{% extends "developer/client_details/base.html" %} {% set client_details_page = "basic_info" %} {% block client_details_content %} {% if is_new %} {% endif %}
{{ form.csrf_token }}


{{ form.name(class="form-control", value=client.name) }} {{ render_field_errors(form.name) }}
{{ form.url(class="form-control", value=client.home_url) }} {{ render_field_errors(form.url) }}
{{ form.icon(class="form-control-file") }} {{ render_field_errors(form.icon) }} {% if client.icon_id %}{% endif %}
#} {#

Submit for approval

#} {##} {#
#} {# Approval is only needed when you deploy the Sign in with SimpleLogin integration#} {# in production.
#} {# For local/testing/staging environment, you don't have to submit your app/website for approval.
#} {#
#} {##} {#
#} {# {{ approval_form.csrf_token }}#} {##} {#
#} {# #} {# {{ approval_form.description(#} {# class="form-control", rows="10",#} {# placeholder="This information is used for approving your application. Please give us as much info as you can, for example where you plan to use SimpleLogin, for which community, etc."#} {#) }}#} {# {{ render_field_errors(approval_form.description) }}#} {#
#} {##} {#
#} {# Don't make this frequent mistake: make sure to add your production URL to the Authorized Redirect URIs on#} {# OAuth Settings.#} {#
#} {##} {# #} {#
#} {% endblock %}