{% extends 'default.html' %} {% block title %} API Key {% endblock %} {% set active_page = "api_key" %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block default_content %}

API Keys

API keys are used by the SimpleLogin browser extensions or mobile apps.
️API Keys should be kept secret and treated like passwords, they can be used to gain access to your account.
{% for api_key in api_keys %}
{{ api_key.name or "N/A" }}
{% if api_key.last_used %} Last used: {{ api_key.last_used | dt }}
Used: {{ api_key.times }} times. {% else %} Never used {% endif %}

{% endfor %}
{{ new_api_key_form.csrf_token }}

New API Key

{{ new_api_key_form.name(class="form-control", placeholder="Chrome") }} {{ render_field_errors(new_api_key_form.name) }}
Name of the api key, e.g. where it will be used.
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}