activation.html", name=name, activation_link=activation_link, email=email, ), ) def send_reset_password_email(email, name, reset_password_link): send_email( email, "Reset your password on SimpleLogin", render( "transactional/reset-password.txt", name=name, reset_password_link=reset_password_link, ), render( "transactional/reset-password.html", name=name, reset_password_link=reset_password_link, ), ) def send_change_email(new_email, current_email, name, link): send_email( new_email, "Confirm email update on SimpleLogin", render( "transactional/change-email.txt", name=name, link=link, new_email=new_email, current_email=current_email, ), render( "transactional/change-email.html", name=name, link=link, new_email=new_email, current_email=current_email, ), ) def send_test_email_alias(email, name): send_email( email, f"This email is sent to {email}", render("transactional/test-email.txt", name=name, alias=email), render("transactional/test-email.html", name=name, alias=email), ) def send_cannot_create_directory_alias(user, alias, directory): """when user cancels their subscription, they cannot create alias on the fly. If this happens, send them an email to notify """ send_email(, f"Alias {alias} cannot be created", render( "transactional/cannot-create-alias-directory.txt",, alias=alias, directory=directory, ), render( "transactional/cannot-create-alias-directory.html",, alias=alias, directory=directory, ), ) def send_cannot_create_domain_alias(user, alias, domain): """when user cancels their subscription, they cannot create alias on the fly with custom domain. If this happens, send them an email to notify """ send_email(, f"Alias {alias} cannot be created", render( "transactional/cannot-create-alias-domain.txt",, alias=alias, domain=domain, ), render( "transactional/cannot-create-alias-domain.html",, alias=alias, domain=domain, ), ) def send_email( to_email, subject, plaintext, html=None, unsubscribe_link=None, unsubscribe_via_email=False, ): if NOT_SEND_EMAIL: LOG.d( "send email with subject '%s' to '%s', plaintext: %s", subject, to_email, plaintext, ) return LOG.d("send email to %s, subject %s", to_email, subject) if POSTFIX_SUBMISSION_TLS: smtp = SMTP(POSTFIX_SERVER, 587) smtp.starttls() else: smtp = SMTP(POSTFIX_SERVER, POSTFIX_PORT or 25) msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative") msg.attach(MIMEText(plaintext, "text")) if not html: LOG.d("Use plaintext as html") html = plaintext.replace("\n", "
") msg.attach(MIMEText(html, "html")) msg["Subject"] = subject msg["From"] = f"{SUPPORT_NAME} <{SUPPORT_EMAIL}>" msg["To"] = to_email msg_id_header = make_msgid() msg["Message-ID"] = msg_id_header date_header = formatdate() msg["Date"] = date_header if unsubscribe_link: add_or_replace_header(msg, "List-Unsubscribe", f"<{unsubscribe_link}>") if not unsubscribe_via_email: add_or_replace_header( msg, "List-Unsubscribe-Post", "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click" ) # add DKIM email_domain = SUPPORT_EMAIL[SUPPORT_EMAIL.find("@") + 1 :] add_dkim_signature(msg, email_domain) msg_raw = to_bytes(msg) if SENDER: smtp.sendmail(SENDER, to_email, msg_raw) else: smtp.sendmail(SUPPORT_EMAIL, to_email, msg_raw) def send_email_with_rate_control( user: User, alert_type: str, to_email: str, subject, plaintext, html=None, max_nb_alert=MAX_ALERT_24H, nb_day=1, ) -> bool: """Same as send_email with rate control over alert_type. Make sure no more than `max_nb_alert` emails are sent over the period of `nb_day` days Return true if the email is sent, otherwise False """ to_email = to_email.lower().strip() min_dt = * nb_day) nb_alert = ( SentAlert.query.filter_by(alert_type=alert_type, to_email=to_email) .filter(SentAlert.created_at > min_dt) .count() ) if nb_alert >= max_nb_alert: LOG.warning( "%s emails were sent to %s in the last %s days, alert type %s", nb_alert, to_email, nb_day, alert_type, ) return False SentAlert.create(, alert_type=alert_type, to_email=to_email) db.session.commit() send_email(to_email, subject, plaintext, html) return True def send_email_at_most_times( user: User, alert_type: str, to_email: str, subject, plaintext, html=None, max_times=1, ) -> bool: """Same as send_email with rate control over alert_type. Sent at most `max_times` This is used to inform users about a warning. Return true if the email is sent, otherwise False """ to_email = to_email.lower().strip() nb_alert = SentAlert.query.filter_by( alert_type=alert_type, to_email=to_email ).count() if nb_alert >= max_times: LOG.warning( "%s emails were sent to %s alert type %s", nb_alert, to_email, alert_type, ) return False SentAlert.create(, alert_type=alert_type, to_email=to_email) db.session.commit() send_email(to_email, subject, plaintext, html) return True def get_email_local_part(address): """ Get the local part from email -> ab """ return address[: address.find("@")] def get_email_domain_part(address): """ Get the domain part from email -> """ return address[address.find("@") + 1 :].strip().lower() def add_dkim_signature(msg: Message, email_domain: str): delete_header(msg, "DKIM-Signature") # Specify headers in "byte" form # Generate message signature sig = dkim.sign( to_bytes(msg), DKIM_SELECTOR, email_domain.encode(), DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY.encode(), include_headers=DKIM_HEADERS, ) sig = sig.decode() # remove linebreaks from sig sig = sig.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", "") msg["DKIM-Signature"] = sig[len("DKIM-Signature: ") :] def add_or_replace_header(msg: Message, header: str, value: str): """ Remove all occurrences of `header` and add `header` with `value`. """ delete_header(msg, header) msg[header] = value def delete_header(msg: Message, header: str): """a header can appear several times in message.""" # inspired from for i in reversed(range(len(msg._headers))): header_name = msg._headers[i][0].lower() if header_name == header.lower(): del msg._headers[i] def delete_all_headers_except(msg: Message, headers: [str]): headers = [h.lower() for h in headers] for i in reversed(range(len(msg._headers))): header_name = msg._headers[i][0].lower() if header_name not in headers: del msg._headers[i] def can_create_directory_for_address(address: str) -> bool: """return True if an email ends with one of the alias domains provided by SimpleLogin""" # not allow creating directory with premium domain for domain in ALIAS_DOMAINS: if address.endswith("@" + domain): return True return False def is_valid_alias_address_domain(address) -> bool: """Return whether an address domain might a domain handled by SimpleLogin""" domain = get_email_domain_part(address) if SLDomain.get_by(domain=domain): return True if CustomDomain.get_by(domain=domain, verified=True): return True return False def email_can_be_used_as_mailbox(email: str) -> bool: """Return True if an email can be used as a personal email. Use the email domain as criteria. A domain can be used if it is not: - one of ALIAS_DOMAINS - one of PREMIUM_ALIAS_DOMAINS - one of custom domains - a disposable domain """ domain = get_email_domain_part(email) if not domain: return False if SLDomain.get_by(domain=domain): return False from app.models import CustomDomain if CustomDomain.get_by(domain=domain, verified=True): LOG.d("domain %s is a SimpleLogin custom domain", domain) return False if is_disposable_domain(domain): LOG.d("Domain %s is disposable", domain) return False # check if email MX domain is disposable mx_domains = get_mx_domain_list(domain) # if no MX record, email is not valid if not mx_domains: LOG.d("No MX record for domain %s", domain) return False for mx_domain in mx_domains: if is_disposable_domain(mx_domain): LOG.d("MX Domain %s %s is disposable", mx_domain, domain) return False return True def is_disposable_domain(domain): for d in DISPOSABLE_EMAIL_DOMAINS: if domain == d: return True # subdomain if domain.endswith("." + d): return True return False def get_mx_domain_list(domain) -> [str]: """return list of MX domains for a given email. domain name ends *without* a dot (".") at the end. """ priority_domains = get_mx_domains(domain) return [d[:-1] for _, d in priority_domains] def personal_email_already_used(email: str) -> bool: """test if an email can be used as user email""" if User.get_by(email=email): return True return False def mailbox_already_used(email: str, user) -> bool: if Mailbox.get_by(email=email, return True # support the case user wants to re-add their real email as mailbox # can happen when user changes their root email and wants to add this new email as mailbox if email == return False return False def get_orig_message_from_bounce(msg: Message) -> Message: """parse the original email from Bounce""" i = 0 for part in msg.walk(): i += 1 # the original message is the 4th part # 1st part is the root part, multipart/report # 2nd is text/plain, Postfix log # ... # 7th is original message if i == 7: return part def get_header_from_bounce(msg: Message, header: str) -> str: """using regex to get header value from bounce message get_orig_message_from_bounce is better. This should be the last option """ msg_str = str(msg) exp = re.compile(f"{header}.*\n") r =, msg_str) if r: # substr should be something like 'HEADER: 1234' substr = msg_str[r.start() : r.end()].strip() parts = substr.split(":") return parts[1].strip() return None def get_orig_message_from_spamassassin_report(msg: Message) -> Message: """parse the original email from Spamassassin report""" i = 0 for part in msg.walk(): i += 1 # the original message is the 4th part # 1st part is the root part, multipart/report # 2nd is text/plain, SpamAssassin part # 3rd is the original message in message/rfc822 content type # 4th is original message if i == 4: return part def get_spam_info(msg: Message, max_score=None) -> (bool, str): """parse SpamAssassin header to detect whether a message is classified as spam. Return (is spam, spam status detail) The header format is ```X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.1 required=5.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_BLOCKED,RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2,SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.2``` """ spamassassin_status = msg["X-Spam-Status"] if not spamassassin_status: return False, "" return get_spam_from_header(spamassassin_status, max_score=max_score) def get_spam_from_header(spam_status_header, max_score=None) -> (bool, str): """get spam info from X-Spam-Status header Return (is spam, spam status detail). The spam_status_header has the following format ```No, score=-0.1 required=5.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_BLOCKED,RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2,SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.2``` """ # yes or no spamassassin_answer = spam_status_header[: spam_status_header.find(",")] if max_score: # spam score # get the score section "score=-0.1" score_section = ( spam_status_header[spam_status_header.find(",") + 1 :].strip().split(" ")[0] ) score = float(score_section[len("score=") :]) if score >= max_score: LOG.warning("Spam score %s exceeds %s", score, max_score) return True, spam_status_header return spamassassin_answer.lower() == "yes", spam_status_header def get_header_unicode(header: str): decoded_string, charset = decode_header(header)[0] if charset is not None: try: return decoded_string.decode(charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: LOG.warning("Cannot decode header %s", header) except LookupError: # charset is unknown LOG.warning("Cannot decode %s with %s, use utf-8", decoded_string, charset) return decoded_string.decode("utf-8") return header def parseaddr_unicode(addr) -> (str, str): """Like parseaddr() but return name in unicode instead of in RFC 2047 format Should be used instead of parseaddr() '=?UTF-8?B?TmjGoW4gTmd1eeG7hW4=?= ' -> ('Nhơn Nguyễn', "") """ # sometimes linebreaks are present in addr addr = addr.replace("\n", "").strip() name, email = parseaddr(addr) # email can have whitespace so we can't remove whitespace here email = email.strip().lower() if name: name = name.strip() decoded_string, charset = decode_header(name)[0] if charset is not None: try: name = decoded_string.decode(charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: LOG.warning("Cannot decode addr name %s", name) name = "" except LookupError: # charset is unknown LOG.warning( "Cannot decode %s with %s, use utf-8", decoded_string, charset ) name = decoded_string.decode("utf-8") else: name = decoded_string if type(name) == bytes: name = name.decode() return name, email def copy(msg: Message) -> Message: """return a copy of message""" try: # prefer the unicode way return email.message_from_string(msg.as_string()) except (UnicodeEncodeError, KeyError, LookupError): LOG.warning("as_string() fails, try to_bytes") return email.message_from_bytes(to_bytes(msg)) def to_bytes(msg: Message): """replace Message.as_bytes() method by trying different policies""" try: return msg.as_bytes() except UnicodeEncodeError: LOG.warning("as_bytes fails with default policy, try SMTP policy") try: return msg.as_bytes(policy=email.policy.SMTP) except UnicodeEncodeError: LOG.warning("as_bytes fails with SMTP policy, try SMTPUTF8 policy") try: return msg.as_bytes(policy=email.policy.SMTPUTF8) except UnicodeEncodeError: LOG.warning( "as_bytes fails with SMTPUTF8 policy, try converting to string" ) return msg.as_string().encode() def should_add_dkim_signature(domain: str) -> bool: if SLDomain.get_by(domain=domain): return True custom_domain: CustomDomain = CustomDomain.get_by(domain=domain) if custom_domain.dkim_verified: return True return False def is_valid_email(email_address: str) -> bool: """Used to check whether an email address is valid""" return validate_email( email_address=email_address, check_mx=False, use_blacklist=False ) class EmailEncoding(enum.Enum): BASE64 = "base64" QUOTED = "quoted-printable" NO = "no-encoding" def get_encoding(msg: Message) -> EmailEncoding: """ Return the message encoding, possible values: - quoted-printable - base64 - 7bit: default if unknown or empty """ cte = str(msg.get("content-transfer-encoding", "")).lower() if cte in ("", "7bit", "8bit", "binary"): return EmailEncoding.NO if cte == "base64": return EmailEncoding.BASE64 if cte == "quoted-printable": return EmailEncoding.QUOTED LOG.exception("Unknown encoding %s", cte) return EmailEncoding.NO def encode_text(text: str, encoding: EmailEncoding = EmailEncoding.NO) -> str: if encoding == EmailEncoding.QUOTED: encoded = quopri.encodestring(text.encode("utf-8")) return str(encoded, "utf-8") elif encoding == EmailEncoding.BASE64: encoded = base64.b64encode(text.encode("utf-8")) return str(encoded, "utf-8") else: # 7bit - no encoding return text def add_header(msg: Message, text_header, html_header) -> Message: if msg.get_content_type() == "text/plain": encoding = get_encoding(msg) payload = msg.get_payload() if type(payload) is str: clone_msg = copy(msg) to_append = encode_text(f"{text_header}\n---\n", encoding) payload = f"{to_append}{payload}" clone_msg.set_payload(payload) return clone_msg elif msg.get_content_type() == "text/html": encoding = get_encoding(msg) payload = msg.get_payload() if type(payload) is str: new_payload = ( encode_text( f"""
""", encoding, ) + payload + encode_text( """
""", encoding, ) ) clone_msg = copy(msg) clone_msg.set_payload(new_payload) return clone_msg elif msg.get_content_type() in ("multipart/alternative", "multipart/related"): new_parts = [] for part in msg.get_payload(): new_parts.append(add_header(part, text_header, html_header)) clone_msg = copy(msg) clone_msg.set_payload(new_parts) return clone_msg LOG.d("No header added for %s", msg.get_content_type()) return msg def replace(msg: Message, old, new) -> Message: content_type = msg.get_content_type() if ( content_type.startswith("image/") or content_type.startswith("video/") or content_type.startswith("audio/") or content_type == "multipart/signed" or content_type.startswith("application/") ): LOG.d("not applicable for %s", content_type) return msg if content_type in ("text/plain", "text/html"): encoding = get_encoding(msg) payload = msg.get_payload() if type(payload) is str: clone_msg = copy(msg) new_payload = payload.replace( encode_text(old, encoding), encode_text(new, encoding) ) clone_msg.set_payload(new_payload) return clone_msg elif content_type in ( "multipart/alternative", "multipart/related", "multipart/mixed", ): new_parts = [] for part in msg.get_payload(): new_parts.append(replace(part, old, new)) clone_msg = copy(msg) clone_msg.set_payload(new_parts) return clone_msg LOG.exception("Cannot replace text for %s", msg.get_content_type()) return msg def generate_reply_email(contact_email: str) -> str: """ generate a reply_email (aka reverse-alias), make sure it isn't used by any contact """ # shorten email to avoid exceeding the 64 characters # from # "The maximum total length of a user name or other local-part is 64 # octets." if contact_email: # control char: 4 chars (ra+, +) # random suffix: max 10 chars # maximum: 64 # make sure contact_email can be ascii-encoded contact_email = convert_to_id(contact_email) contact_email = contact_email.lower().strip().replace(" ", "") contact_email = contact_email[:45] contact_email = contact_email.replace("@", ".at.") contact_email = convert_to_alphanumeric(contact_email) # not use while to avoid infinite loop for _ in range(1000): if contact_email: random_length = random.randint(5, 10) reply_email = ( f"ra+{contact_email}+{random_string(random_length)}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}" ) else: random_length = random.randint(10, 50) reply_email = f"ra+{random_string(random_length)}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}" if not Contact.get_by(reply_email=reply_email): return reply_email raise Exception("Cannot generate reply email") def is_reply_email(address: str) -> bool: return address.startswith("reply+") or address.startswith("ra+") # allow also + and @ that are present in a reply address _ALLOWED_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-.+@" def normalize_reply_email(reply_email: str) -> str: """Handle the case where reply email contains *strange* char that was wrongly generated in the past""" if not reply_email.isascii(): reply_email = convert_to_id(reply_email) ret = [] # drop all control characters like shift, separator, etc for c in reply_email: if c not in _ALLOWED_CHARS: ret.append("_") else: ret.append(c) return "".join(ret)