{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} {% call text() %} Hi, {% endcall %} {% call text() %} {% if is_proton %} As a Proton user with a paid mail subscription you can have SimpleLogin premium for free, thanks to the SimpleLogin Proton integration.
{% else %} {{ partner.name }} has upgraded your account to premium.
{% endif %} You currently have a paid SimpleLogin subscription via {{ subscription_channel }}.
{% if subscription_channel == 'apple' %} You can cancel it to avoid automatic renewal on your Apple iCloud account page. You can find more info here.
{% elif subscription_channel == 'paddle' %} You can cancel it to avoid automatic renewal on {{ cancel_link }}.
{% endif %} You can also keep both subscriptions. In this case there’s nothing to do. {% endcall %} {% call text() %} Best,
SimpleLogin team. {% endcall %} {% endblock %}