import base64 import json from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs from flask import url_for from app.config import ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS from app.db import Session from app.jose_utils import verify_id_token, decode_id_token from app.models import Client, User, ClientUser from app.oauth.views.authorize import ( get_host_name_and_scheme, generate_access_token, construct_url, ) from tests.utils import login def test_get_host_name_and_scheme(): assert get_host_name_and_scheme("http://localhost:8000?a=b") == ( "localhost", "http", ) assert get_host_name_and_scheme( "" ) == ("", "https") def test_generate_access_token(flask_client): access_token = generate_access_token() assert len(access_token) == 40 def test_construct_url(): url = construct_url("", {"x": "1 2"}) assert url == "" def test_authorize_page_non_login_user(flask_client): """make sure to display login page for non-authenticated user""" user = User.create("", "test user") Session.commit() client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() r = flask_client.get( url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri=f"https://{ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0]}", response_type="code", ) ) html = r.get_data(as_text=True) assert r.status_code == 200 assert "Sign in to accept sharing data with" in html def test_authorize_page_login_user_non_supported_flow(flask_client): """return 400 if the flow is not supported""" user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() # Not provide any flow r = flask_client.get( url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri="http://localhost", # not provide response_type param here ) ) # Provide a not supported flow html = r.get_data(as_text=True) assert r.status_code == 400 assert "SimpleLogin only support the following OIDC flows" in html r = flask_client.get( url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri="http://localhost", # SL does not support this flow combination response_type="code token id_token", ) ) html = r.get_data(as_text=True) assert r.status_code == 400 assert "SimpleLogin only support the following OIDC flows" in html def test_authorize_page_login_user(flask_client): """make sure to display authorization page for authenticated user""" user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() r = flask_client.get( url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri=f"https://{ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0]}", response_type="code", ) ) html = r.get_data(as_text=True) assert r.status_code == 200 assert "a@b.c (Personal Email)" in html def test_authorize_code_flow_no_openid_scope(flask_client): """make sure the authorize redirects user to correct page for the *Code Flow* and when the *openid* scope is not present , ie when response_type=code, openid not in scope """ user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() # user allows client on the authorization page r = url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri=f"https://{ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0]}", response_type="code", ), data={"button": "allow", "suggested-email": "x@y.z", "suggested-name": "AB CD"}, # user will be redirected to client page, do not allow redirection here # to assert the redirect url # follow_redirects=True, ) assert r.status_code == 302 # user gets redirected back to client page # r.location will have this form http://localhost?state=teststate&code=knuyjepwvg o = urlparse(r.location) assert o.netloc == ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0] assert not o.fragment # parse the query, should return something like # {'state': ['teststate'], 'code': ['knuyjepwvg']} queries = parse_qs(o.query) assert len(queries) == 2 assert queries["state"] == ["teststate"] assert len(queries["code"]) == 1 # Exchange the code to get access_token basic_auth_headers = base64.b64encode( f"{client.oauth_client_id}:{client.oauth_client_secret}".encode() ).decode("utf-8") r = url_for("oauth.token"), headers={"Authorization": "Basic " + basic_auth_headers}, data={"grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": queries["code"][0]}, ) # r.json should have this format # { # 'access_token': 'avmhluhonsouhcwwailydwvhankspptgidoggcbu', # 'expires_in': 3600, # 'scope': '', # 'token_type': 'bearer', # 'user': { # 'avatar_url': None, # 'client': 'test client', # 'email': 'x@y.z', # 'email_verified': True, # 'id': 1, # 'name': 'AB CD' # } # } assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.json["access_token"] assert r.json["expires_in"] == 3600 assert not r.json["scope"] assert r.json["token_type"] == "Bearer" client_user = ClientUser.first() assert r.json["user"] == { "avatar_url": None, "client": "test client", "email": "x@y.z", "email_verified": True, "id":, "name": "AB CD", "sub": str(, } def test_authorize_code_flow_with_openid_scope(flask_client): """make sure the authorize redirects user to correct page for the *Code Flow* and when the *openid* scope is present , ie when response_type=code, openid in scope The authorize endpoint should stay the same: return the *code*. The token endpoint however should now return id_token in addition to the access_token """ user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() # user allows client on the authorization page r = url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri=f"https://{ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0]}", response_type="code", scope="openid", # openid is in scope ), data={"button": "allow", "suggested-email": "x@y.z", "suggested-name": "AB CD"}, # user will be redirected to client page, do not allow redirection here # to assert the redirect url # follow_redirects=True, ) assert r.status_code == 302 # user gets redirected back to client page # r.location will have this form http://localhost?state=teststate&code=knuyjepwvg o = urlparse(r.location) assert o.netloc == ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0] assert not o.fragment # parse the query, should return something like # {'state': ['teststate'], 'code': ['knuyjepwvg'], 'scope': ["openid"]} queries = parse_qs(o.query) assert len(queries) == 3 assert queries["state"] == ["teststate"] assert len(queries["code"]) == 1 # Exchange the code to get access_token basic_auth_headers = base64.b64encode( f"{client.oauth_client_id}:{client.oauth_client_secret}".encode() ).decode("utf-8") r = url_for("oauth.token"), headers={"Authorization": "Basic " + basic_auth_headers}, data={"grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": queries["code"][0]}, ) # r.json should have this format # { # 'access_token': 'avmhluhonsouhcwwailydwvhankspptgidoggcbu', # 'expires_in': 3600, # 'scope': '', # 'token_type': 'bearer', # 'user': { # 'avatar_url': None, # 'client': 'test client', # 'email': 'x@y.z', # 'email_verified': True, # 'id': 1, # 'name': 'AB CD' # } # } assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.json["access_token"] assert r.json["expires_in"] == 3600 assert r.json["scope"] == "openid" assert r.json["token_type"] == "Bearer" client_user = ClientUser.first() assert r.json["user"] == { "avatar_url": None, "client": "test client", "email": "x@y.z", "email_verified": True, "id":, "name": "AB CD", "sub": str(, } # id_token must be returned assert r.json["id_token"] # id_token must be a valid, correctly signed JWT assert verify_id_token(r.json["id_token"]) def test_authorize_token_flow(flask_client): """make sure the authorize redirects user to correct page for the *Token Flow* , ie when response_type=token The /authorize endpoint should return an access_token """ user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() # user allows client on the authorization page r = url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri=f"https://{ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0]}", response_type="token", # token flow ), data={"button": "allow", "suggested-email": "x@y.z", "suggested-name": "AB CD"}, # user will be redirected to client page, do not allow redirection here # to assert the redirect url # follow_redirects=True, ) assert r.status_code == 302 # user gets redirected back to client page # r.location will have this form http://localhost?state=teststate&code=knuyjepwvg o = urlparse(r.location) assert o.netloc == ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0] # in token flow, access_token is in fragment and not query assert o.fragment assert not o.query # parse the fragment, should return something like # {'state': ['teststate'], 'access_token': ['knuyjepwvg']} queries = parse_qs(o.fragment) assert len(queries) == 2 assert queries["state"] == ["teststate"] # access_token must be returned assert len(queries["access_token"]) == 1 def test_authorize_id_token_flow(flask_client): """make sure the authorize redirects user to correct page for the *ID-Token Flow* , ie when response_type=id_token The /authorize endpoint should return an id_token """ user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() # user allows client on the authorization page r = url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri=f"https://{ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0]}", response_type="id_token", # id_token flow ), data={"button": "allow", "suggested-email": "x@y.z", "suggested-name": "AB CD"}, # user will be redirected to client page, do not allow redirection here # to assert the redirect url # follow_redirects=True, ) assert r.status_code == 302 # user gets redirected back to client page # r.location will have this form http://localhost?state=teststate&code=knuyjepwvg o = urlparse(r.location) assert o.netloc == ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0] assert not o.fragment assert o.query # parse the fragment, should return something like # {'state': ['teststate'], 'id_token': ['knuyjepwvg']} queries = parse_qs(o.query) assert len(queries) == 2 assert queries["state"] == ["teststate"] # access_token must be returned assert len(queries["id_token"]) == 1 # id_token must be a valid, correctly signed JWT assert verify_id_token(queries["id_token"][0]) def test_authorize_token_id_token_flow(flask_client): """make sure the authorize redirects user to correct page for the *ID-Token Token Flow* , ie when response_type=id_token,token The /authorize endpoint should return an id_token and access_token id_token, once decoded, should contain *at_hash* in payload """ user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() # user allows client on the authorization page r = url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri=f"https://{ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0]}", response_type="id_token token", # id_token,token flow ), data={"button": "allow", "suggested-email": "x@y.z", "suggested-name": "AB CD"}, # user will be redirected to client page, do not allow redirection here # to assert the redirect url # follow_redirects=True, ) assert r.status_code == 302 # user gets redirected back to client page # r.location will have this form http://localhost?state=teststate&code=knuyjepwvg o = urlparse(r.location) assert o.netloc == ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0] assert o.fragment assert not o.query # parse the fragment, should return something like # {'state': ['teststate'], 'id_token': ['knuyjepwvg']} queries = parse_qs(o.fragment) assert len(queries) == 3 assert queries["state"] == ["teststate"] # access_token must be returned assert len(queries["id_token"]) == 1 assert len(queries["access_token"]) == 1 # id_token must be a valid, correctly signed JWT id_token = queries["id_token"][0] assert verify_id_token(id_token) # make sure jwt has all the necessary fields jwt = decode_id_token(id_token) # payload should have this format # { # 'at_hash': 'jLDmoGpuOIHwxeyFEe9SKw', # 'aud': 'testclient-sywcpwsyua', # 'auth_time': 1565450736, # 'avatar_url': None, # 'client': 'test client', # 'email': 'x@y.z', # 'email_verified': True, # 'exp': 1565454336, # 'iat': 1565450736, # 'id': 1, # 'iss': 'http://localhost', # 'name': 'AB CD', # 'sub': '1' # } payload = json.loads( # at_hash MUST be present when the flow is id_token,token assert "at_hash" in payload assert "aud" in payload assert "auth_time" in payload assert "avatar_url" in payload assert "client" in payload assert "email" in payload assert "email_verified" in payload assert "exp" in payload assert "iat" in payload assert "id" in payload assert "iss" in payload assert "name" in payload assert "sub" in payload def test_authorize_code_id_token_flow(flask_client): """make sure the authorize redirects user to correct page for the *ID-Token Code Flow* , ie when response_type=id_token,code The /authorize endpoint should return an id_token, code and id_token must contain *c_hash* The /token endpoint must return a access_token and an id_token """ user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() # user allows client on the authorization page r = url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri=f"https://{ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0]}", response_type="id_token code", # id_token,code flow ), data={"button": "allow", "suggested-email": "x@y.z", "suggested-name": "AB CD"}, # user will be redirected to client page, do not allow redirection here # to assert the redirect url # follow_redirects=True, ) assert r.status_code == 302 # user gets redirected back to client page # r.location will have this form http://localhost?state=teststate&code=knuyjepwvg o = urlparse(r.location) assert o.netloc == ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS[0] assert not o.fragment assert o.query # parse the query, should return something like # {'state': ['teststate'], 'id_token': ['knuyjepwvg'], 'code': ['longstring']} queries = parse_qs(o.query) assert len(queries) == 3 assert queries["state"] == ["teststate"] assert len(queries["id_token"]) == 1 assert len(queries["code"]) == 1 # id_token must be a valid, correctly signed JWT id_token = queries["id_token"][0] assert verify_id_token(id_token) # make sure jwt has all the necessary fields jwt = decode_id_token(id_token) # payload should have this format # { # 'at_hash': 'jLDmoGpuOIHwxeyFEe9SKw', # 'aud': 'testclient-sywcpwsyua', # 'auth_time': 1565450736, # 'avatar_url': None, # 'client': 'test client', # 'email': 'x@y.z', # 'email_verified': True, # 'exp': 1565454336, # 'iat': 1565450736, # 'id': 1, # 'iss': 'http://localhost', # 'name': 'AB CD', # 'sub': '1' # } payload = json.loads( # at_hash MUST be present when the flow is id_token,token assert "c_hash" in payload assert "aud" in payload assert "auth_time" in payload assert "avatar_url" in payload assert "client" in payload assert "email" in payload assert "email_verified" in payload assert "exp" in payload assert "iat" in payload assert "id" in payload assert "iss" in payload assert "name" in payload assert "sub" in payload # <<< Exchange the code to get access_token >>> basic_auth_headers = base64.b64encode( f"{client.oauth_client_id}:{client.oauth_client_secret}".encode() ).decode("utf-8") r = url_for("oauth.token"), headers={"Authorization": "Basic " + basic_auth_headers}, data={"grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": queries["code"][0]}, ) # r.json should have this format # { # 'access_token': 'avmhluhonsouhcwwailydwvhankspptgidoggcbu', # 'id_token': '', # 'expires_in': 3600, # 'scope': '', # 'token_type': 'bearer', # 'user': { # 'avatar_url': None, # 'client': 'test client', # 'email': 'x@y.z', # 'email_verified': True, # 'id': 1, # 'name': 'AB CD' # } # } assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.json["access_token"] assert r.json["expires_in"] == 3600 assert not r.json["scope"] assert r.json["token_type"] == "Bearer" client_user = ClientUser.first() assert r.json["user"] == { "avatar_url": None, "client": "test client", "email": "x@y.z", "email_verified": True, "id":, "name": "AB CD", "sub": str(, } # id_token must be returned assert r.json["id_token"] # id_token must be a valid, correctly signed JWT assert verify_id_token(r.json["id_token"]) def test_authorize_page_invalid_client_id(flask_client): """make sure to redirect user to redirect_url?error=invalid_client_id""" user = login(flask_client) Client.create_new("test client", Session.commit() r = flask_client.get( url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id="invalid_client_id", state="teststate", redirect_uri="http://localhost", response_type="code", ) ) assert r.status_code == 302 assert r.location == url_for("auth.login") def test_authorize_page_http_not_allowed(flask_client): """make sure to redirect user to redirect_url?error=http_not_allowed""" user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", client.approved = True Session.commit() r = flask_client.get( url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri="", response_type="code", ) ) assert r.status_code == 302 assert r.location == "" def test_authorize_page_unknown_redirect_uri(flask_client): """make sure to redirect user to redirect_url?error=unknown_redirect_uri""" user = login(flask_client) client = Client.create_new("test client", client.approved = True Session.commit() r = flask_client.get( url_for( "oauth.authorize", client_id=client.oauth_client_id, state="teststate", redirect_uri="", response_type="code", ) ) assert r.status_code == 302 assert r.location == ""