Thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍 Before working on a new feature, please get in touch with us at dev[at] to avoid duplication. We can also discuss the best way to implement it. The project uses Flask, Python3.7+ and requires Postgres 12+ as dependency. ## General Architecture

SimpleLogin backend consists of 2 main components: - the `webapp` used by several clients: the web app, the browser extensions (Chrome & Firefox for now), OAuth clients (apps that integrate "Sign in with SimpleLogin" button) and mobile apps. - the `email handler`: implements the email forwarding (i.e. alias receiving email) and email sending (i.e. alias sending email). ## Install dependencies The project requires: - Python 3.10 and poetry to manage dependencies - Node v10 for front-end. - Postgres 13+ First, install all dependencies by running the following command. Feel free to use `virtualenv` or similar tools to isolate development environment. ```bash poetry sync ``` On Mac, sometimes you might need to install some other packages via `brew`: ```bash brew install pkg-config libffi openssl postgresql@13 ``` You also need to install `gpg` tool, on Mac it can be done with: ```bash brew install gnupg ``` If you see the `pyre2` package in the error message, you might need to install its dependencies with `brew`. More info on ```bash brew install -s re2 pybind11 ``` ## Linting and static analysis We use pre-commit to run all our linting and static analysis checks. Please run ```bash poetry run pre-commit install ``` To install it in your development environment. ## Run tests For most tests, you will need to have ``redis`` installed and started on your machine (listening on port 6379). ```bash sh scripts/ ``` You can also run tests using a local Postgres DB to speed things up. This can be done by - creating an empty test DB and running the database migration by `dropdb test && createdb test && DB_URI=postgresql://localhost:5432/test alembic upgrade head` - replacing the `DB_URI` in `test.env` file by `DB_URI=postgresql://localhost:5432/test` ## Run the code locally Install npm packages ```bash cd static && npm install ``` To run the code locally, please create a local setting file based on `example.env`: ``` cp example.env .env ``` You need to edit your .env to reflect the postgres exposed port, edit the `DB_URI` to: ``` DB_URI=postgresql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:35432/simplelogin ``` Run the postgres database: ```bash docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword -e POSTGRES_USER=myuser -e POSTGRES_DB=simplelogin -p 15432:5432 postgres:13 ``` To run the server: ``` alembic upgrade head && flask dummy-data && python3 ``` then open http://localhost:7777, you should be able to login with ` / password` account. You might need to change the `.env` file for developing certain features. This file is ignored by git. ## Database migration The database migration is handled by `alembic` Whenever the model changes, a new migration has to be created. If you have Docker installed, you can create the migration by the following script: ```bash sh scripts/ ``` Make sure to review the migration script before committing it. Sometimes (very rarely though), the automatically generated script can be incorrect. We cannot use the local database to generate migration script as the local database doesn't use migration. It is created via `db.create_all()` (cf `fake_data()` method). This is convenient for development and unit tests as we don't have to wait for the migration. ## Reset database There are two scripts to reset your local db to an empty state: - `scripts/` will reset your development db to the latest migration version and add the development data needed to run the locally. - `scripts/` will reset your test db to the latest migration without adding the dev server data to prevent interferring with the tests. ## Code structure The repo consists of the three following entry points: - and the webapp. - the email handler. - the cronjob. Here are the small sum-ups of the directory structures and their roles: - app/: main Flask app. It is structured into different packages representing different features like oauth, api, dashboard, etc. - local_data/: contains files to facilitate the local development. They are replaced during the deployment. - migrations/: generated by flask-migrate. Edit these files will be only edited when you spot (very rare) errors on the database migration files. - static/: files available at `/static` url. - templates/: contains both html and email templates. - tests/: tests. We don't really distinguish unit, functional or integration test. A test is simply here to make sure a feature works correctly. ## Pull request The code is formatted using [ruff](, to format the code, simply run ``` poetry run ruff format . ``` The code is also checked with `flake8`, make sure to run `flake8` before creating the pull request by ```bash poetry run flake8 ``` For HTML templates, we use `djlint`. Before creating a pull request, please run ```bash poetry run djlint --check templates ``` If some files aren't properly formatted, you can format all files with ```bash poetry run djlint --reformat . ``` ## Test sending email [swaks]( is used for sending test emails to the `email_handler`. [mailcatcher]( or [MailHog]( can be used as a MTA to receive emails. Here's how set up the email handler: 1) run mailcatcher or MailHog ```bash mailcatcher ``` 2) Make sure to set the following variables in the `.env` file ``` # comment out this variable # NOT_SEND_EMAIL=true # So the emails will be sent to mailcatcher/MailHog POSTFIX_SERVER=localhost POSTFIX_PORT=1025 ``` 3) Run email_handler ```bash python ``` 4) Send a test email ```bash swaks --to e1@sl.local --from --server ``` Now open http://localhost:1080/ (or http://localhost:1080/ for MailHog), you should see the forwarded email. ## Job runner Some features require a job handler (such as GDPR data export). To test such feature you need to run the job_runner ```bash python ``` # Setup for Mac There are several ways to setup Python and manage the project dependencies on Mac. For info we have successfully used this setup on a Mac silicon: ```bash # we haven't managed to make python 3.12 work brew install python3.10 # make sure to update the PATH so python, pip point to Python3 # for us it can be done by adding "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.10/libexec/bin:$PATH" to .zprofile # Although pipx is the recommended way to install poetry, # install pipx via brew will automatically install python 3.12 # and poetry will then use python 3.12 # so we recommend using poetry this way instead curl -sSL | python3 - poetry install # activate the virtualenv and you should be good to go! source .venv/bin/activate ```