import uuid from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from io import BytesIO from mailbox import Message from typing import Optional from app import s3 from app.config import ( ALERT_COMPLAINT_REPLY_PHASE, ALERT_COMPLAINT_TRANSACTIONAL_PHASE, ALERT_COMPLAINT_FORWARD_PHASE, ) from import headers from app.email_utils import ( parse_full_address, save_email_for_debugging, to_bytes, render, send_email_with_rate_control, parse_address_list, get_header_unicode, ) from app.log import LOG from app.models import ( User, Alias, DeletedAlias, DomainDeletedAlias, Contact, ProviderComplaint, Phase, ProviderComplaintState, RefusedEmail, ) @dataclass class OriginalAddresses: sender: str recipient: str class ProviderComplaintOrigin(ABC): @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_original_addresses(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[OriginalAddresses]: pass @classmethod def sanitize_addresses( cls, rcpt_header: Optional[str], message: Message ) -> Optional[OriginalAddresses]: try: if not rcpt_header: rcpt_header = message[headers.TO] rcpt_list = parse_address_list(get_header_unicode(rcpt_header)) if not rcpt_list: saved_file = save_email_for_debugging(message, "NoRecipientComplaint") LOG.w(f"Cannot find rcpt. Saved to {saved_file or 'nowhere'}") return None rcpt_address = rcpt_list[0][1] _, sender_address = parse_full_address(message[headers.FROM]) return OriginalAddresses(sender_address, rcpt_address) except ValueError: saved_file = save_email_for_debugging(message, "ComplaintOriginalAddress") LOG.w(f"Cannot parse from header. Saved to {saved_file or 'nowhere'}") return None @classmethod @abstractmethod def name(cls): pass class ProviderComplaintYahoo(ProviderComplaintOrigin): @classmethod def get_original_message(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[Message]: # 1st part is the container # 2nd has empty body # 6th is the original message current_part = 0 for part in message.walk(): current_part += 1 if current_part == 6: return part return None @classmethod def get_feedback_report(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[Message]: """ Find a report that yahoo embeds in the complaint. It has content type 'message/feedback-report' """ for part in message.walk(): if part["content-type"] == "message/feedback-report": content = part.get_payload() if not content: continue return content[0] return None @classmethod def get_original_addresses(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[OriginalAddresses]: """ Try to get the proper recipient from the report that yahoo adds as a port of the complaint. If we cannot find the rcpt in the report or we can't find the report, use the first address in the original message from """ report = cls.get_feedback_report(message) original = cls.get_original_message(message) rcpt_header = report["original-rcpt-to"] return cls.sanitize_addresses(rcpt_header, original) @classmethod def name(cls): return "yahoo" class ProviderComplaintHotmail(ProviderComplaintOrigin): @classmethod def get_original_message(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[Message]: # 1st part is the container # 2nd has empty body # 3rd is the original message current_part = 0 for part in message.walk(): current_part += 1 if current_part == 3: return part return None @classmethod def get_original_addresses(cls, message: Message) -> Optional[OriginalAddresses]: """ Try to get the proper recipient from original x-simplelogin-envelope-to header we add on delivery. If we can't find the header, use the first address in the original message from""" original = cls.get_original_message(message) rcpt_header = original["x-simplelogin-envelope-to"] return cls.sanitize_addresses(rcpt_header, original) @classmethod def name(cls): return "hotmail" def handle_hotmail_complaint(message: Message) -> bool: return handle_complaint(message, ProviderComplaintHotmail()) def handle_yahoo_complaint(message: Message) -> bool: return handle_complaint(message, ProviderComplaintYahoo()) def find_alias_with_address(address: str) -> Optional[Alias]: return ( Alias.get_by(email=address) or DeletedAlias.get_by(email=address) or DomainDeletedAlias.get_by(email=address) ) def handle_complaint(message: Message, origin: ProviderComplaintOrigin) -> bool: addresses = origin.get_original_addresses(message) if not addresses: return False user = User.get_by(email=addresses.recipient) if user: LOG.d(f"Handle provider {} complaint for {user}") report_complaint_to_user_in_transactional_phase(user, origin) return True alias = find_alias_with_address(addresses.sender) # the email is during a reply phase, from=alias and to=destination if alias: LOG.i( f"Complaint from {} during reply phase {alias} -> {addresses.recipient}, {user}" ) report_complaint_to_user_in_reply_phase(alias, addresses.recipient, origin) store_provider_complaint(alias, message) return True contact = Contact.get_by(reply_email=addresses.sender) if contact: alias = contact.alias else: alias = find_alias_with_address(addresses.recipient) if not alias: LOG.e( f"Cannot find alias for address {addresses.recipient} or contact with reply {addresses.sender}" ) return False report_complaint_to_user_in_forward_phase(alias, origin) return True def report_complaint_to_user_in_reply_phase( alias: Alias, to_address: str, origin: ProviderComplaintOrigin ): capitalized_name = send_email_with_rate_control( alias.user, f"{ALERT_COMPLAINT_REPLY_PHASE}_{}",, f"Abuse report from {capitalized_name}", render( "transactional/provider-complaint-reply-phase.txt.jinja2", user=alias.user, alias=alias, destination=to_address, provider=capitalized_name, ), max_nb_alert=1, nb_day=7, ) def report_complaint_to_user_in_transactional_phase( user: User, origin: ProviderComplaintOrigin ): capitalized_name = send_email_with_rate_control( user, f"{ALERT_COMPLAINT_TRANSACTIONAL_PHASE}_{}",, f"Abuse report from {capitalized_name}", render( "transactional/provider-complaint-to-user.txt.jinja2", user=user, provider=capitalized_name, ), render( "transactional/provider-complaint-to-user.html", user=user, provider=capitalized_name, ), max_nb_alert=1, nb_day=7, ) def report_complaint_to_user_in_forward_phase( alias: Alias, origin: ProviderComplaintOrigin ): capitalized_name = user = alias.user send_email_with_rate_control( user, f"{ALERT_COMPLAINT_FORWARD_PHASE}_{}",, f"Abuse report from {capitalized_name}", render( "transactional/provider-complaint-forward-phase.txt.jinja2", user=user, provider=capitalized_name, ), render( "transactional/provider-complaint-forward-phase.html", user=user, provider=capitalized_name, ), max_nb_alert=1, nb_day=7, ) def store_provider_complaint(alias, message): email_name = f"reply-{uuid.uuid4().hex}.eml" full_report_path = f"provider_complaint/{email_name}" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio( full_report_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(message)), email_name ) refused_email = RefusedEmail.create( full_report_path=full_report_path, user_id=alias.user_id, path=email_name, commit=True, ) ProviderComplaint.create( user_id=alias.user_id,, phase=Phase.reply.value,, commit=True, )