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import arrow
from flask import redirect, url_for, request, flash
from flask_admin import expose, AdminIndexView
from flask_admin.actions import action
from flask_admin.contrib import sqla
from flask_login import current_user, login_user
from app.db import Session
from app.models import User, ManualSubscription, Fido, Subscription, AppleSubscription
class SLModelView(sqla.ModelView):
column_default_sort = ("id", True)
column_display_pk = True
can_edit = False
can_create = False
can_delete = False
edit_modal = True
def is_accessible(self):
return current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.is_admin
def inaccessible_callback(self, name, **kwargs):
# redirect to login page if user doesn't have access
return redirect(url_for("auth.login", next=request.url))
class SLAdminIndexView(AdminIndexView):
def index(self):
if not current_user.is_authenticated or not current_user.is_admin:
return redirect(url_for("auth.login", next=request.url))
return redirect("/admin/user")
class UserAdmin(SLModelView):
column_searchable_list = ["email", "id"]
column_exclude_list = [
can_edit = True
def scaffold_list_columns(self):
ret = super().scaffold_list_columns()
ret.insert(0, "upgrade_channel")
return ret
"Education upgrade",
"Are you sure you want to edu-upgrade selected users?",
def action_edu_upgrade(self, ids):
manual_upgrade("Edu", ids, is_giveaway=True)
"Charity Organization upgrade",
"Are you sure you want to upgrade selected users using the Charity organization program?",
def action_charity_org_upgrade(self, ids):
manual_upgrade("Charity Organization", ids, is_giveaway=True)
"Journalist upgrade",
"Are you sure you want to upgrade selected users using the Journalist program?",
def action_journalist_upgrade(self, ids):
manual_upgrade("Journalist", ids, is_giveaway=True)
"Cash upgrade",
"Are you sure you want to cash-upgrade selected users?",
def action_cash_upgrade(self, ids):
manual_upgrade("Cash", ids, is_giveaway=False)
"Crypto upgrade",
"Are you sure you want to crypto-upgrade selected users?",
def action_monero_upgrade(self, ids):
manual_upgrade("Crypto", ids, is_giveaway=False)
"Extend trial for 1 week more",
"Extend trial for 1 week more?",
def extend_trial_1w(self, ids):
for user in User.filter(User.id.in_(ids)):
if user.trial_end and user.trial_end > arrow.now():
user.trial_end = user.trial_end.shift(weeks=1)
user.trial_end = arrow.now().shift(weeks=1)
flash(f"Extend trial for {user} to {user.trial_end}", "success")
"Disable OTP & FIDO",
"Disable OTP & FIDO?",
def disable_otp_fido(self, ids):
for user in User.filter(User.id.in_(ids)):
if user.enable_otp:
user.enable_otp = False
flash(f"Disable OTP for {user}", "info")
if user.fido_uuid:
user.fido_uuid = None
flash(f"Disable FIDO for {user}", "info")
"Login as this user",
"Login as this user?",
def login_as(self, ids):
if len(ids) != 1:
flash("only 1 user can be selected", "error")
for user in User.filter(User.id.in_(ids)):
flash(f"Login as user {user}", "success")
return redirect("/")
def manual_upgrade(way: str, ids: [int], is_giveaway: bool):
for user in User.filter(User.id.in_(ids)).all():
if user.lifetime:
flash(f"user {user} already has a lifetime license", "warning")
sub: Subscription = user.get_subscription()
if sub and not sub.cancelled:
f"user {user} already has a Paddle license, they have to cancel it first",
apple_sub: AppleSubscription = AppleSubscription.get_by(user_id=user.id)
if apple_sub and apple_sub.is_valid():
f"user {user} already has a Apple subscription, they have to cancel it first",
manual_sub: ManualSubscription = ManualSubscription.get_by(user_id=user.id)
if manual_sub:
# renew existing subscription
if manual_sub.end_at > arrow.now():
manual_sub.end_at = manual_sub.end_at.shift(years=1)
manual_sub.end_at = arrow.now().shift(years=1, days=1)
flash(f"Subscription extended to {manual_sub.end_at.humanize()}", "success")
end_at=arrow.now().shift(years=1, days=1),
flash(f"New {way} manual subscription for {user} is created", "success")
class EmailLogAdmin(SLModelView):
column_searchable_list = ["id"]
column_filters = ["id", "user.email", "mailbox.email", "contact.website_email"]
can_edit = False
can_create = False
class AliasAdmin(SLModelView):
column_searchable_list = ["id", "user.email", "email", "mailbox.email"]
column_filters = ["id", "user.email", "email", "mailbox.email"]
class MailboxAdmin(SLModelView):
column_searchable_list = ["id", "user.email", "email"]
column_filters = ["id", "user.email", "email"]
class LifetimeCouponAdmin(SLModelView):
can_edit = True
can_create = True
class CouponAdmin(SLModelView):
can_edit = True
can_create = True
class ManualSubscriptionAdmin(SLModelView):
can_edit = True
column_searchable_list = ["id", "user.email"]
"Extend for 1 year",
"Extend 1 year more?",
def extend_1y(self, ids):
for ms in ManualSubscription.filter(ManualSubscription.id.in_(ids)):
ms.end_at = ms.end_at.shift(years=1)
flash(f"Extend subscription for {ms.user}", "success")
class ClientAdmin(SLModelView):
column_searchable_list = ["name", "description", "user.email"]
column_exclude_list = ["oauth_client_secret", "home_url"]
can_edit = True
class CustomDomainAdmin(SLModelView):
column_searchable_list = ["domain", "user.email", "user.id"]
column_exclude_list = ["ownership_txt_token"]
can_edit = False
class ReferralAdmin(SLModelView):
column_searchable_list = ["id", "user.email", "code", "name"]
column_filters = ["id", "user.email", "code", "name"]
def scaffold_list_columns(self):
ret = super().scaffold_list_columns()
ret.insert(0, "nb_user")
ret.insert(0, "nb_paid_user")
return ret
class PayoutAdmin(SLModelView):
column_searchable_list = ["id", "user.email"]
column_filters = ["id", "user.email"]
can_edit = True
can_create = True
can_delete = True