{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} {% call text() %}

An email sent to your alias {{ alias.email }} from {{ website_email }} was bounced by your mailbox {{ mailbox_email }}

{% endcall %} {% call text() %} This is usually because your mailbox service thinks the email is a spam. {% endcall %} {{ render_button("View the bounced email", refused_email_url) }} {{ render_text('The email is automatically deleted in 7 days.') }} {% call text() %} Please consider the following options:
  1. If the email is not spam at all, you can create a filter to explicitly allow this email or simply all emails from SimpleLogin.
    How to create the filter depends on your mailbox service.
  2. If this email is indeed a spam, it means your alias {{alias.email}} is now in the hands of a spammer.
    You should disable the alias immediately.
    We'll automatically disable this alias when too many emails sent to it are bounced.
{% endcall %} {{ render_button("Disable alias", disable_alias_link) }} {{ render_text('Thanks,
SimpleLogin Team.') }} {{ raw_url(disable_alias_link) }} {% endblock %}