import requests from flask import request, flash, render_template, redirect, url_for from flask_login import current_user from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import StringField, validators from app import email_utils, config from app.auth.base import auth_bp from app.auth.views.login_utils import get_referral from app.config import URL, HCAPTCHA_SECRET, HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY from app.email_utils import ( email_can_be_used_as_mailbox, personal_email_already_used, ) from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG from app.models import User, ActivationCode from app.utils import random_string, encode_url class RegisterForm(FlaskForm): email = StringField("Email", validators=[validators.DataRequired()]) password = StringField( "Password", validators=[validators.DataRequired(), validators.Length(min=8)] ) @auth_bp.route("/register", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def register(): if current_user.is_authenticated: LOG.d("user is already authenticated, redirect to dashboard") flash("You are already logged in", "warning") return redirect(url_for("dashboard.index")) if config.DISABLE_REGISTRATION: flash("Registration is closed", "error") return redirect(url_for("auth.login")) form = RegisterForm(request.form) next_url = request.args.get("next") if form.validate_on_submit(): # only check if hcaptcha is enabled if HCAPTCHA_SECRET: # check with hCaptcha token = request.form.get("h-captcha-response") params = {"secret": HCAPTCHA_SECRET, "response": token} hcaptcha_res = "", data=params ).json() # return something like # {'success': True, # 'challenge_ts': '2020-07-23T10:03:25', # 'hostname': ''} if not hcaptcha_res["success"]: LOG.warning( "User put wrong captcha %s %s",, hcaptcha_res, ) flash("Wrong Captcha", "error") return render_template( "auth/register.html", form=form, next_url=next_url, HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY=HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY, ) email = if not email_can_be_used_as_mailbox(email): flash("You cannot use this email address as your personal inbox.", "error") else: if personal_email_already_used(email): flash(f"Email {email} already used", "error") else: LOG.debug("create user %s", email) user = User.create( email=email, name="",, referral=get_referral(), ) db.session.commit() try: send_activation_email(user, next_url) except Exception: flash("Invalid email, are you sure the email is correct?", "error") return redirect(url_for("auth.register")) return render_template("auth/register_waiting_activation.html") return render_template( "auth/register.html", form=form, next_url=next_url, HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY=HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY, ) def send_activation_email(user, next_url): # the activation code is valid for 1h activation = ActivationCode.create(, code=random_string(30)) db.session.commit() # Send user activation email activation_link = f"{URL}/auth/activate?code={activation.code}" if next_url: LOG.d("redirect user to %s after activation", next_url) activation_link = activation_link + "&next=" + encode_url(next_url) email_utils.send_activation_email(,, activation_link)