import arrow from flask import render_template, flash, redirect, url_for, request from flask_login import login_required, current_user from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import StringField, validators from app import parallel_limiter from app.config import PADDLE_VENDOR_ID, PADDLE_COUPON_ID from app.dashboard.base import dashboard_bp from app.db import Session from app.log import LOG from app.models import ( ManualSubscription, Coupon, Subscription, AppleSubscription, CoinbaseSubscription, LifetimeCoupon, ) class CouponForm(FlaskForm): code = StringField("Coupon Code", validators=[validators.DataRequired()]) @dashboard_bp.route("/coupon", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required @parallel_limiter.lock() def coupon_route(): coupon_form = CouponForm() if coupon_form.validate_on_submit(): code = if LifetimeCoupon.get_by(code=code): LOG.d("redirect %s to lifetime page instead", current_user) flash("Redirect to the lifetime coupon page instead", "success") return redirect(url_for("dashboard.lifetime_licence")) # handle case user already has an active subscription via another channel (Paddle, Apple, etc) can_use_coupon = True if current_user.lifetime: can_use_coupon = False sub: Subscription = current_user.get_paddle_subscription() if sub: can_use_coupon = False apple_sub: AppleSubscription = AppleSubscription.get_by( if apple_sub and apple_sub.is_valid(): can_use_coupon = False coinbase_subscription: CoinbaseSubscription = CoinbaseSubscription.get_by( ) if coinbase_subscription and coinbase_subscription.is_active(): can_use_coupon = False if coupon_form.validate_on_submit(): code = coupon: Coupon = Coupon.get_by(code=code) if coupon and not coupon.used: if coupon.expires_date and coupon.expires_date < flash( f"The coupon was expired on {coupon.expires_date.humanize()}", "error", ) return redirect(request.url) updated = ( Session.query(Coupon) .filter_by(code=code, used=False) .update({"used_by_user_id":, "used": True}) ) if updated != 1: flash("Coupon is not valid", "error") return redirect(request.url) manual_sub: ManualSubscription = ManualSubscription.get_by( ) if manual_sub: # renew existing subscription if manual_sub.end_at > manual_sub.end_at = manual_sub.end_at.shift(years=coupon.nb_year) else: manual_sub.end_at =, days=1) Session.commit() flash( f"Your current subscription is extended to {manual_sub.end_at.humanize()}", "success", ) else: ManualSubscription.create(,, days=1), comment="using coupon code", is_giveaway=coupon.is_giveaway, commit=True, ) flash( f"Your account has been upgraded to Premium, thanks for your support!", "success", ) return redirect(url_for("dashboard.index")) else: flash(f"Code *{code}* expired or invalid", "warning") return render_template( "dashboard/coupon.html", coupon_form=coupon_form, PADDLE_VENDOR_ID=PADDLE_VENDOR_ID, PADDLE_COUPON_ID=PADDLE_COUPON_ID, can_use_coupon=can_use_coupon, # a coupon is only valid until this date # this is to avoid using the coupon to renew an account forever, days=-1), )