""" Handle the email *forward* and *reply*. phase. There are 3 actors: - contact: who sends emails to alias@sl.co address - SL email handler (this script) - user personal email: to be protected. Should never leak to contact. This script makes sure that in the forward phase, the email that is forwarded to user personal email has the following envelope and header fields: Envelope: mail from: @contact rcpt to: @personal_email Header: From: @contact To: alias@sl.co # so user knows this email is sent to alias Reply-to: special@sl.co # magic HERE And in the reply phase: Envelope: mail from: @contact rcpt to: @contact Header: From: alias@sl.co # so for contact the email comes from alias. magic HERE To: @contact The special@sl.co allows to hide user personal email when user clicks "Reply" to the forwarded email. It should contain the following info: - alias - @contact """ import time import uuid from email import encoders from email.message import Message from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.parser import Parser from email.policy import SMTPUTF8 from email.utils import parseaddr from io import BytesIO from smtplib import SMTP from typing import Optional from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller from app import pgp_utils, s3 from app.config import ( EMAIL_DOMAIN, POSTFIX_SERVER, URL, ALIAS_DOMAINS, POSTFIX_SUBMISSION_TLS, UNSUBSCRIBER, ) from app.email_utils import ( send_email, add_dkim_signature, get_email_domain_part, add_or_replace_header, delete_header, send_cannot_create_directory_alias, send_cannot_create_domain_alias, email_belongs_to_alias_domains, render, get_orig_message_from_bounce, delete_all_headers_except, new_addr, get_addrs_from_header, ) from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG from app.models import ( Alias, Contact, EmailLog, CustomDomain, Directory, User, DeletedAlias, RefusedEmail, ) from app.utils import random_string from server import create_app # fix the database connection leak issue # use this method instead of create_app def new_app(): app = create_app() @app.teardown_appcontext def shutdown_session(response_or_exc): # same as shutdown_session() in flask-sqlalchemy but this is not enough db.session.remove() # dispose the engine too db.engine.dispose() return app def try_auto_create(address: str) -> Optional[Alias]: """Try to auto-create the alias using directory or catch-all domain """ alias = try_auto_create_catch_all_domain(address) if not alias: alias = try_auto_create_directory(address) return alias def try_auto_create_directory(address: str) -> Optional[Alias]: """ Try to create an alias with directory """ # check if alias belongs to a directory, ie having directory/anything@EMAIL_DOMAIN format if email_belongs_to_alias_domains(address): # if there's no directory separator in the alias, no way to auto-create it if "/" not in address and "+" not in address and "#" not in address: return None # alias contains one of the 3 special directory separator: "/", "+" or "#" if "/" in address: sep = "/" elif "+" in address: sep = "+" else: sep = "#" directory_name = address[: address.find(sep)] LOG.d("directory_name %s", directory_name) directory = Directory.get_by(name=directory_name) if not directory: return None dir_user: User = directory.user if not dir_user.can_create_new_alias(): send_cannot_create_directory_alias(dir_user, address, directory_name) return None # if alias has been deleted before, do not auto-create it if DeletedAlias.get_by(email=address, user_id=directory.user_id): LOG.warning( "Alias %s was deleted before, cannot auto-create using directory %s, user %s", address, directory_name, dir_user, ) return None LOG.d("create alias %s for directory %s", address, directory) alias = Alias.create( email=address, user_id=directory.user_id, directory_id=directory.id, mailbox_id=dir_user.default_mailbox_id, ) db.session.commit() return alias def try_auto_create_catch_all_domain(address: str) -> Optional[Alias]: """Try to create an alias with catch-all domain""" # try to create alias on-the-fly with custom-domain catch-all feature # check if alias is custom-domain alias and if the custom-domain has catch-all enabled alias_domain = get_email_domain_part(address) custom_domain = CustomDomain.get_by(domain=alias_domain) if not custom_domain: return None # custom_domain exists if not custom_domain.catch_all: return None # custom_domain has catch-all enabled domain_user: User = custom_domain.user if not domain_user.can_create_new_alias(): send_cannot_create_domain_alias(domain_user, address, alias_domain) return None # if alias has been deleted before, do not auto-create it if DeletedAlias.get_by(email=address, user_id=custom_domain.user_id): LOG.warning( "Alias %s was deleted before, cannot auto-create using domain catch-all %s, user %s", address, custom_domain, domain_user, ) return None LOG.d("create alias %s for domain %s", address, custom_domain) alias = Alias.create( email=address, user_id=custom_domain.user_id, custom_domain_id=custom_domain.id, automatic_creation=True, mailbox_id=domain_user.default_mailbox_id, ) db.session.commit() return alias def get_or_create_contact(website_from_header: str, alias: Alias) -> Contact: """ website_from_header can be the full-form email, i.e. "First Last " """ _, website_email = parseaddr(website_from_header) contact = Contact.get_by(alias_id=alias.id, website_email=website_email) if contact: # update the website_from if needed if contact.website_from != website_from_header: LOG.d("Update From header for %s", contact) contact.website_from = website_from_header db.session.commit() else: LOG.debug( "create forward email for alias %s and website email %s", alias, website_from_header, ) reply_email = generate_reply_email() contact = Contact.create( user_id=alias.user_id, alias_id=alias.id, website_email=website_email, website_from=website_from_header, reply_email=reply_email, ) db.session.commit() return contact def replace_header_when_forward(msg: Message, alias: Alias, header: str): """ Replace CC or To header by Reply emails in forward phase """ addrs = get_addrs_from_header(msg, header) # Nothing to do if not addrs: return new_addrs: [str] = [] need_replace = False for addr in addrs: name, email = parseaddr(addr) # no transformation when alias is already in the header if email == alias.email: new_addrs.append(addr) continue contact = Contact.get_by(alias_id=alias.id, website_email=email) if contact: # update the website_from if needed if contact.website_from != addr: LOG.d("Update website_from for %s to %s", contact, addr) contact.website_from = addr db.session.commit() else: LOG.debug( "create contact for alias %s and email %s, header %s", alias, email, header, ) reply_email = generate_reply_email() contact = Contact.create( user_id=alias.user_id, alias_id=alias.id, website_email=email, website_from=addr, reply_email=reply_email, is_cc=header.lower() == "cc", ) db.session.commit() new_addrs.append( new_addr(contact.website_from, contact.reply_email, alias.user) ) need_replace = True if need_replace: new_header = ",".join(new_addrs) LOG.d("Replace %s header, old: %s, new: %s", header, msg[header], new_header) add_or_replace_header(msg, header, new_header) else: LOG.d("No need to replace %s header", header) def replace_header_when_reply(msg: Message, alias: Alias, header: str): """ Replace CC or To Reply emails by original emails """ addrs = get_addrs_from_header(msg, header) # Nothing to do if not addrs: return new_addrs: [str] = [] for addr in addrs: name, email = parseaddr(addr) # no transformation when alias is already in the header if email == alias.email: continue contact = Contact.get_by(reply_email=email) if not contact: LOG.warning( "%s email in reply phase %s must be reply emails", header, email ) # still keep this email in header new_addrs.append(addr) continue new_addrs.append(contact.website_from or contact.website_email) new_header = ",".join(new_addrs) LOG.d("Replace %s header, old: %s, new: %s", header, msg[header], new_header) add_or_replace_header(msg, header, new_header) def generate_reply_email(): # generate a reply_email, make sure it is unique # not use while loop to avoid infinite loop reply_email = f"reply+{random_string(30)}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}" for _ in range(1000): if not Contact.get_by(reply_email=reply_email): # found! break reply_email = f"reply+{random_string(30)}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}" return reply_email def should_append_alias(msg: Message, address: str): """whether an alias should be appended to TO header in message""" if msg["To"] and address in msg["To"]: return False if msg["Cc"] and address in msg["Cc"]: return False return True def prepare_pgp_message(orig_msg: Message, pgp_fingerprint: str): msg = MIMEMultipart("encrypted", protocol="application/pgp-encrypted") # copy all headers from original message except the "Content-Type" for i in reversed(range(len(orig_msg._headers))): header_name = orig_msg._headers[i][0].lower() if header_name != "Content-Type".lower(): msg[header_name] = orig_msg._headers[i][1] # Delete unnecessary headers in orig_msg except to save space delete_all_headers_except( orig_msg, [ "MIME-Version", "Content-Type", "Content-Disposition", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", ], ) first = MIMEApplication( _subtype="pgp-encrypted", _encoder=encoders.encode_7or8bit, _data="" ) first.set_payload("Version: 1") msg.attach(first) second = MIMEApplication("octet-stream", _encoder=encoders.encode_7or8bit) second.add_header("Content-Disposition", "inline") # encrypt original message encrypted_data = pgp_utils.encrypt(orig_msg.as_string(), pgp_fingerprint) second.set_payload(encrypted_data) msg.attach(second) return msg def handle_forward(envelope, smtp: SMTP, msg: Message, rcpt_to: str) -> (bool, str): """return whether an email has been delivered and the smtp status ("250 Message accepted", "550 Non-existent email address", etc) """ address = rcpt_to.lower() # alias@SL alias = Alias.get_by(email=address) if not alias: LOG.d("alias %s not exist. Try to see if it can be created on the fly", address) alias = try_auto_create(address) if not alias: LOG.d("alias %s cannot be created on-the-fly, return 550", address) return False, "550 SL Email not exist" mailbox = alias.mailbox mailbox_email = mailbox.email user = alias.user # create PGP email if needed if mailbox.pgp_finger_print and user.is_premium(): LOG.d("Encrypt message using mailbox %s", mailbox) msg = prepare_pgp_message(msg, mailbox.pgp_finger_print) contact = get_or_create_contact(msg["From"], alias) forward_log = EmailLog.create(contact_id=contact.id, user_id=contact.user_id) if alias.enabled: # add custom header add_or_replace_header(msg, "X-SimpleLogin-Type", "Forward") # remove reply-to & sender header if present delete_header(msg, "Reply-To") delete_header(msg, "Sender") # change the from header so the sender comes from @SL # so it can pass DMARC check # replace the email part in from: header contact_from_header = msg["From"] contact_name, contact_email = parseaddr(contact_from_header) new_from_header = new_addr(contact_from_header, contact.reply_email, user) add_or_replace_header(msg, "From", new_from_header) LOG.d("new_from_header:%s, old header %s", new_from_header, contact_from_header) # replace CC & To emails by reply-email for all emails that are not alias replace_header_when_forward(msg, alias, "Cc") replace_header_when_forward(msg, alias, "To") # append alias into the TO header if it's not present in To or CC if should_append_alias(msg, alias.email): LOG.d("append alias %s to TO header %s", alias, msg["To"]) if msg["To"]: to_header = msg["To"] + "," + alias.email else: to_header = alias.email add_or_replace_header(msg, "To", to_header.strip()) # add List-Unsubscribe header if UNSUBSCRIBER: unsubscribe_link = f"mailto:{UNSUBSCRIBER}?subject={alias.id}=" add_or_replace_header(msg, "List-Unsubscribe", f"<{unsubscribe_link}>") else: unsubscribe_link = f"{URL}/dashboard/unsubscribe/{alias.id}" add_or_replace_header(msg, "List-Unsubscribe", f"<{unsubscribe_link}>") add_or_replace_header( msg, "List-Unsubscribe-Post", "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click" ) add_dkim_signature(msg, EMAIL_DOMAIN) LOG.d( "Forward mail from %s to %s, mail_options %s, rcpt_options %s ", contact_email, mailbox_email, envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, ) # smtp.send_message has UnicodeEncodeErroremail issue # encode message raw directly instead msg_raw = msg.as_string().encode() smtp.sendmail( contact.reply_email, mailbox_email, msg_raw, envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, ) else: LOG.d("%s is disabled, do not forward", alias) forward_log.blocked = True db.session.commit() return True, "250 Message accepted for delivery" def handle_reply(envelope, smtp: SMTP, msg: Message, rcpt_to: str) -> (bool, str): """ return whether an email has been delivered and the smtp status ("250 Message accepted", "550 Non-existent email address", etc) """ reply_email = rcpt_to.lower() # reply_email must end with EMAIL_DOMAIN if not reply_email.endswith(EMAIL_DOMAIN): LOG.warning(f"Reply email {reply_email} has wrong domain") return False, "550 SL wrong reply email" contact = Contact.get_by(reply_email=reply_email) if not contact: LOG.warning(f"No such forward-email with {reply_email} as reply-email") return False, "550 SL wrong reply email" alias = contact.alias address: str = contact.alias.email alias_domain = address[address.find("@") + 1 :] # alias must end with one of the ALIAS_DOMAINS or custom-domain if not email_belongs_to_alias_domains(alias.email): if not CustomDomain.get_by(domain=alias_domain): return False, "550 SL alias unknown by SimpleLogin" user = alias.user mailbox_email = alias.mailbox_email() # bounce email initiated by Postfix # can happen in case emails cannot be delivered to user-email # in this case Postfix will try to send a bounce report to original sender, which is # the "reply email" if envelope.mail_from == "<>": LOG.warning( "Bounce when sending to alias %s from %s, user %s", alias, contact.website_from, alias.user, ) handle_bounce(contact, alias, msg, user, mailbox_email) return False, "550 SL ignored" # only mailbox can send email to the reply-email if envelope.mail_from.lower() != mailbox_email.lower(): LOG.warning( f"Reply email can only be used by mailbox. " f"Actual mail_from: %s. msg from header: %s, Mailbox %s. reply_email %s", envelope.mail_from, msg["From"], mailbox_email, reply_email, ) send_email( mailbox_email, f"Reply from your alias {alias.email} only works from your mailbox", render( "transactional/reply-must-use-personal-email.txt", name=user.name, alias=alias.email, sender=envelope.mail_from, mailbox_email=mailbox_email, ), render( "transactional/reply-must-use-personal-email.html", name=user.name, alias=alias.email, sender=envelope.mail_from, mailbox_email=mailbox_email, ), ) # Notify sender that they cannot send emails to this address send_email( envelope.mail_from, f"Your email ({envelope.mail_from}) is not allowed to send emails to {reply_email}", render( "transactional/send-from-alias-from-unknown-sender.txt", sender=envelope.mail_from, reply_email=reply_email, ), "", ) return False, "550 SL ignored" delete_header(msg, "DKIM-Signature") # make the email comes from alias add_or_replace_header(msg, "From", alias.email) # some email providers like ProtonMail adds automatically the Reply-To field # make sure to delete it delete_header(msg, "Reply-To") # remove sender header if present as this could reveal user real email delete_header(msg, "Sender") replace_header_when_reply(msg, alias, "To") replace_header_when_reply(msg, alias, "Cc") # Received-SPF is injected by postfix-policyd-spf-python can reveal user original email delete_header(msg, "Received-SPF") LOG.d( "send email from %s to %s, mail_options:%s,rcpt_options:%s", alias.email, contact.website_email, envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, ) if alias_domain in ALIAS_DOMAINS: add_dkim_signature(msg, alias_domain) # add DKIM-Signature for custom-domain alias else: custom_domain: CustomDomain = CustomDomain.get_by(domain=alias_domain) if custom_domain.dkim_verified: add_dkim_signature(msg, alias_domain) msg_raw = msg.as_string().encode() smtp.sendmail( alias.email, contact.website_email, msg_raw, envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, ) EmailLog.create(contact_id=contact.id, is_reply=True, user_id=contact.user_id) db.session.commit() return True, "250 Message accepted for delivery" def handle_bounce( contact: Contact, alias: Alias, msg: Message, user: User, mailbox_email: str ): address = alias.email fel: EmailLog = EmailLog.create( contact_id=contact.id, bounced=True, user_id=contact.user_id ) db.session.commit() nb_bounced = EmailLog.filter_by(contact_id=contact.id, bounced=True).count() disable_alias_link = f"{URL}/dashboard/unsubscribe/{alias.id}" # Store the bounced email orig_msg = get_orig_message_from_bounce(msg) # generate a name for the email random_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) full_report_path = f"refused-emails/full-{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio(full_report_path, BytesIO(msg.as_bytes()), random_name) file_path = None if orig_msg: file_path = f"refused-emails/{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio( file_path, BytesIO(orig_msg.as_bytes()), random_name ) refused_email = RefusedEmail.create( path=file_path, full_report_path=full_report_path, user_id=user.id ) db.session.flush() fel.refused_email_id = refused_email.id db.session.commit() LOG.d("Create refused email %s", refused_email) refused_email_url = URL + f"/dashboard/refused_email?highlight_id=" + str(fel.id) # inform user if this is the first bounced email if nb_bounced == 1: LOG.d( "Inform user %s about bounced email sent by %s to alias %s", user, contact.website_from, address, ) send_email( # use user mail here as only user is authenticated to see the refused email user.email, f"Email from {contact.website_from} to {address} cannot be delivered to your inbox", render( "transactional/bounced-email.txt", name=user.name, alias=alias, website_from=contact.website_from, website_email=contact.website_email, disable_alias_link=disable_alias_link, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, mailbox_email=mailbox_email, ), render( "transactional/bounced-email.html", name=user.name, alias=alias, website_from=contact.website_from, website_email=contact.website_email, disable_alias_link=disable_alias_link, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, mailbox_email=mailbox_email, ), # cannot include bounce email as it can contain spammy text # bounced_email=msg, ) # disable the alias the second time email is bounced elif nb_bounced >= 2: LOG.d( "Bounce happens again with alias %s from %s. Disable alias now ", address, contact.website_from, ) alias.enabled = False db.session.commit() send_email( # use user mail here as only user is authenticated to see the refused email user.email, f"Alias {address} has been disabled due to second undelivered email from {contact.website_from}", render( "transactional/automatic-disable-alias.txt", name=user.name, alias=alias, website_from=contact.website_from, website_email=contact.website_email, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, mailbox_email=mailbox_email, ), render( "transactional/automatic-disable-alias.html", name=user.name, alias=alias, website_from=contact.website_from, website_email=contact.website_email, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, mailbox_email=mailbox_email, ), # cannot include bounce email as it can contain spammy text # bounced_email=msg, ) def handle_unsubscribe(envelope): message_data = envelope.content.decode("utf8", errors="replace") msg = Parser(policy=SMTPUTF8).parsestr(message_data) # format: alias_id: subject = msg["Subject"] try: alias_id = int(subject[:-1]) alias = Alias.get(alias_id) except Exception: LOG.warning("Cannot parse alias from subject %s", msg["Subject"]) return "550 SL ignored" if not alias: LOG.warning("No such alias %s", alias_id) return "550 SL ignored" # This sender cannot unsubscribe if alias.mailbox_email() != envelope.mail_from: LOG.d("%s cannot disable alias %s", envelope.mail_from, alias) return "550 SL ignored" # Sender is owner of this alias alias.enabled = False db.session.commit() user = alias.user enable_alias_url = URL + f"/dashboard/?highlight_alias_id={alias.id}" send_email( envelope.mail_from, f"Alias {alias.email} has been disabled successfully", render( "transactional/unsubscribe-disable-alias.txt", user=user, alias=alias.email, enable_alias_url=enable_alias_url, ), render( "transactional/unsubscribe-disable-alias.html", user=user, alias=alias.email, enable_alias_url=enable_alias_url, ), ) return "250 Unsubscribe request accepted" class MailHandler: async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope): LOG.debug( "===>> New message, mail from %s, rctp tos %s ", envelope.mail_from, envelope.rcpt_tos, ) if POSTFIX_SUBMISSION_TLS: smtp = SMTP(POSTFIX_SERVER, 587) smtp.starttls() else: smtp = SMTP(POSTFIX_SERVER, 25) # unsubscribe request if UNSUBSCRIBER and envelope.rcpt_tos == [UNSUBSCRIBER]: LOG.d("Handle unsubscribe request from %s", envelope.mail_from) app = new_app() with app.app_context(): return handle_unsubscribe(envelope) # result of all deliveries # each element is a couple of whether the delivery is successful and the smtp status res: [(bool, str)] = [] for rcpt_to in envelope.rcpt_tos: message_data = envelope.content.decode("utf8", errors="replace") msg = Parser(policy=SMTPUTF8).parsestr(message_data) # Reply case # recipient starts with "reply+" or "ra+" (ra=reverse-alias) prefix if rcpt_to.startswith("reply+") or rcpt_to.startswith("ra+"): LOG.debug(">>> Reply phase %s -> %s", envelope.mail_from, rcpt_to) app = new_app() with app.app_context(): is_delivered, smtp_status = handle_reply( envelope, smtp, msg, rcpt_to ) res.append((is_delivered, smtp_status)) else: # Forward case LOG.debug(">>> Forward phase %s -> %s", envelope.mail_from, rcpt_to) app = new_app() with app.app_context(): is_delivered, smtp_status = handle_forward( envelope, smtp, msg, rcpt_to ) res.append((is_delivered, smtp_status)) for (is_success, smtp_status) in res: # Consider all deliveries successful if 1 delivery is successful if is_success: return smtp_status # Failed delivery for all, return the first failure return res[0][1] if __name__ == "__main__": controller = Controller(MailHandler(), hostname="", port=20381) controller.start() LOG.d("Start mail controller %s %s", controller.hostname, controller.port) while True: time.sleep(2)