Hi {{name}} My name is Son. I’m the founder of SimpleLogin and I wanted to be the first to welcome you on board. To better secure your account, I recommend enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on your setting page at https://app.simplelogin.io/dashboard/setting If you use Chrome or Firefox, SimpleLogin extension could be quite handy to quickly create aliases. You can install Chrome extension on https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/simplelogin-your-anti-spa/dphilobhebphkdjbpfohgikllaljmgbn and Firefox on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/simplelogin/ If you have a domain, for example for your business or your project, you can import your domain into SimpleLogin and create your business emails backed by your personal email! By the way, all our business emails are actually aliases 🤫. Importing domain is only available for Premium plan though, shoot me an email if you need a trial period. Thanks. Son - SimpleLogin founder.