import random from typing import Dict from urllib.parse import urlparse from flask import request, render_template, redirect from flask_login import current_user from app.extensions import db from app.jose_utils import make_id_token from app.log import LOG from app.models import ( Client, AuthorizationCode, ClientUser, GenEmail, RedirectUri, OauthToken, ) from app.oauth.base import oauth_bp from app.oauth_models import get_response_types, ResponseType, Scope from app.utils import random_string, encode_url @oauth_bp.route("/authorize", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def authorize(): """ Redirected from client when user clicks on "Login with Server". This is a GET request with the following field in url - client_id - (optional) state - response_type: must be code """ oauth_client_id = request.args.get("client_id") state = request.args.get("state") scope = request.args.get("scope") redirect_uri = request.args.get("redirect_uri") try: response_types: [ResponseType] = get_response_types(request) except ValueError: return ( "response_type must be code, token, id_token or certain combination of these." " Please see /.well-known/openid-configuration to see what response_type are supported ", 400, ) if not redirect_uri: LOG.d("no redirect uri") return "redirect_uri must be set", 400 client = Client.get_by(oauth_client_id=oauth_client_id) if not client: return f"no such client with oauth-client-id {oauth_client_id}", 400 # check if redirect_uri is valid # allow localhost by default # todo: only allow https hostname, scheme = get_host_name_and_scheme(redirect_uri) if hostname != "localhost": if not RedirectUri.get_by(, uri=redirect_uri): return f"{redirect_uri} is not authorized", 400 # redirect from client website if request.method == "GET": if current_user.is_authenticated: # user has already allowed this client client_user: ClientUser = ClientUser.get_by(, ) user_info = {} if client_user: LOG.debug("user %s has already allowed client %s", current_user, client) user_info = client_user.get_user_info() return render_template( "oauth/authorize.html", client=client, user_info=user_info, client_user=client_user, Scope=Scope, ) else: # after user logs in, redirect user back to this page return render_template( "oauth/authorize_nonlogin_user.html", client=client, next=request.url ) else: # user allows or denies gen_new_email = request.form.get("gen-email") == "on" if request.form.get("button") == "deny": LOG.debug("User %s denies Client %s", current_user, client) final_redirect_uri = f"{redirect_uri}?error=deny&state={state}" return redirect(final_redirect_uri) LOG.debug("User %s allows Client %s", current_user, client) client_user = ClientUser.get_by(, # user has already allowed this client if client_user: LOG.d("user %s has already allowed client %s", current_user, client) # User cannot choose to gen new email gen_new_email = False else: client_user = ClientUser.create(, ) db.session.flush() LOG.d("create client-user for client %s, user %s", client, current_user) redirect_args = {} if state: redirect_args["state"] = state else: LOG.warning( "more security reason, state should be added. client %s", client ) if scope: redirect_args["scope"] = scope for response_type in response_types: if response_type == ResponseType.CODE: # Create authorization code auth_code = AuthorizationCode.create(,, code=random_string(), scope=scope, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, ) db.session.add(auth_code) redirect_args["code"] = auth_code.code elif response_type == ResponseType.TOKEN: # create access-token oauth_token = OauthToken.create(,, scope=scope, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, access_token=generate_access_token(), ) db.session.add(oauth_token) redirect_args["access_token"] = oauth_token.access_token elif response_type == ResponseType.ID_TOKEN: redirect_args["id_token"] = make_id_token(client_user) if gen_new_email: client_user.gen_email_id = create_or_choose_gen_email(current_user).id db.session.commit() # construct redirect_uri with redirect_args return redirect(construct_url(redirect_uri, redirect_args)) def create_or_choose_gen_email(user) -> GenEmail: can_create_new_email = user.can_create_new_email() if can_create_new_email: gen_email = GenEmail.create_new_gen_email( db.session.flush() LOG.debug("generate email %s for user %s",, user) else: # need to reuse one of the gen emails created LOG.d("pick a random email for gen emails for user %s", current_user) gen_emails = GenEmail.filter_by( gen_email = random.choice(gen_emails) return gen_email def construct_url(url, args: Dict[str, str]): for i, (k, v) in enumerate(args.items()): # make sure to escape v v = encode_url(v) if i == 0: url += f"?{k}={v}" else: url += f"&{k}={v}" return url def generate_access_token() -> str: """generate an access-token that does not exist before""" access_token = random_string(40) if not OauthToken.get_by(access_token=access_token): return access_token # Rerun the function LOG.warning("access token already exists, generate a new one") return generate_access_token() def get_host_name_and_scheme(url: str) -> (str, str): """http://localhost:7777?a=b -> (localhost, http) """ url_comp = urlparse(url) return url_comp.hostname, url_comp.scheme