from flask import g from flask import jsonify, request from flask_cors import cross_origin from itsdangerous import Signer from app.api.base import api_bp, verify_api_key from app.config import EMAIL_DOMAIN, MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN, FLASK_SECRET from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG from app.models import GenEmail, AliasUsedOn, User, ApiKey from app.utils import convert_to_id @api_bp.route("/auth/login", methods=["POST"]) @cross_origin() def auth_login(): """ Authenticate user Input: email password device: to create an ApiKey associated with this device Output: 200 and user info containing: { name: "John Wick", mfa_enabled: true, mfa_key: "a long string", api_key: "a long string" } """ data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify(error="request body cannot be empty"), 400 email = data.get("email") password = data.get("password") device = data.get("device") user = User.filter_by(email=email).first() if not user or not user.check_password(password): return jsonify(error="Email or password incorrect"), 400 elif not user.activated: return jsonify(error="Account not activated"), 400 return jsonify(**auth_payload(user, device)), 200 def auth_payload(user, device) -> dict: ret = { "name":, "mfa_enabled": user.enable_otp, } # do not give api_key, user can only obtain api_key after OTP verification if user.enable_otp: s = Signer(FLASK_SECRET) ret["mfa_key"] = s.sign(str( ret["api_key"] = None else: api_key = ApiKey.get_by(, name=device) if not api_key: LOG.d("create new api key for %s and %s", user, device) api_key = ApiKey.create(, device) db.session.commit() ret["mfa_key"] = None ret["api_key"] = api_key.code return ret