# Troubleshooting ## A. If you can't receive a welcome email when signing up This can either mean: 1) Postfix can't send emails to your mailbox 2) The `sl-app` container can't connect to Postfix (run on the host) ### A.1 To test 1), running `swaks --to your-mailbox@mail.com` should send you an email. Make sure to replace `your-mailbox@mail.com` by your mailbox address. `swaks` can be installed with `sudo apt install swaks` on Debian-based OS. ### A.2 Once 1) works, we can test the 2) by a) first connecting to the container by `docker exec -it sl-app bash` b) then run the following commands ```bash apt update apt install telnet -y telnet 25 ``` If the `telnet 25` doesn't work, it means Postfix can't be reached from the docker container. This means an issue with the Docker network. You can then try `telnet 25` as `` is *usually* the host IP address. If this works, then you can set the `POSTFIX_SERVER=` in your SimpleLogin config file `~/simplelogin.env` and re-run all the containers. If not, please run through the self-hosting instructions and make sure no step is missed. ## B. You send an email to your alias and can't receive the forwarded email on your mailbox This can be either due to: 1) Postfix doesn't recognize the alias domain 2) Postfix can't connect to the `sl-email` container 3) `sl-email` container can't connect to Postfix 4) Postfix can't send emails to ### B.1 For 1), this can mean the `/etc/postfix/pgsql-relay-domains.cf` and `/etc/postfix/pgsql-transport-maps.cf` aren't correctly set up. To test 1), `postmap -q mydomain.com pgsql:/etc/postfix/pgsql-relay-domains.cf` should return `mydomain.com`. And `postmap -q not-exist.com pgsql:/etc/postfix/pgsql-relay-domains.cf` should return nothing. `postmap -q mydomain.com pgsql:/etc/postfix/pgsql-transport-maps.cf` should return `smtp:` And `postmap -q not-exist.com pgsql:/etc/postfix/pgsql-transport-maps.cf` should return nothing. ### B.2 For 2), you can check in the `sl-email` log by running `docker logs sl-email` and if the incoming email doesn't appear there, then it means Postfix can't connect to the `sl-email` container. Please run through the self-hosting instructions and make sure no step is missed. ### B.3 For 3), you can check in the `sl-email` log by running `docker logs sl-email` and make sure there's no error there. ### B.4 For 4), please refer to the A.1 section to make sure Postfix can send emails to your mailbox.