import tldextract from flask import g from flask import jsonify, request from app.alias_suffix import get_alias_suffixes from app.api.base import api_bp, require_api_auth from app.api.serializer import ( get_alias_info_v2, serialize_alias_info_v2, ) from app.config import MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN, ALIAS_LIMIT from app.db import Session from app.errors import AliasInTrashError from app.extensions import limiter from app.log import LOG from app.models import Alias, AliasUsedOn, AliasGeneratorEnum from app.utils import convert_to_id @api_bp.route("/alias/random/new", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit(ALIAS_LIMIT) @require_api_auth def new_random_alias(): """ Create a new random alias Input: (Optional) note Output: 201 if success """ user = g.user if not user.can_create_new_alias(): LOG.d("user %s cannot create new random alias", user) return ( jsonify( error=f"You have reached the limitation of a free account with the maximum of " f"{MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN} aliases, please upgrade your plan to create more aliases" ), 400, ) note = None data = request.get_json(silent=True) if data: note = data.get("note") alias = None # custom alias suggestion and suffix hostname = request.args.get("hostname") if hostname and user.include_website_in_one_click_alias: LOG.d("Use %s to create new alias", hostname) # keep only the domain name of hostname, ignore TLD and subdomain # for ex -> groupon ext = tldextract.extract(hostname) prefix_suggestion = ext.domain prefix_suggestion = convert_to_id(prefix_suggestion) suffixes = get_alias_suffixes(user) # use the first suffix suggested_alias = prefix_suggestion + suffixes[0].suffix alias = Alias.get_by(email=suggested_alias) # cannot use this alias as it belongs to another user if alias and not alias.user_id == LOG.d("%s belongs to another user", alias) alias = None elif alias and alias.user_id == # make sure alias was created for this website if AliasUsedOn.get_by(, hostname=hostname, user_id=alias.user_id ): LOG.d("Use existing alias %s", alias) else: LOG.d("%s wasn't created for this website %s", alias, hostname) alias = None elif not alias: LOG.d("create new alias %s", suggested_alias) try: alias = Alias.create(, email=suggested_alias, note=note, mailbox_id=user.default_mailbox_id, commit=True, ) except AliasInTrashError: LOG.i("Alias %s is in trash", suggested_alias) alias = None if not alias: scheme = user.alias_generator mode = request.args.get("mode") if mode: if mode == "word": scheme = AliasGeneratorEnum.word.value elif mode == "uuid": scheme = AliasGeneratorEnum.uuid.value else: return jsonify(error=f"{mode} must be either word or uuid"), 400 alias = Alias.create_new_random(user=user, scheme=scheme, note=note) Session.commit() if hostname and not AliasUsedOn.get_by(, hostname=hostname): AliasUsedOn.create(, hostname=hostname, user_id=alias.user_id, commit=True ) return ( jsonify(, **serialize_alias_info_v2(get_alias_info_v2(alias))), 201, )