""" Handle the email *forward* and *reply*. phase. There are 3 actors: - contact: who sends emails to alias@sl.co address - SL email handler (this script) - user personal email: to be protected. Should never leak to contact. This script makes sure that in the forward phase, the email that is forwarded to user personal email has the following envelope and header fields: Envelope: mail from: @contact rcpt to: @personal_email Header: From: @contact To: alias@sl.co # so user knows this email is sent to alias Reply-to: special@sl.co # magic HERE And in the reply phase: Envelope: mail from: @contact rcpt to: @contact Header: From: alias@sl.co # so for contact the email comes from alias. magic HERE To: @contact The special@sl.co allows to hide user personal email when user clicks "Reply" to the forwarded email. It should contain the following info: - alias - @contact """ import argparse import email import time import uuid from email import encoders from email.encoders import encode_noop from email.message import Message from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.utils import formataddr, make_msgid, formatdate, getaddresses from io import BytesIO from smtplib import SMTPRecipientsRefused from typing import List, Tuple, Optional import newrelic.agent from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller from aiosmtpd.smtp import Envelope from email_validator import validate_email, EmailNotValidError from flanker.addresslib import address from flanker.addresslib.address import EmailAddress from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from app import pgp_utils, s3 from app.alias_utils import try_auto_create from app.config import ( EMAIL_DOMAIN, URL, UNSUBSCRIBER, LOAD_PGP_EMAIL_HANDLER, ENFORCE_SPF, ALERT_REVERSE_ALIAS_UNKNOWN_MAILBOX, ALERT_BOUNCE_EMAIL, ALERT_SPAM_EMAIL, SPAMASSASSIN_HOST, MAX_SPAM_SCORE, MAX_REPLY_PHASE_SPAM_SCORE, ALERT_SEND_EMAIL_CYCLE, ALERT_MAILBOX_IS_ALIAS, PGP_SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY, ALERT_BOUNCE_EMAIL_REPLY_PHASE, NOREPLY, BOUNCE_EMAIL, BOUNCE_PREFIX, BOUNCE_SUFFIX, TRANSACTIONAL_BOUNCE_PREFIX, TRANSACTIONAL_BOUNCE_SUFFIX, ENABLE_SPAM_ASSASSIN, BOUNCE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLY_PHASE, NEWRELIC_CONFIG_PATH, POSTMASTER, ALERT_HOTMAIL_COMPLAINT, ALERT_YAHOO_COMPLAINT, ) from app.email import status from app.email.rate_limit import rate_limited from app.email.spam import get_spam_score from app.email_utils import ( send_email, add_dkim_signature, add_or_replace_header, delete_header, render, get_orig_message_from_bounce, delete_all_headers_except, get_spam_info, get_orig_message_from_spamassassin_report, send_email_with_rate_control, get_email_domain_part, copy, to_bytes, send_email_at_most_times, is_valid_alias_address_domain, should_add_dkim_signature, add_header, get_header_unicode, generate_reply_email, is_reply_email, normalize_reply_email, is_valid_email, replace, should_disable, parse_id_from_bounce, spf_pass, sl_sendmail, sanitize_header, get_queue_id, should_ignore_bounce, get_orig_message_from_hotmail_complaint, parse_full_address, get_orig_message_from_yahoo_complaint, ) from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG, set_message_id from app.models import ( Alias, Contact, EmailLog, User, RefusedEmail, Mailbox, Bounce, TransactionalEmail, IgnoredEmail, ) from app.pgp_utils import PGPException, sign_data_with_pgpy, sign_data from app.utils import sanitize_email from init_app import load_pgp_public_keys from server import create_app, create_light_app # forward or reply _DIRECTION = "X-SimpleLogin-Type" _EMAIL_LOG_ID_HEADER = "X-SimpleLogin-EmailLog-ID" _ENVELOPE_FROM = "X-SimpleLogin-Envelope-From" _ENVELOPE_TO = "X-SimpleLogin-Envelope-To" _MIME_HEADERS = [ "MIME-Version", "Content-Type", "Content-Disposition", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", ] _MIME_HEADERS = [h.lower() for h in _MIME_HEADERS] newrelic_app = None if NEWRELIC_CONFIG_PATH: newrelic.agent.initialize(NEWRELIC_CONFIG_PATH) newrelic_app = newrelic.agent.register_application() # fix the database connection leak issue # use this method instead of create_app def new_app(): app = create_light_app() @app.teardown_appcontext def shutdown_session(response_or_exc): # same as shutdown_session() in flask-sqlalchemy but this is not enough db.session.remove() # dispose the engine too db.engine.dispose() return app def get_or_create_contact(from_header: str, mail_from: str, alias: Alias) -> Contact: """ contact_from_header is the RFC 2047 format FROM header """ try: contact_name, contact_email = parse_full_address(from_header) except ValueError: contact_name, contact_email = "", "" if not is_valid_email(contact_email): # From header is wrongly formatted, try with mail_from if mail_from and mail_from != "<>": LOG.w( "Cannot parse email from from_header %s, use mail_from %s", from_header, mail_from, ) contact_email = mail_from if not is_valid_email(contact_email): LOG.w( "invalid contact email %s. Parse from %s %s", contact_email, from_header, mail_from, ) # either reuse a contact with empty email or create a new contact with empty email contact_email = "" contact_email = sanitize_email(contact_email) contact = Contact.get_by(alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_email) if contact: if contact.name != contact_name: LOG.d( "Update contact %s name %s to %s", contact, contact.name, contact_name, ) contact.name = contact_name db.session.commit() # contact created in the past does not have mail_from and from_header field if not contact.mail_from and mail_from: LOG.d( "Set contact mail_from %s: %s to %s", contact, contact.mail_from, mail_from, ) contact.mail_from = mail_from db.session.commit() if not contact.from_header and from_header: LOG.d( "Set contact from_header %s: %s to %s", contact, contact.from_header, from_header, ) contact.from_header = from_header db.session.commit() else: LOG.d( "create contact %s for alias %s", contact_email, alias, ) try: contact = Contact.create( user_id=alias.user_id, alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_email, name=contact_name, mail_from=mail_from, from_header=from_header, reply_email=generate_reply_email(contact_email, alias.user) if is_valid_email(contact_email) else NOREPLY, ) if not contact_email: LOG.d("Create a contact with invalid email for %s", alias) contact.invalid_email = True db.session.commit() except IntegrityError: LOG.w("Contact %s %s already exist", alias, contact_email) db.session.rollback() contact = Contact.get_by(alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_email) return contact def get_or_create_reply_to_contact( reply_to_header: str, alias: Alias ) -> Optional[Contact]: """ Get or create the contact for the Reply-To header """ try: contact_name, contact_address = parse_full_address(reply_to_header) except ValueError: return if not is_valid_email(contact_address): LOG.w( "invalid reply-to address %s. Parse from %s", contact_address, reply_to_header, ) return None contact = Contact.get_by(alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_address) if contact: return contact else: LOG.d( "create contact %s for alias %s via reply-to header", contact_address, alias, reply_to_header, ) try: contact = Contact.create( user_id=alias.user_id, alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_address, name=contact_name, reply_email=generate_reply_email(contact_address, alias.user), ) db.session.commit() except IntegrityError: LOG.w("Contact %s %s already exist", alias, contact_address) db.session.rollback() contact = Contact.get_by(alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_address) return contact def replace_header_when_forward(msg: Message, alias: Alias, header: str): """ Replace CC or To header by Reply emails in forward phase """ new_addrs: [str] = [] headers = msg.get_all(header, []) # headers can be an array of Header, convert it to string here headers = [get_header_unicode(h) for h in headers] full_addresses: [EmailAddress] = [] for h in headers: full_addresses += address.parse_list(h) for full_address in full_addresses: contact_email = sanitize_email(full_address.address) # no transformation when alias is already in the header if contact_email == alias.email: new_addrs.append(full_address.full_spec()) continue try: # NOT allow unicode for contact address validate_email( contact_email, check_deliverability=False, allow_smtputf8=False ) except EmailNotValidError: LOG.w("invalid contact email %s. %s. Skip", contact_email, headers) continue contact = Contact.get_by(alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_email) if contact: # update the contact name if needed if contact.name != full_address.display_name: LOG.d( "Update contact %s name %s to %s", contact, contact.name, full_address.display_name, ) contact.name = full_address.display_name db.session.commit() else: LOG.d( "create contact for alias %s and email %s, header %s", alias, contact_email, header, ) try: contact = Contact.create( user_id=alias.user_id, alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_email, name=full_address.display_name, reply_email=generate_reply_email(contact_email, alias.user), is_cc=header.lower() == "cc", ) db.session.commit() except IntegrityError: LOG.w("Contact %s %s already exist", alias, contact_email) db.session.rollback() contact = Contact.get_by(alias_id=alias.id, website_email=contact_email) new_addrs.append(contact.new_addr()) if new_addrs: new_header = ",".join(new_addrs) LOG.d("Replace %s header, old: %s, new: %s", header, msg[header], new_header) add_or_replace_header(msg, header, new_header) else: LOG.d("Delete %s header, old value %s", header, msg[header]) delete_header(msg, header) def replace_header_when_reply(msg: Message, alias: Alias, header: str): """ Replace CC or To Reply emails by original emails """ new_addrs: [str] = [] headers = msg.get_all(header, []) # headers can be an array of Header, convert it to string here headers = [str(h) for h in headers] for _, reply_email in getaddresses(headers): # no transformation when alias is already in the header if reply_email == alias.email: continue contact = Contact.get_by(reply_email=reply_email) if not contact: LOG.w( "%s email in reply phase %s must be reply emails", header, reply_email ) # still keep this email in header new_addrs.append(reply_email) else: new_addrs.append(formataddr((contact.name, contact.website_email))) if new_addrs: new_header = ",".join(new_addrs) LOG.d("Replace %s header, old: %s, new: %s", header, msg[header], new_header) add_or_replace_header(msg, header, new_header) else: LOG.d("delete the %s header. Old value %s", header, msg[header]) delete_header(msg, header) def prepare_pgp_message( orig_msg: Message, pgp_fingerprint: str, public_key: str, can_sign: bool = False ) -> Message: msg = MIMEMultipart("encrypted", protocol="application/pgp-encrypted") # clone orig message to avoid modifying it clone_msg = copy(orig_msg) # copy all headers from original message except all standard MIME headers for i in reversed(range(len(clone_msg._headers))): header_name = clone_msg._headers[i][0].lower() if header_name.lower() not in _MIME_HEADERS: msg[header_name] = clone_msg._headers[i][1] # Delete unnecessary headers in clone_msg except _MIME_HEADERS to save space delete_all_headers_except( clone_msg, _MIME_HEADERS, ) if clone_msg["Content-Type"] is None: LOG.d("Content-Type missing") clone_msg["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" if clone_msg["Mime-Version"] is None: LOG.d("Mime-Version missing") clone_msg["Mime-Version"] = "1.0" first = MIMEApplication( _subtype="pgp-encrypted", _encoder=encoders.encode_7or8bit, _data="" ) first.set_payload("Version: 1") msg.attach(first) if can_sign and PGP_SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY: LOG.d("Sign msg") clone_msg = sign_msg(clone_msg) # use pgpy as fallback second = MIMEApplication( "octet-stream", _encoder=encoders.encode_7or8bit, name="encrypted.asc" ) second.add_header("Content-Disposition", 'inline; filename="encrypted.asc"') # encrypt # use pgpy as fallback msg_bytes = to_bytes(clone_msg) try: encrypted_data = pgp_utils.encrypt_file(BytesIO(msg_bytes), pgp_fingerprint) second.set_payload(encrypted_data) except PGPException: LOG.w("Cannot encrypt using python-gnupg, use pgpy") encrypted = pgp_utils.encrypt_file_with_pgpy(msg_bytes, public_key) second.set_payload(str(encrypted)) msg.attach(second) return msg def sign_msg(msg: Message) -> Message: container = MIMEMultipart( "signed", protocol="application/pgp-signature", micalg="pgp-sha256" ) container.attach(msg) signature = MIMEApplication( _subtype="pgp-signature", name="signature.asc", _data="", _encoder=encode_noop ) signature.add_header("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename="signature.asc"') try: signature.set_payload(sign_data(to_bytes(msg).replace(b"\n", b"\r\n"))) except Exception: LOG.e("Cannot sign, try using pgpy") signature.set_payload( sign_data_with_pgpy(to_bytes(msg).replace(b"\n", b"\r\n")) ) container.attach(signature) return container def handle_email_sent_to_ourself(alias, mailbox, msg: Message, user): # store the refused email random_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) full_report_path = f"refused-emails/cycle-{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio(full_report_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(msg)), random_name) refused_email = RefusedEmail.create( path=None, full_report_path=full_report_path, user_id=alias.user_id ) db.session.commit() LOG.d("Create refused email %s", refused_email) # link available for 6 days as it gets deleted in 7 days refused_email_url = refused_email.get_url(expires_in=518400) send_email_at_most_times( user, ALERT_SEND_EMAIL_CYCLE, mailbox.email, f"Email sent to {alias.email} from its own mailbox {mailbox.email}", render( "transactional/cycle-email.txt", alias=alias, mailbox=mailbox, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, ), render( "transactional/cycle-email.html", alias=alias, mailbox=mailbox, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, ), ) def handle_forward(envelope, msg: Message, rcpt_to: str) -> List[Tuple[bool, str]]: """return an array of SMTP status (is_success, smtp_status) is_success indicates whether an email has been delivered and smtp_status is the SMTP Status ("250 Message accepted", "550 Non-existent email address", etc) """ alias_address = rcpt_to # alias@SL alias = Alias.get_by(email=alias_address) if not alias: LOG.d( "alias %s not exist. Try to see if it can be created on the fly", alias_address, ) alias = try_auto_create(alias_address) if not alias: LOG.d("alias %s cannot be created on-the-fly, return 550", alias_address) if should_ignore_bounce(envelope.mail_from): return [(True, status.E207)] else: return [(False, status.E515)] user = alias.user if user.disabled: LOG.w("User %s disabled, disable forwarding emails for %s", user, alias) if should_ignore_bounce(envelope.mail_from): return [(True, status.E207)] else: return [(False, status.E504)] if user.ignore_loop_email: mail_from = envelope.mail_from for mb in alias.mailboxes: # email sent from a mailbox to its alias if mb.email == mail_from: LOG.w("cycle email sent from %s to %s", mb, alias) handle_email_sent_to_ourself(alias, mb, msg, user) return [(True, status.E209)] from_header = get_header_unicode(msg["From"]) LOG.d("Create or get contact for from_header:%s", from_header) contact = get_or_create_contact(from_header, envelope.mail_from, alias) reply_to_contact = None if msg["Reply-To"]: reply_to = get_header_unicode(msg["Reply-To"]) LOG.d("Create or get contact for from_header:%s", reply_to) # ignore when reply-to = alias if reply_to == alias.email: LOG.i("Reply-to same as alias %s", alias) else: reply_to_contact = get_or_create_reply_to_contact(reply_to, alias) if not alias.enabled: LOG.d("%s is disabled, do not forward", alias) EmailLog.create( contact_id=contact.id, user_id=contact.user_id, blocked=True, alias_id=contact.alias_id, commit=True, ) db.session.commit() # do not return 5** to allow user to receive emails later when alias is enabled return [(True, status.E200)] ret = [] mailboxes = alias.mailboxes # no valid mailbox if not mailboxes: if should_ignore_bounce(envelope.mail_from): return [(True, status.E207)] else: return [(False, status.E516)] # no need to create a copy of message for mailbox in mailboxes: if not mailbox.verified: LOG.d("%s unverified, do not forward", mailbox) ret.append((False, status.E517)) else: # create a copy of message for each forward ret.append( forward_email_to_mailbox( alias, copy(msg), contact, envelope, mailbox, user, reply_to_contact ) ) return ret def forward_email_to_mailbox( alias, msg: Message, contact: Contact, envelope, mailbox, user, reply_to_contact: Optional[Contact], ) -> (bool, str): LOG.d("Forward %s -> %s -> %s", contact, alias, mailbox) if mailbox.disabled: LOG.d("%s disabled, do not forward") if should_ignore_bounce(envelope.mail_from): return True, status.E207 else: return False, status.E518 # sanity check: make sure mailbox is not actually an alias if get_email_domain_part(alias.email) == get_email_domain_part(mailbox.email): LOG.w( "Mailbox has the same domain as alias. %s -> %s -> %s", contact, alias, mailbox, ) mailbox_url = f"{URL}/dashboard/mailbox/{mailbox.id}/" send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_MAILBOX_IS_ALIAS, user.email, f"Your mailbox {mailbox.email} and alias {alias.email} use the same domain", render( "transactional/mailbox-invalid.txt", mailbox=mailbox, mailbox_url=mailbox_url, alias=alias, ), render( "transactional/mailbox-invalid.html", mailbox=mailbox, mailbox_url=mailbox_url, alias=alias, ), max_nb_alert=1, ) # retry later # so when user fixes the mailbox, the email can be delivered return False, status.E405 email_log = EmailLog.create( contact_id=contact.id, user_id=user.id, mailbox_id=mailbox.id, alias_id=contact.alias_id, commit=True, ) LOG.d("Create %s for %s, %s, %s", email_log, contact, user, mailbox) if ENABLE_SPAM_ASSASSIN: # Spam check spam_status = "" is_spam = False if SPAMASSASSIN_HOST: start = time.time() spam_score, spam_report = get_spam_score(msg, email_log) LOG.d( "%s -> %s - spam score:%s in %s seconds. Spam report %s", contact, alias, spam_score, time.time() - start, spam_report, ) email_log.spam_score = spam_score db.session.commit() if (user.max_spam_score and spam_score > user.max_spam_score) or ( not user.max_spam_score and spam_score > MAX_SPAM_SCORE ): is_spam = True # only set the spam report for spam email_log.spam_report = spam_report else: is_spam, spam_status = get_spam_info(msg, max_score=user.max_spam_score) if is_spam: LOG.w( "Email detected as spam. %s -> %s. Spam Score: %s, Spam Report: %s", contact, alias, email_log.spam_score, email_log.spam_report, ) email_log.is_spam = True email_log.spam_status = spam_status db.session.commit() handle_spam(contact, alias, msg, user, mailbox, email_log) return False, status.E519 if contact.invalid_email: LOG.d("add noreply information %s %s", alias, mailbox) msg = add_header( msg, f"""Email sent to {alias.email} from an invalid address and cannot be replied""", f"""Email sent to {alias.email} from an invalid address and cannot be replied""", ) delete_all_headers_except( msg, [ "From", "To", "Cc", "Subject", # References and In-Reply-To are used for keeping the email thread "References", "In-Reply-To", ] + _MIME_HEADERS, ) # create PGP email if needed if mailbox.pgp_enabled() and user.is_premium() and not alias.disable_pgp: LOG.d("Encrypt message using mailbox %s", mailbox) if mailbox.generic_subject: LOG.d("Use a generic subject for %s", mailbox) orig_subject = msg["Subject"] orig_subject = get_header_unicode(orig_subject) add_or_replace_header(msg, "Subject", mailbox.generic_subject) msg = add_header( msg, f"""Forwarded by SimpleLogin to {alias.email} with "{orig_subject}" as subject""", f"""Forwarded by SimpleLogin to {alias.email} with {orig_subject} as subject""", ) try: msg = prepare_pgp_message( msg, mailbox.pgp_finger_print, mailbox.pgp_public_key, can_sign=True ) except PGPException: LOG.e( "Cannot encrypt message %s -> %s. %s %s", contact, alias, mailbox, user ) # so the client can retry later return False, status.E406 # add custom header add_or_replace_header(msg, _DIRECTION, "Forward") msg[_EMAIL_LOG_ID_HEADER] = str(email_log.id) msg[_ENVELOPE_FROM] = envelope.mail_from # when an alias isn't in the To: header, there's no way for users to know what alias has received the email msg[_ENVELOPE_TO] = alias.email message_id = make_msgid(str(email_log.id), EMAIL_DOMAIN) LOG.d("message id %s", message_id) msg["Message-ID"] = message_id msg["Date"] = formatdate() # change the from header so the sender comes from a reverse-alias # so it can pass DMARC check # replace the email part in from: header contact_from_header = msg["From"] new_from_header = contact.new_addr() add_or_replace_header(msg, "From", new_from_header) LOG.d("From header, new:%s, old:%s", new_from_header, contact_from_header) if reply_to_contact: reply_to_header = msg["Reply-To"] new_reply_to_header = reply_to_contact.new_addr() add_or_replace_header(msg, "Reply-To", new_reply_to_header) LOG.d("Reply-To header, new:%s, old:%s", new_reply_to_header, reply_to_header) # replace CC & To emails by reverse-alias for all emails that are not alias replace_header_when_forward(msg, alias, "Cc") replace_header_when_forward(msg, alias, "To") # add List-Unsubscribe header unsubscribe_link, via_email = alias.unsubscribe_link() add_or_replace_header(msg, "List-Unsubscribe", f"<{unsubscribe_link}>") if not via_email: add_or_replace_header( msg, "List-Unsubscribe-Post", "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click" ) add_dkim_signature(msg, EMAIL_DOMAIN) LOG.d( "Forward mail from %s to %s, mail_options:%s, rcpt_options:%s ", contact.website_email, mailbox.email, envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, ) try: sl_sendmail( # use a different envelope sender for each forward (aka VERP) BOUNCE_EMAIL.format(email_log.id), mailbox.email, msg, envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, is_forward=True, ) except SMTPRecipientsRefused: # that means the mailbox is maybe invalid LOG.w( "SMTPRecipientsRefused forward phase %s -> %s -> %s", contact, alias, mailbox, ) if should_ignore_bounce(envelope.mail_from): return True, status.E207 else: return False, status.E521 else: db.session.commit() return True, status.E200 def handle_reply(envelope, msg: Message, rcpt_to: str) -> (bool, str): """ Return whether an email has been delivered and the smtp status ("250 Message accepted", "550 Non-existent email address", etc) """ reply_email = rcpt_to # reply_email must end with EMAIL_DOMAIN if not reply_email.endswith(EMAIL_DOMAIN): LOG.w(f"Reply email {reply_email} has wrong domain") return False, status.E501 # handle case where reply email is generated with non-allowed char reply_email = normalize_reply_email(reply_email) contact = Contact.get_by(reply_email=reply_email) if not contact: LOG.w(f"No such forward-email with {reply_email} as reply-email") return False, status.E502 alias = contact.alias address: str = contact.alias.email alias_domain = address[address.find("@") + 1 :] # Sanity check: verify alias domain is managed by SimpleLogin # scenario: a user have removed a domain but due to a bug, the aliases are still there if not is_valid_alias_address_domain(alias.email): LOG.e("%s domain isn't known", alias) return False, status.E503 user = alias.user mail_from = envelope.mail_from if user.disabled: LOG.e( "User %s disabled, disable sending emails from %s to %s", user, alias, contact, ) return [(False, status.E504)] # Anti-spoofing mailbox = get_mailbox_from_mail_from(mail_from, alias) if not mailbox: if alias.disable_email_spoofing_check: # ignore this error, use default alias mailbox LOG.w( "ignore unknown sender to reverse-alias %s: %s -> %s", mail_from, alias, contact, ) mailbox = alias.mailbox else: # only mailbox can send email to the reply-email handle_unknown_mailbox(envelope, msg, reply_email, user, alias, contact) return False, status.E505 if ENFORCE_SPF and mailbox.force_spf and not alias.disable_email_spoofing_check: if not spf_pass(envelope, mailbox, user, alias, contact.website_email, msg): # cannot use 4** here as sender will retry. # cannot use 5** because that generates bounce report return True, status.E201 email_log = EmailLog.create( contact_id=contact.id, alias_id=contact.alias_id, is_reply=True, user_id=contact.user_id, mailbox_id=mailbox.id, commit=True, ) LOG.d("Create %s for %s, %s, %s", email_log, contact, user, mailbox) # Spam check if ENABLE_SPAM_ASSASSIN: spam_status = "" is_spam = False # do not use user.max_spam_score here if SPAMASSASSIN_HOST: start = time.time() spam_score, spam_report = get_spam_score(msg, email_log) LOG.d( "%s -> %s - spam score %s in %s seconds. Spam report %s", alias, contact, spam_score, time.time() - start, spam_report, ) email_log.spam_score = spam_score if spam_score > MAX_REPLY_PHASE_SPAM_SCORE: is_spam = True # only set the spam report for spam email_log.spam_report = spam_report else: is_spam, spam_status = get_spam_info( msg, max_score=MAX_REPLY_PHASE_SPAM_SCORE ) if is_spam: LOG.w( "Email detected as spam. Reply phase. %s -> %s. Spam Score: %s, Spam Report: %s", alias, contact, email_log.spam_score, email_log.spam_report, ) email_log.is_spam = True email_log.spam_status = spam_status db.session.commit() handle_spam(contact, alias, msg, user, mailbox, email_log, is_reply=True) return False, status.E506 delete_all_headers_except( msg, [ "From", "To", "Cc", "Subject", # References and In-Reply-To are used for keeping the email thread "References", "In-Reply-To", ] + _MIME_HEADERS, ) # replace the reverse-alias (i.e. "ra+string@simplelogin.co") by the contact email in the email body # as this is usually included when replying if user.replace_reverse_alias: LOG.d("Replace reverse-alias %s by contact email %s", reply_email, contact) msg = replace(msg, reply_email, contact.website_email) # create PGP email if needed if contact.pgp_finger_print and user.is_premium(): LOG.d("Encrypt message for contact %s", contact) try: msg = prepare_pgp_message( msg, contact.pgp_finger_print, contact.pgp_public_key ) except PGPException: LOG.e( "Cannot encrypt message %s -> %s. %s %s", alias, contact, mailbox, user ) # to not save the email_log EmailLog.delete(email_log.id) db.session.commit() # return 421 so the client can retry later return False, status.E402 db.session.commit() # make the email comes from alias from_header = alias.email # add alias name from alias if alias.name: LOG.d("Put alias name in from header") from_header = formataddr((alias.name, alias.email)) elif alias.custom_domain: LOG.d("Put domain default alias name in from header") # add alias name from domain if alias.custom_domain.name: from_header = formataddr((alias.custom_domain.name, alias.email)) add_or_replace_header(msg, "From", from_header) replace_header_when_reply(msg, alias, "To") replace_header_when_reply(msg, alias, "Cc") # Message-ID can reveal about the mailbox -> replace it message_id = make_msgid(str(email_log.id), get_email_domain_part(alias.email)) LOG.d("make message id %s", message_id) add_or_replace_header( msg, "Message-ID", message_id, ) date_header = formatdate() msg["Date"] = date_header msg[_DIRECTION] = "Reply" msg[_EMAIL_LOG_ID_HEADER] = str(email_log.id) LOG.d( "send email from %s to %s, mail_options:%s,rcpt_options:%s", alias.email, contact.website_email, envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, ) if should_add_dkim_signature(alias_domain): add_dkim_signature(msg, alias_domain) # generate a mail_from for VERP verp_mail_from = f"{BOUNCE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLY_PHASE}+{email_log.id}+@{alias_domain}" try: sl_sendmail( verp_mail_from, contact.website_email, msg, envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, is_forward=False, ) except Exception: # to not save the email_log db.session.rollback() LOG.w("Cannot send email from %s to %s", alias, contact) send_email( mailbox.email, f"Email cannot be sent to {contact.email} from {alias.email}", render( "transactional/reply-error.txt", user=user, alias=alias, contact=contact, contact_domain=get_email_domain_part(contact.email), ), render( "transactional/reply-error.html", user=user, alias=alias, contact=contact, contact_domain=get_email_domain_part(contact.email), ), ) # return 250 even if error as user is already informed of the incident and can retry sending the email return True, status.E200 def get_mailbox_from_mail_from(mail_from: str, alias) -> Optional[Mailbox]: """return the corresponding mailbox given the mail_from and alias Usually the mail_from=mailbox.email but it can also be one of the authorized address """ for mailbox in alias.mailboxes: if mailbox.email == mail_from: return mailbox for addr in mailbox.authorized_addresses: if addr.email == mail_from: LOG.d( "Found an authorized address for %s %s %s", alias, mailbox, address ) return mailbox return None def handle_unknown_mailbox( envelope, msg, reply_email: str, user: User, alias: Alias, contact: Contact ): LOG.w( "Reply email can only be used by mailbox. " "Actual mail_from: %s. msg from header: %s, reverse-alias %s, %s %s %s", envelope.mail_from, msg["From"], reply_email, alias, user, contact, ) authorize_address_link = ( f"{URL}/dashboard/mailbox/{alias.mailbox_id}/#authorized-address" ) mailbox_emails = [mailbox.email for mailbox in alias.mailboxes] send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_REVERSE_ALIAS_UNKNOWN_MAILBOX, user.email, f"Attempt to use your alias {alias.email} from {envelope.mail_from}", render( "transactional/reply-must-use-personal-email.txt", alias=alias, sender=envelope.mail_from, authorize_address_link=authorize_address_link, mailbox_emails=mailbox_emails, ), render( "transactional/reply-must-use-personal-email.html", alias=alias, sender=envelope.mail_from, authorize_address_link=authorize_address_link, mailbox_emails=mailbox_emails, ), ) # Notify sender that they cannot send emails to this address send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_REVERSE_ALIAS_UNKNOWN_MAILBOX, envelope.mail_from, f"Your email ({envelope.mail_from}) is not allowed to send emails to {reply_email}", render( "transactional/send-from-alias-from-unknown-sender.txt", sender=envelope.mail_from, reply_email=reply_email, ), render( "transactional/send-from-alias-from-unknown-sender.html", sender=envelope.mail_from, reply_email=reply_email, ), ) def handle_bounce_forward_phase(msg: Message, email_log: EmailLog): """ Handle forward phase bounce Happens when an email cannot be sent to a mailbox """ contact = email_log.contact alias = contact.alias user = alias.user mailbox = email_log.mailbox # email_log.mailbox should be set during the forward phase if not mailbox: LOG.e("Use %s default mailbox %s", alias, alias.mailbox) mailbox = alias.mailbox Bounce.create(email=mailbox.email, commit=True) LOG.d( "Handle forward bounce %s -> %s -> %s. %s", contact, alias, mailbox, email_log ) # Store the bounced email, generate a name for the email random_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) full_report_path = f"refused-emails/full-{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio( full_report_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(msg)), f"full-{random_name}" ) file_path = None orig_msg = get_orig_message_from_bounce(msg) if not orig_msg: # Some MTA does not return the original message in bounce message # nothing we can do here LOG.w( "Cannot parse original message from bounce message %s %s %s %s", alias, user, contact, full_report_path, ) else: file_path = f"refused-emails/{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio( file_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(orig_msg)), random_name ) refused_email = RefusedEmail.create( path=file_path, full_report_path=full_report_path, user_id=user.id ) db.session.flush() LOG.d("Create refused email %s", refused_email) email_log.bounced = True email_log.refused_email_id = refused_email.id email_log.bounced_mailbox_id = mailbox.id db.session.commit() refused_email_url = f"{URL}/dashboard/refused_email?highlight_id={email_log.id}" # inform user of this bounce if not should_disable(alias): LOG.d( "Inform user %s about a bounce from contact %s to alias %s", user, contact, alias, ) disable_alias_link = f"{URL}/dashboard/unsubscribe/{alias.id}" send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_BOUNCE_EMAIL, user.email, f"Email from {contact.website_email} to {alias.email} cannot be delivered to your mailbox", render( "transactional/bounce/bounced-email.txt", alias=alias, website_email=contact.website_email, disable_alias_link=disable_alias_link, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, mailbox_email=mailbox.email, ), render( "transactional/bounce/bounced-email.html", alias=alias, website_email=contact.website_email, disable_alias_link=disable_alias_link, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, mailbox_email=mailbox.email, ), max_nb_alert=10, # smtp error can happen if user mailbox is unreachable, that might explain the bounce ignore_smtp_error=True, ) else: LOG.w( "Disable alias %s now", alias, ) alias.enabled = False db.session.commit() send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_BOUNCE_EMAIL, user.email, f"Alias {alias.email} has been disabled due to multiple bounces", render( "transactional/bounce/automatic-disable-alias.txt", alias=alias, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, mailbox_email=mailbox.email, ), render( "transactional/bounce/automatic-disable-alias.html", alias=alias, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, mailbox_email=mailbox.email, ), max_nb_alert=10, ignore_smtp_error=True, ) def handle_hotmail_complaint(msg: Message) -> bool: """ Handle hotmail complaint sent to postmaster Return True if the complaint can be handled, False otherwise """ orig_msg = get_orig_message_from_hotmail_complaint(msg) to_header = orig_msg["To"] if not to_header: LOG.e("cannot find the alias") return False _, alias_address = parse_full_address(get_header_unicode(to_header)) alias = Alias.get_by(email=alias_address) if not alias: LOG.w("No alias for %s", alias_address) return False user = alias.user LOG.w("Handle hotmail complaint for %s %s %s", alias, user, alias.mailboxes) send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_HOTMAIL_COMPLAINT, user.email, f"Hotmail abuse report", render( "transactional/hotmail-complaint.txt.jinja2", alias=alias, ), render( "transactional/hotmail-complaint.html", alias=alias, ), max_nb_alert=2, ) return True def handle_yahoo_complaint(msg: Message) -> bool: """ Handle yahoo complaint sent to postmaster Return True if the complaint can be handled, False otherwise """ orig_msg = get_orig_message_from_yahoo_complaint(msg) to_header = orig_msg["To"] if not to_header: LOG.e("cannot find the alias") return False _, alias_address = parse_full_address(get_header_unicode(to_header)) alias = Alias.get_by(email=alias_address) if not alias: LOG.w("No alias for %s", alias_address) return False user = alias.user LOG.w("Handle yahoo complaint for %s %s %s", alias, user, alias.mailboxes) send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_YAHOO_COMPLAINT, user.email, f"Yahoo abuse report", render( "transactional/yahoo-complaint.txt.jinja2", alias=alias, ), render( "transactional/yahoo-complaint.html", alias=alias, ), max_nb_alert=2, ) return True def handle_bounce_reply_phase(envelope, msg: Message, email_log: EmailLog): """ Handle reply phase bounce Happens when an email cannot be sent from an alias to a contact """ contact: Contact = email_log.contact alias = contact.alias user = alias.user mailbox = email_log.mailbox or alias.mailbox LOG.d("Handle reply bounce %s -> %s -> %s.%s", mailbox, alias, contact, email_log) Bounce.create(email=sanitize_email(contact.website_email), commit=True) # Store the bounced email # generate a name for the email random_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) full_report_path = f"refused-emails/full-{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio(full_report_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(msg)), random_name) orig_msg = get_orig_message_from_bounce(msg) file_path = None if orig_msg: file_path = f"refused-emails/{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio( file_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(orig_msg)), random_name ) refused_email = RefusedEmail.create( path=file_path, full_report_path=full_report_path, user_id=user.id, commit=True ) LOG.d("Create refused email %s", refused_email) email_log.bounced = True email_log.refused_email_id = refused_email.id email_log.bounced_mailbox_id = mailbox.id db.session.commit() refused_email_url = f"{URL}/dashboard/refused_email?highlight_id={email_log.id}" LOG.d( "Inform user %s about bounced email sent by %s to %s", user, alias, contact, ) send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_BOUNCE_EMAIL_REPLY_PHASE, mailbox.email, f"Email cannot be sent to { contact.email } from your alias { alias.email }", render( "transactional/bounce/bounce-email-reply-phase.txt", alias=alias, contact=contact, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, ), render( "transactional/bounce/bounce-email-reply-phase.html", alias=alias, contact=contact, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, ), ) return status.E520 def handle_spam( contact: Contact, alias: Alias, msg: Message, user: User, mailbox: Mailbox, email_log: EmailLog, is_reply=False, # whether the email is in forward or reply phase ): # Store the report & original email orig_msg = get_orig_message_from_spamassassin_report(msg) # generate a name for the email random_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) full_report_path = f"spams/full-{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio(full_report_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(msg)), random_name) file_path = None if orig_msg: file_path = f"spams/{random_name}.eml" s3.upload_email_from_bytesio( file_path, BytesIO(to_bytes(orig_msg)), random_name ) refused_email = RefusedEmail.create( path=file_path, full_report_path=full_report_path, user_id=user.id ) db.session.flush() email_log.refused_email_id = refused_email.id db.session.commit() LOG.d("Create spam email %s", refused_email) refused_email_url = f"{URL}/dashboard/refused_email?highlight_id={email_log.id}" disable_alias_link = f"{URL}/dashboard/unsubscribe/{alias.id}" if is_reply: LOG.d( "Inform %s (%s) about spam email sent from alias %s to %s. %s", mailbox, user, alias, contact, refused_email, ) send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_SPAM_EMAIL, mailbox.email, f"Email from {alias.email} to {contact.website_email} is detected as spam", render( "transactional/spam-email-reply-phase.txt", alias=alias, website_email=contact.website_email, disable_alias_link=disable_alias_link, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, ), render( "transactional/spam-email-reply-phase.html", alias=alias, website_email=contact.website_email, disable_alias_link=disable_alias_link, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, ), ) else: # inform user LOG.d( "Inform %s (%s) about spam email sent by %s to alias %s", mailbox, user, contact, alias, ) send_email_with_rate_control( user, ALERT_SPAM_EMAIL, mailbox.email, f"Email from {contact.website_email} to {alias.email} is detected as spam", render( "transactional/spam-email.txt", alias=alias, website_email=contact.website_email, disable_alias_link=disable_alias_link, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, ), render( "transactional/spam-email.html", alias=alias, website_email=contact.website_email, disable_alias_link=disable_alias_link, refused_email_url=refused_email_url, ), ) def handle_unsubscribe(envelope: Envelope, msg: Message) -> str: """return the SMTP status""" # format: alias_id: subject = msg["Subject"] try: # subject has the format {alias.id}= if subject.endswith("="): alias_id = int(subject[:-1]) # {user.id}* elif subject.endswith("*"): user_id = int(subject[:-1]) return handle_unsubscribe_user(user_id, envelope.mail_from) # some email providers might strip off the = suffix else: alias_id = int(subject) alias = Alias.get(alias_id) except Exception: LOG.w("Cannot parse alias from subject %s", msg["Subject"]) return status.E507 if not alias: LOG.w("No such alias %s", alias_id) return status.E508 # This sender cannot unsubscribe mail_from = envelope.mail_from # Only alias's owning mailbox can send the unsubscribe request mailbox = get_mailbox_from_mail_from(mail_from, alias) if not mailbox: LOG.d("%s cannot disable alias %s", envelope.mail_from, alias) return status.E509 # Sender is owner of this alias alias.enabled = False db.session.commit() user = alias.user enable_alias_url = URL + f"/dashboard/?highlight_alias_id={alias.id}" for mailbox in alias.mailboxes: send_email( mailbox.email, f"Alias {alias.email} has been disabled successfully", render( "transactional/unsubscribe-disable-alias.txt", user=user, alias=alias.email, enable_alias_url=enable_alias_url, ), render( "transactional/unsubscribe-disable-alias.html", user=user, alias=alias.email, enable_alias_url=enable_alias_url, ), ) return status.E202 def handle_unsubscribe_user(user_id: int, mail_from: str) -> str: """return the SMTP status""" user = User.get(user_id) if not user: LOG.e("No such user %s %s", user_id, mail_from) return status.E510 if mail_from != user.email: LOG.e("Unauthorized mail_from %s %s", user, mail_from) return status.E511 user.notification = False db.session.commit() send_email( user.email, "You have been unsubscribed from SimpleLogin newsletter", render( "transactional/unsubscribe-newsletter.txt", user=user, ), render( "transactional/unsubscribe-newsletter.html", user=user, ), ) return status.E202 def handle_transactional_bounce(envelope: Envelope, rcpt_to): LOG.d("handle transactional bounce sent to %s", rcpt_to) # parse the TransactionalEmail transactional_id = parse_id_from_bounce(rcpt_to) transactional = TransactionalEmail.get(transactional_id) # a transaction might have been deleted in delete_logs() if transactional: LOG.i("Create bounce for %s", transactional.email) Bounce.create(email=transactional.email, commit=True) def handle_bounce(envelope, email_log: EmailLog, msg: Message) -> str: """ Return SMTP status, e.g. "500 Error" """ if not email_log: LOG.w("No such email log") return status.E512 contact: Contact = email_log.contact alias = contact.alias LOG.d( "handle bounce for %s, phase=%s, contact=%s, alias=%s", email_log, email_log.get_phase(), contact, alias, ) if email_log.is_reply: content_type = msg.get_content_type().lower() if content_type != "multipart/report" or envelope.mail_from != "<>": # forward the email again to the alias LOG.i( "Handle auto reply %s %s", content_type, envelope.mail_from, ) contact: Contact = email_log.contact alias = contact.alias email_log.auto_replied = True db.session.commit() # replace the BOUNCE_EMAIL by alias in To field add_or_replace_header(msg, "To", alias.email) envelope.rcpt_tos = [alias.email] # same as handle() # result of all deliveries # each element is a couple of whether the delivery is successful and the smtp status res: [(bool, str)] = [] for is_delivered, smtp_status in handle_forward(envelope, msg, alias.email): res.append((is_delivered, smtp_status)) for (is_success, smtp_status) in res: # Consider all deliveries successful if 1 delivery is successful if is_success: return smtp_status # Failed delivery for all, return the first failure return res[0][1] return handle_bounce_reply_phase(envelope, msg, email_log) else: # forward phase handle_bounce_forward_phase(msg, email_log) return status.E513 def should_ignore(mail_from: str, rcpt_tos: List[str]) -> bool: if len(rcpt_tos) != 1: return False rcpt_to = rcpt_tos[0] if IgnoredEmail.get_by(mail_from=mail_from, rcpt_to=rcpt_to): return True return False def handle(envelope: Envelope) -> str: """Return SMTP status""" # sanitize mail_from, rcpt_tos mail_from = sanitize_email(envelope.mail_from) rcpt_tos = [sanitize_email(rcpt_to) for rcpt_to in envelope.rcpt_tos] envelope.mail_from = mail_from envelope.rcpt_tos = rcpt_tos msg = email.message_from_bytes(envelope.original_content) postfix_queue_id = get_queue_id(msg) if postfix_queue_id: set_message_id(postfix_queue_id) else: LOG.d("Cannot parse Postfix queue ID from %s", msg["Received"]) if should_ignore(mail_from, rcpt_tos): LOG.w("Ignore email mail_from=%s rcpt_to=%s", mail_from, rcpt_tos) return status.E204 # sanitize email headers sanitize_header(msg, "from") sanitize_header(msg, "to") sanitize_header(msg, "cc") sanitize_header(msg, "reply-to") LOG.d( "==>> Handle mail_from:%s, rcpt_tos:%s, header_from:%s, header_to:%s, " "cc:%s, reply-to:%s, mail_options:%s, rcpt_options:%s", mail_from, rcpt_tos, msg["From"], msg["To"], msg["Cc"], msg["Reply-To"], envelope.mail_options, envelope.rcpt_options, ) contact = Contact.get_by(reply_email=mail_from) if contact: LOG.w( "email can't be sent from a reverse-alias:%s, contact email:%s, %s, %s", contact.reply_email, contact.website_email, contact.alias, contact.user, ) return status.E203 # unsubscribe request if UNSUBSCRIBER and rcpt_tos == [UNSUBSCRIBER]: LOG.d("Handle unsubscribe request from %s", mail_from) return handle_unsubscribe(envelope, msg) # emails sent to sender. Probably bounce emails if ( len(rcpt_tos) == 1 and rcpt_tos[0].startswith(TRANSACTIONAL_BOUNCE_PREFIX) and rcpt_tos[0].endswith(TRANSACTIONAL_BOUNCE_SUFFIX) ): LOG.d("Handle email sent to sender from %s", mail_from) handle_transactional_bounce(envelope, rcpt_tos[0]) return status.E205 if ( len(rcpt_tos) == 1 and mail_from == "staff@hotmail.com" and rcpt_tos[0] == POSTMASTER ): LOG.w("Handle hotmail complaint") # if the complaint cannot be handled, forward it normally if handle_hotmail_complaint(msg): return status.E208 if ( len(rcpt_tos) == 1 and mail_from == "feedback@arf.mail.yahoo.com" and rcpt_tos[0] == POSTMASTER ): LOG.w("Handle yahoo complaint") # if the complaint cannot be handled, forward it normally if handle_yahoo_complaint(msg): return status.E210 # Handle bounce if ( len(rcpt_tos) == 1 and rcpt_tos[0].startswith(BOUNCE_PREFIX) and rcpt_tos[0].endswith(BOUNCE_SUFFIX) ): email_log_id = parse_id_from_bounce(rcpt_tos[0]) email_log = EmailLog.get(email_log_id) return handle_bounce(envelope, email_log, msg) if len(rcpt_tos) == 1 and rcpt_tos[0].startswith( f"{BOUNCE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLY_PHASE}+" ): email_log_id = parse_id_from_bounce(rcpt_tos[0]) email_log = EmailLog.get(email_log_id) return handle_bounce(envelope, email_log, msg) # iCloud returns the bounce with mail_from=bounce+{email_log_id}+@simplelogin.co, rcpt_to=alias if ( len(rcpt_tos) == 1 and mail_from.startswith(BOUNCE_PREFIX) and mail_from.endswith(BOUNCE_SUFFIX) ): email_log_id = parse_id_from_bounce(mail_from) email_log = EmailLog.get(email_log_id) alias = Alias.get_by(email=rcpt_tos[0]) LOG.w( "iCloud bounces %s %s msg=%s", email_log, alias, msg.as_string(), ) return handle_bounce(envelope, email_log, msg) if rate_limited(mail_from, rcpt_tos): LOG.w("Rate Limiting applied for mail_from:%s rcpt_tos:%s", mail_from, rcpt_tos) # add more logging info. TODO: remove if len(rcpt_tos) == 1: alias = Alias.get_by(email=rcpt_tos[0]) if alias: LOG.w( "total number email log on %s is %s", alias, EmailLog.query.filter(EmailLog.alias_id == alias.id).count(), ) if should_ignore_bounce(envelope.mail_from): return status.E207 else: return status.E522 # Handle "out of office" auto notice. An automatic response is sent for every forwarded email # todo: remove logging if len(rcpt_tos) == 1 and is_reply_email(rcpt_tos[0]) and mail_from == "<>": LOG.w( "out-of-office email to reverse alias %s. %s", rcpt_tos[0], msg.as_string() ) return status.E206 # result of all deliveries # each element is a couple of whether the delivery is successful and the smtp status res: [(bool, str)] = [] nb_rcpt_tos = len(rcpt_tos) for rcpt_index, rcpt_to in enumerate(rcpt_tos): if rcpt_to == NOREPLY: LOG.e("email sent to noreply address from %s", mail_from) return status.E514 # create a copy of msg for each recipient except the last one # as copy() is a slow function if rcpt_index < nb_rcpt_tos - 1: LOG.d("copy message for rcpt %s", rcpt_to) copy_msg = copy(msg) else: copy_msg = msg # Reply case # recipient starts with "reply+" or "ra+" (ra=reverse-alias) prefix if is_reply_email(rcpt_to): LOG.d("Reply phase %s(%s) -> %s", mail_from, copy_msg["From"], rcpt_to) is_delivered, smtp_status = handle_reply(envelope, copy_msg, rcpt_to) res.append((is_delivered, smtp_status)) else: # Forward case LOG.d( "Forward phase %s(%s) -> %s", mail_from, copy_msg["From"], rcpt_to, ) for is_delivered, smtp_status in handle_forward( envelope, copy_msg, rcpt_to ): res.append((is_delivered, smtp_status)) for (is_success, smtp_status) in res: # Consider all deliveries successful if 1 delivery is successful if is_success: return smtp_status # Failed delivery for all, return the first failure return res[0][1] class MailHandler: async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope: Envelope): try: ret = self._handle(envelope) return ret except Exception: LOG.e( "email handling fail %s -> %s", envelope.mail_from, envelope.rcpt_tos, ) return status.E404 @newrelic.agent.background_task(application=newrelic_app) def _handle(self, envelope: Envelope): start = time.time() # generate a different message_id to keep track of an email lifecycle message_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) set_message_id(message_id) LOG.i( "===>> New message, mail from %s, rctp tos %s ", envelope.mail_from, envelope.rcpt_tos, ) app = new_app() with app.app_context(): ret = handle(envelope) elapsed = time.time() - start LOG.i( "Finish mail from %s, rctp tos %s, takes %s seconds <<===", envelope.mail_from, envelope.rcpt_tos, elapsed, ) newrelic.agent.record_custom_metric( "Custom/email_handler_time", elapsed, newrelic_app ) newrelic.agent.record_custom_metric( "Custom/number_incoming_email", 1, newrelic_app ) return ret def main(port: int): """Use aiosmtpd Controller""" controller = Controller(MailHandler(), hostname="", port=port) controller.start() LOG.d("Start mail controller %s %s", controller.hostname, controller.port) if LOAD_PGP_EMAIL_HANDLER: LOG.w("LOAD PGP keys") app = create_app() with app.app_context(): load_pgp_public_keys() while True: time.sleep(2) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-p", "--port", help="SMTP port to listen for", type=int, default=20381 ) args = parser.parse_args() LOG.i("Listen for port %s", args.port) main(port=args.port)