import stripe from flask import render_template, request, flash, redirect, url_for from flask_login import login_required, current_user from stripe.error import CardError from app.config import STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN from app.dashboard.base import dashboard_bp from app.email_utils import notify_admin from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG from app.models import PlanEnum @dashboard_bp.route("/pricing", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def pricing(): # sanity check: make sure this page is only for free user that has never subscribed before # case user unsubscribe and re-subscribe will be handled later if current_user.is_premium(): flash("You are already a premium user", "warning") return redirect(url_for("dashboard.index")) if ( current_user.stripe_customer_id or current_user.stripe_card_token or current_user.stripe_subscription_id ): raise Exception("only user not exist on stripe can view this page") if stripe.Customer.list( raise Exception("user email is already used on stripe!") if request.method == "POST": plan = PlanEnum.yearly stripe_token = request.form.get("stripeToken") LOG.d("stripe card token %s for plan %s", stripe_token, plan) current_user.stripe_card_token = stripe_token try: customer = stripe.Customer.create( source=stripe_token,, metadata={"id":},, ) except CardError as e: LOG.exception("payment problem, code:%s", e.code) flash( "Payment refused with error {e.message}. Could you re-try with another card please?", "danger", ) else: LOG.d("stripe customer %s", customer) current_user.stripe_customer_id = stripe_plan = STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN subscription = stripe.Subscription.create( customer=current_user.stripe_customer_id, items=[{"plan": stripe_plan}], expand=["latest_invoice.payment_intent"], ) LOG.d("stripe subscription %s", subscription) current_user.stripe_subscription_id = db.session.commit() if subscription.latest_invoice.payment_intent.status == "succeeded": LOG.d("payment successful for user %s", current_user) current_user.plan = plan current_user.plan_expiration = None db.session.commit() flash("Thanks for your subscription!", "success") notify_admin( f"user {} has finished subscription {plan}" ) return redirect(url_for("dashboard.index")) return render_template("dashboard/pricing.html", stripe_api=STRIPE_API)