import random import facebook import google.oauth2.credentials import googleapiclient.discovery from flask import jsonify, request from flask_login import login_user from itsdangerous import Signer from app import email_utils from app.api.base import api_bp from app.config import FLASK_SECRET, DISABLE_REGISTRATION from app.dashboard.views.setting import send_reset_password_email from app.db import Session from app.email_utils import ( email_can_be_used_as_mailbox, personal_email_already_used, send_email, render, ) from app.extensions import limiter from app.log import LOG from app.models import User, ApiKey, SocialAuth, AccountActivation from app.utils import sanitize_email @api_bp.route("/auth/login", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit("10/minute") def auth_login(): """ Authenticate user Input: email password device: to create an ApiKey associated with this device Output: 200 and user info containing: { name: "John Wick", mfa_enabled: true, mfa_key: "a long string", api_key: "a long string" } """ data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify(error="request body cannot be empty"), 400 email = sanitize_email(data.get("email")) password = data.get("password") device = data.get("device") user = User.filter_by(email=email).first() if not user or not user.check_password(password): return jsonify(error="Email or password incorrect"), 400 elif user.disabled: return jsonify(error="Account disabled"), 400 elif not user.activated: return jsonify(error="Account not activated"), 422 elif user.fido_enabled(): # allow user who has TOTP enabled to continue using the mobile app if not user.enable_otp: return jsonify(error="Currently we don't support FIDO on mobile yet"), 403 return jsonify(**auth_payload(user, device)), 200 @api_bp.route("/auth/register", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit("10/minute") def auth_register(): """ User signs up - will need to activate their account with an activation code. Input: email password Output: 200: user needs to confirm their account """ data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify(error="request body cannot be empty"), 400 email = sanitize_email(data.get("email")) password = data.get("password") if DISABLE_REGISTRATION: return jsonify(error="registration is closed"), 400 if not email_can_be_used_as_mailbox(email) or personal_email_already_used(email): return jsonify(error=f"cannot use {email} as personal inbox"), 400 if not password or len(password) < 8: return jsonify(error="password too short"), 400 if len(password) > 100: return jsonify(error="password too long"), 400 LOG.d("create user %s", email) user = User.create(email=email, name="", password=password) Session.flush() # create activation code code = "".join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(6)]) AccountActivation.create(, code=code) Session.commit() send_email( email, "Just one more step to join SimpleLogin", render("transactional/code-activation.txt.jinja2", code=code), render("transactional/code-activation.html", code=code), ) return jsonify(msg="User needs to confirm their account"), 200 @api_bp.route("/auth/activate", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit("10/minute") def auth_activate(): """ User enters the activation code to confirm their account. Input: email code Output: 200: user account is now activated, user can login now 400: wrong email, code 410: wrong code too many times """ data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify(error="request body cannot be empty"), 400 email = sanitize_email(data.get("email")) code = data.get("code") user = User.get_by(email=email) # do not use a different message to avoid exposing existing email if not user or user.activated: return jsonify(error="Wrong email or code"), 400 account_activation = AccountActivation.get_by( if not account_activation: return jsonify(error="Wrong email or code"), 400 if account_activation.code != code: # decrement nb tries account_activation.tries -= 1 Session.commit() if account_activation.tries == 0: AccountActivation.delete( Session.commit() return jsonify(error="Too many wrong tries"), 410 return jsonify(error="Wrong email or code"), 400 LOG.d("activate user %s", user) user.activated = True AccountActivation.delete( Session.commit() return jsonify(msg="Account is activated, user can login now"), 200 @api_bp.route("/auth/reactivate", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit('10/minute') def auth_reactivate(): """ User asks for another activation code Input: email Output: 200: user is going to receive an email for activate their account """ data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify(error="request body cannot be empty"), 400 email = sanitize_email(data.get("email")) user = User.get_by(email=email) # do not use a different message to avoid exposing existing email if not user or user.activated: return jsonify(error="Something went wrong"), 400 account_activation = AccountActivation.get_by( if account_activation: AccountActivation.delete( Session.commit() # create activation code code = "".join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(6)]) AccountActivation.create(, code=code) Session.commit() send_email( email, "Just one more step to join SimpleLogin", render("transactional/code-activation.txt.jinja2", code=code), render("transactional/code-activation.html", code=code), ) return jsonify(msg="User needs to confirm their account"), 200 @api_bp.route("/auth/facebook", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit('10/minute') def auth_facebook(): """ Authenticate user with Facebook Input: facebook_token: facebook access token device: to create an ApiKey associated with this device Output: 200 and user info containing: { name: "John Wick", mfa_enabled: true, mfa_key: "a long string", api_key: "a long string" } """ data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify(error="request body cannot be empty"), 400 facebook_token = data.get("facebook_token") device = data.get("device") graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token=facebook_token) user_info = graph.get_object("me", fields="email,name") email = sanitize_email(user_info.get("email")) user = User.get_by(email=email) if not user: if DISABLE_REGISTRATION: return jsonify(error="registration is closed"), 400 if not email_can_be_used_as_mailbox(email) or personal_email_already_used( email ): return jsonify(error=f"cannot use {email} as personal inbox"), 400 LOG.d("create facebook user with %s", user_info) user = User.create(email=email, name=user_info["name"], activated=True) Session.commit() email_utils.send_welcome_email(user) if not SocialAuth.get_by(, social="facebook"): SocialAuth.create(, social="facebook") Session.commit() return jsonify(**auth_payload(user, device)), 200 @api_bp.route("/auth/google", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit('10/minute') def auth_google(): """ Authenticate user with Google Input: google_token: Google access token device: to create an ApiKey associated with this device Output: 200 and user info containing: { name: "John Wick", mfa_enabled: true, mfa_key: "a long string", api_key: "a long string" } """ data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify(error="request body cannot be empty"), 400 google_token = data.get("google_token") device = data.get("device") cred = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(token=google_token) build ="oauth2", "v2", credentials=cred) user_info = build.userinfo().get().execute() email = sanitize_email(user_info.get("email")) user = User.get_by(email=email) if not user: if DISABLE_REGISTRATION: return jsonify(error="registration is closed"), 400 if not email_can_be_used_as_mailbox(email) or personal_email_already_used( email ): return jsonify(error=f"cannot use {email} as personal inbox"), 400 LOG.d("create Google user with %s", user_info) user = User.create(email=email, name="", activated=True) Session.commit() email_utils.send_welcome_email(user) if not SocialAuth.get_by(, social="google"): SocialAuth.create(, social="google") Session.commit() return jsonify(**auth_payload(user, device)), 200 def auth_payload(user, device) -> dict: ret = {"name": or "", "email":, "mfa_enabled": user.enable_otp} # do not give api_key, user can only obtain api_key after OTP verification if user.enable_otp: s = Signer(FLASK_SECRET) ret["mfa_key"] = s.sign(str( ret["api_key"] = None else: api_key = ApiKey.get_by(, name=device) if not api_key: LOG.d("create new api key for %s and %s", user, device) api_key = ApiKey.create(, device) Session.commit() ret["mfa_key"] = None ret["api_key"] = api_key.code # so user is automatically logged in on the web login_user(user) return ret @api_bp.route("/auth/forgot_password", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit('10/minute') def forgot_password(): """ User forgot password Input: email Output: 200 and a reset password email is sent to user 400 if email not exist """ data = request.get_json() if not data or not data.get("email"): return jsonify(error="request body must contain email"), 400 email = sanitize_email(data.get("email")) user = User.get_by(email=email) if user: send_reset_password_email(user) return jsonify(ok=True)