Hi {%- for alias in breached_aliases %} {%- if loop.index == 11 and loop.length > 10 %} And {{ breached_aliases|length - 10 }} more aliases... {%- elif loop.index > 11 %} {%- else %} Your alias {{ alias.email }} was found in one or more data breaches: {%- for breach in alias.hibp_breaches_not_notified_user|sort(attribute='date', reverse=True) %} {%- if loop.index == 4 and loop.length > 4 %} And {{ (alias.hibp_breaches_not_notified_user|length) - 3 }} more data breaches... {%- elif loop.index > 4 %} {%- else %} {{ breach.name }} ({{ breach.date.format('YYYY-MM-DD') }}) {{ breach.description|striptags }} Breached data: {{ breach.data_classes|join(', ', attribute='description') }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} For more information, check https://haveibeenpwned.com/. Best, SimpleLogin Team.