""" Run scheduled jobs. Not meant for running job at precise time (+- 1h) """ import time import arrow from app.config import ( JOB_ONBOARDING_1, JOB_ONBOARDING_2, JOB_ONBOARDING_3, JOB_ONBOARDING_4, ) from app.email_utils import send_email, render from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG from app.models import User, Job from server import create_app # fix the database connection leak issue # use this method instead of create_app def new_app(): app = create_app() @app.teardown_appcontext def shutdown_session(response_or_exc): # same as shutdown_session() in flask-sqlalchemy but this is not enough db.session.remove() # dispose the engine too db.engine.dispose() return app def onboarding_send_from_alias(user): send_email( user.email, f"Do you know you can send emails from your alias?", render("com/onboarding/send-from-alias.txt", user=user), render("com/onboarding/send-from-alias.html", user=user), ) def onboarding_pgp(user): send_email( user.email, f"Do you know you can encrypt your emails so only you can read them?", render("com/onboarding/pgp.txt", user=user), render("com/onboarding/pgp.html", user=user), ) def onboarding_browser_extension(user): send_email( user.email, f"Have you tried SimpleLogin Chrome/Firefox extensions and Android/iOS apps?", render("com/onboarding/browser-extension.txt", user=user), render("com/onboarding/browser-extension.html", user=user), ) def onboarding_mailbox(user): send_email( user.email, f"Do you know you can have multiple mailboxes on SimpleLogin?", render("com/onboarding/mailbox.txt", user=user), render("com/onboarding/mailbox.html", user=user), ) if __name__ == "__main__": while True: # run a job 1h earlier or later is not a big deal ... min_dt = arrow.now().shift(hours=-1) max_dt = arrow.now().shift(hours=1) app = new_app() with app.app_context(): for job in Job.query.filter( Job.taken == False, Job.run_at > min_dt, Job.run_at <= max_dt ).all(): LOG.d("Take job %s", job) # mark the job as taken, whether it will be executed successfully or not job.taken = True db.session.commit() if job.name == JOB_ONBOARDING_1: user_id = job.payload.get("user_id") user = User.get(user_id) # user might delete their account in the meantime # or disable the notification if user and user.notification and user.activated: LOG.d("send onboarding send-from-alias email to user %s", user) onboarding_send_from_alias(user) elif job.name == JOB_ONBOARDING_2: user_id = job.payload.get("user_id") user = User.get(user_id) # user might delete their account in the meantime # or disable the notification if user and user.notification and user.activated: LOG.d("send onboarding mailbox email to user %s", user) onboarding_mailbox(user) elif job.name == JOB_ONBOARDING_3: user_id = job.payload.get("user_id") user = User.get(user_id) # user might delete their account in the meantime # or disable the notification if user and user.notification and user.activated: LOG.d("send onboarding pgp email to user %s", user) onboarding_pgp(user) elif job.name == JOB_ONBOARDING_4: user_id = job.payload.get("user_id") user = User.get(user_id) # user might delete their account in the meantime # or disable the notification if user and user.notification and user.activated: LOG.d( "send onboarding browser-extension email to user %s", user ) onboarding_browser_extension(user) else: LOG.exception("Unknown job name %s", job.name) time.sleep(10)