{% extends "dashboard/domain_detail/base.html" %} {% set domain_detail_page = "info" %} {% block title %}{{ custom_domain.domain }} Info{% endblock %} {% block domain_detail_content %}

{{ custom_domain.domain }}

Created {{ custom_domain.created_at | dt }}. {{ nb_alias }} aliases

Auto create/on the fly alias

Simply use anything@{{ custom_domain.domain }} next time you need an alias: it'll be automatically created the first time it receives an email. To have more fine-grained control, you can also define auto create rules .
Auto-created aliases are automatically owned by the following mailboxes .
{% set domain_mailboxes=custom_domain.mailboxes %}

Default Display Name

Default display name for aliases created with {{ custom_domain.domain }} unless overwritten by the alias display name.
{% if custom_domain.name %} {% endif %}

Random Prefix Generation

Add a random prefix for this domain when creating a new alias.

{% if custom_domain.is_sl_subdomain %} Delete Subdomain {% else %} Delete Domain {% endif %}

{% if custom_domain.is_sl_subdomain %}
This operation is irreversible. All aliases associated with this subdomain will be deleted.
Because a deleted subdomain can't be recycled, i.e. reused by someone else, deleting a subdomain won't restore the subdomain quota. After deletion, your subdomain quota will still be {{ current_user.subdomain_quota }}. We recommend to disable the catch-all option instead of deleting this subdomain.
{% else %}
This operation is irreversible. All aliases associated with this domain will be deleted.
{% endif %}
Delete {{ custom_domain.domain }}
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}