import enum from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from flask import url_for from typing import Optional from app.db import Session from app.models import User, PartnerUser, Partner from app.proton.proton_client import ProtonClient, ProtonUser from app.utils import random_string PROTON_PARTNER_NAME = "Proton" _PROTON_PARTNER_ID: Optional[int] = None def get_proton_partner_id() -> int: global _PROTON_PARTNER_ID if _PROTON_PARTNER_ID is None: partner = Partner.get_by(name=PROTON_PARTNER_NAME) if partner is None: raise Exception("Could not find Proton Partner instance") _PROTON_PARTNER_ID = return _PROTON_PARTNER_ID class Action(enum.Enum): Login = 1 Link = 2 @dataclass class ProtonCallbackResult: redirect_to_login: bool flash_message: Optional[str] flash_category: Optional[str] redirect: Optional[str] user: Optional[User] def ensure_partner_user_exists(proton_user: ProtonUser, sl_user: User): proton_partner_id = get_proton_partner_id() if not PartnerUser.get_by(, partner_id=proton_partner_id): PartnerUser.create(, partner_id=proton_partner_id,, ) Session.commit() class ClientMergeStrategy(ABC): def __init__(self, proton_user: ProtonUser, sl_user: Optional[User]): if self.__class__ == ClientMergeStrategy: raise RuntimeError("Cannot directly instantiate a ClientMergeStrategy") self.proton_user = proton_user self.sl_user = sl_user @abstractmethod def process(self) -> ProtonCallbackResult: pass class UnexistantSlClientStrategy(ClientMergeStrategy): def process(self) -> ProtonCallbackResult: # Will create a new SL User with a random password proton_partner_id = get_proton_partner_id() new_user = User.create(,,, partner_id=proton_partner_id, password=random_string(20), ) PartnerUser.create(, partner_id=proton_partner_id,, ) # TODO: Adjust plans Session.commit() return ProtonCallbackResult( redirect_to_login=False, flash_message=None, flash_category=None, redirect=None, user=new_user, ) class ExistingSlClientStrategy(ClientMergeStrategy): def process(self) -> ProtonCallbackResult: ensure_partner_user_exists(self.proton_user, self.sl_user) # TODO: Adjust plans return ProtonCallbackResult( redirect_to_login=False, flash_message=None, flash_category=None, redirect=None, user=self.sl_user, ) class ExistingSlUserLinkedWithDifferentProtonAccountStrategy(ClientMergeStrategy): def process(self) -> ProtonCallbackResult: return ProtonCallbackResult( redirect_to_login=True, flash_message="This Proton account is already linked to another account", flash_category="error", user=None, redirect=None, ) class AlreadyLinkedUserStrategy(ClientMergeStrategy): def process(self) -> ProtonCallbackResult: return ProtonCallbackResult( redirect_to_login=False, flash_message=None, flash_category=None, redirect=None, user=self.sl_user, ) def get_login_strategy( proton_user: ProtonUser, sl_user: Optional[User] ) -> ClientMergeStrategy: if sl_user is None: # We couldn't find any SimpleLogin user with the requested e-mail return UnexistantSlClientStrategy(proton_user, sl_user) # There is a SimpleLogin user with the proton_user's e-mail # Try to find if it has been registered via a partner if sl_user.partner_id is None: # It has not been registered via a Partner return ExistingSlClientStrategy(proton_user, sl_user) # It has been registered via a partner # Check if the partner_user_id matches if sl_user.partner_user_id != # It doesn't match. That means that the SimpleLogin user has a different Proton account linked return ExistingSlUserLinkedWithDifferentProtonAccountStrategy( proton_user, sl_user ) # This case means that the sl_user is already linked, so nothing to do return AlreadyLinkedUserStrategy(proton_user, sl_user) def process_login_case(proton_user: ProtonUser) -> ProtonCallbackResult: # Try to find a SimpleLogin user registered with that proton user id proton_partner_id = get_proton_partner_id() sl_user_with_external_id = User.get_by( partner_id=proton_partner_id, ) if sl_user_with_external_id is None: # We didn't find any SimpleLogin user registered with that proton user id # Try to find it using the proton's e-mail address sl_user = User.get_by( return get_login_strategy(proton_user, sl_user).process() else: # We found the SL user registered with that proton user id # We're done return AlreadyLinkedUserStrategy( proton_user, sl_user_with_external_id ).process() def link_user(proton_user: ProtonUser, current_user: User) -> ProtonCallbackResult: proton_partner_id = get_proton_partner_id() current_user.partner_user_id = current_user.partner_id = proton_partner_id ensure_partner_user_exists(proton_user, current_user) Session.commit() return ProtonCallbackResult( redirect_to_login=False, redirect=url_for("dashboard.setting"), flash_category="success", flash_message="Account successfully linked", user=current_user, ) def process_link_case( proton_user: ProtonUser, current_user: User ) -> ProtonCallbackResult: # Try to find a SimpleLogin user linked with this Proton account proton_partner_id = get_proton_partner_id() sl_user_linked_to_proton_account = User.get_by( partner_id=proton_partner_id, ) if sl_user_linked_to_proton_account is None: # There is no SL user linked with the proton email. Proceed with linking return link_user(proton_user, current_user) else: # There is a SL user registered with the proton email. Check if is the current one if == # It's the same user. No need to do anything return ProtonCallbackResult( redirect_to_login=False, redirect=url_for("dashboard.setting"), flash_category="success", flash_message="Account successfully linked", user=current_user, ) else: # It's a different user. Unlink the other account and link the current one sl_user_linked_to_proton_account.partner_id = None sl_user_linked_to_proton_account.partner_user_id = None other_partner_user = PartnerUser.get_by(, partner_id=proton_partner_id, ) if other_partner_user is not None: PartnerUser.delete( return link_user(proton_user, current_user) class ProtonCallbackHandler: def __init__(self, proton_client: ProtonClient): self.proton_client = proton_client def handle_login(self) -> ProtonCallbackResult: return process_login_case(self.__get_proton_user()) def handle_link(self, current_user: Optional[User]) -> ProtonCallbackResult: if current_user is None: raise Exception("Cannot link account with current_user being None") return process_link_case(self.__get_proton_user(), current_user) def __get_proton_user(self) -> ProtonUser: user = self.proton_client.get_user() plan = self.proton_client.get_plan() return ProtonUser(, plan=plan,,