Directory allows you to create aliases on the fly.
1️⃣ Pick a name for your directory, says my_directory
2️⃣ Quickly use one of the following formats to create an alias on-the-fly without creating this alias
my_directory/anything@{{ FIRST_ALIAS_DOMAIN }} or
my_directory+anything@{{ FIRST_ALIAS_DOMAIN }} or
my_directory#anything@{{ FIRST_ALIAS_DOMAIN }}
anything is any string composed of lowercase characters.
You can find more info on directory on our
blog post
You can use this feature on the following domains:
{% for alias_domain in ALIAS_DOMAINS %}
{{ alias_domain }}
{% endfor %}
The alias will be created the first time it receives an email.
{% for dir in dirs %}
{{ }}
{% if dir.disabled %}
⚠️ On-the-fly alias creation is disabled, you can't create new aliases with this directory.