{% extends 'default.html' %} {% set active_page = "setting" %} {% block title %} Settings {% endblock %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block default_content %}
{{ change_email_form.csrf_token }}
Email Address
{{ change_email_form.email(class="form-control", value=current_user.email, readonly=pending_email != None) }} {{ render_field_errors(change_email_form.email) }} {% if pending_email %}
Pending email change: {{ pending_email }} Resend confirmation email Cancel email change
{% endif %}
{{ form.csrf_token }}
This information will be filled in automatically when you use "Sign in with SimpleLogin" button.
{{ form.name(class="form-control", value=current_user.name) }} {{ render_field_errors(form.name) }}
Profile picture
{{ form.profile_picture(class="form-control-file") }} {{ render_field_errors(form.profile_picture) }} {% if current_user.profile_picture_id %} {% endif %}
Security Key (WebAuthn)
You can secure your account by linking either your FIDO-supported physical key such as Yubikey, Google Titan, or a device with appropriate hardware to your account.
{% if current_user.fido_uuid is none %} Setup WebAuthn {% else %} Manage WebAuthn Recovery Codes {% endif %}
Two Factor Authentication
Secure your account with 2FA, you'll be asked for a code generated through an app when you login.
{% if not current_user.enable_otp %} Setup TOTP {% else %} Disable TOTP Recovery Codes {% endif %}
Change password
You will receive an email containing instructions on how to change your password.
Random Alias
Change the way random aliases are generated by default.
Select the domain for random aliases.
We will occasionally send you emails with new feature announcements.
Current Plan
{% if current_user.get_subscription() %} You are on the {{ current_user.get_subscription().plan_name() }} plan.
Manage Subscription {% if current_user.lifetime %} You have however lifetime access to the Premium plan now so make sure to cancel the previous plan :). {% endif %} {% elif manual_sub %} You are on the Premium plan which expires {{ manual_sub.end_at | dt }} ({{ manual_sub.end_at.format("YYYY-MM-DD") }}). {% if manual_sub.is_giveaway %}
To gain additional features and support Simple Login you can upgrade to a Premium plan.
Upgrade {% endif %} {% elif current_user.lifetime %} You have lifetime access to the Premium plan. {% if not current_user.paid_lifetime %}
To support Simple Login you can switch to a paid plan.
Upgrade {% endif %} {% elif current_user.in_trial() %} Your Premium trial expires {{ current_user.trial_end | dt }}. {% else %} You are on the Free plan. {% endif %}
Sender address format
When your alias receives an email, say from: John Wick <john@wick.com>, SimpleLogin forwards it to your mailbox.
Due to some email constraints, SimpleLogin cannot keep the sender email address in the original form and needs to transform it to one of the formats below.
Replace reverse alias
When replying to a forwarded email, the reverse-alias is usually included in the attached message. You can turn on this option to replace the reverse-alias by the alias. However this breaks PGP-signed emails so please only enable it if you know what you're doing :).
When an email sent to your alias is classified as spam or refused by your email provider, it usually means your alias has been leaked to a spammer.
In this case SimpleLogin will keep a copy of this email (so it isn't lost) and notify you so you can take a look at its content and take appropriate actions.
The emails are deleted in 7 days. This is an exceptional case where SimpleLogin stores the email.
See refused emails
Import alias
You can import your aliases created on other platforms into SimpleLogin.
Batch Import
Export Data
You can download all aliases you have created on SimpleLogin along with other data.
Delete Account
Please note that this operation is irreversible.
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}