{% extends 'default.html' %} {% set active_page = "setting" %} {% block title %} Settings {% endblock %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block default_content %}
{{ change_email_form.csrf_token }}
Change Email Address
{{ change_email_form.email(class="form-control", value=current_user.email, readonly=pending_email != None) }} {{ render_field_errors(change_email_form.email) }} {% if pending_email %}
Pending email change: {{ pending_email }} Resend confirmation email Cancel email change
{% endif %}
{{ form.csrf_token }}
Change Profile
{{ form.name(class="form-control", value=current_user.name) }} {{ render_field_errors(form.name) }}
Profile picture
{{ form.profile_picture(class="form-control-file") }} {{ render_field_errors(form.profile_picture) }} {% if current_user.profile_picture_id %} {% endif %}
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Secure your account with Multi-Factor Authentication.
This requires having applications like Google Authenticator, Authy, FreeOTP, etc.
{% if not current_user.enable_otp %} Enable {% else %} Cancel MFA {% endif %}
Change password
You will receive an email containing instructions on how to change password.
Random Alias
Choose how to create your email alias by default
Every now and then we can send you an email to let you know about a new feature that might be useful to you.
Current Plan
{% if current_user.get_subscription() %} You are on the {{ current_user.get_subscription().plan_name() }} plan.
Manage Subscription {% elif manual_sub %} You are on the Premium plan. The plan ends {{ manual_sub.end_at | dt }}. {% elif current_user.lifetime %} You have the lifetime licence. {% elif current_user.in_trial() %} You are in the trial period. The trial ends {{ current_user.trial_end | dt }}. {% else %} You are on the Free plan. {% endif %}
Sender address format
When your alias receives an email, says from John Wick <john@wick.com>, SimpleLogin forwards it to your mailbox.
Due to some email constraints, SimpleLogin cannot keep the sender email address in the original form and needs to transform it to one of the 2 below formats.
Creating a different email address for every website/service is good for our privacy and help fighting against spammers.
Here you can invite your friends to join SimpleLogin and help protect their privacy.
At the beginning of each month, the person who invites most of people joining SimpleLogin wins the lifetime licence :).
Invite Friends
Deleted Aliases
When an alias is deleted, all its activities are deleted and no emails can be sent to it. The deleted alias is moved to another location and only used to check when new alias is created.
This check is necessary to avoid someone else accidentally taking this alias. Otherwise the other person might receive inadvertently information that belong to you.
See deleted aliases
When an email sent to your alias is classified as spam or refused by your email provider, it usually means your alias has been leaked to a spammer.
In this case SimpleLogin will keep a copy of this email (so it isn't lost) and notify you so you can take a look at its content and take appropriate actions.
The emails are deleted in 7 days. This is an exceptional case where SimpleLogin stores the email.
See refused emails
Export Data
You can download all aliases you have created on SimpleLogin along with other data.
Delete Account
Please note that this operation is irreversible.
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}