import os # use the tests/test.env config fle # flake8: noqa: E402 os.environ["CONFIG"] = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "tests/test.env") ) import sqlalchemy from app.db import Session, engine, connection from psycopg2 import errors from psycopg2.errorcodes import DEPENDENT_OBJECTS_STILL_EXIST import pytest from server import create_app from init_app import add_sl_domains, add_proton_partner app = create_app() app.config["TESTING"] = True app.config["WTF_CSRF_ENABLED"] = False app.config["SERVER_NAME"] = "sl.test" # enable pg_trgm extension with engine.connect() as conn: try: conn.execute("DROP EXTENSION if exists pg_trgm") conn.execute("CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm") except sqlalchemy.exc.InternalError as e: if isinstance(e.orig, errors.lookup(DEPENDENT_OBJECTS_STILL_EXIST)): print(">>> pg_trgm can't be dropped, ignore") conn.execute("Rollback") add_sl_domains() add_proton_partner() @pytest.fixture def flask_app(): yield app @pytest.fixture def flask_client(): transaction = connection.begin() with app.app_context(): try: client = app.test_client() yield client finally: # roll back all commits made during a test transaction.rollback() Session.rollback() Session.close()