mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:18:43 +01:00
Reformated index.php, continued work on new upload file system
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 1127 additions and 797 deletions
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
var session = this.sessions[path];
if( $( '#dropdown-list-active-files' ).has( session.tabThumb ).length > 0 ) {
if( session && session.tabThumb && $( '#dropdown-list-active-files' ).has( session.tabThumb ).length > 0 ) {
if( moveToTabList ) {
/* Get the menu item as a tab, and put the last tab in
* dropdown. */
@ -358,10 +358,12 @@ class Filemanager extends Common {
if( is_dir( $p ) ) {
$children = $this->is_empty( $p ) ? null : array();
$paths[] = array(
"basename" => $path_info["basename"],
"children" => $this->index_path( $p ),
"children" => $children,
"dirname" => str_replace( WORKSPACE . "/", "", $p ),
"extension" => null,
"filename" => $path_info["filename"],
@ -390,6 +392,26 @@ class Filemanager extends Common {
return $paths;
function is_empty( $dir ) {
$pass = true;
if( is_dir( $dir ) ) {
$handle = opendir( $dir );
while( false !== ( $entry = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
if( $entry != "." && $entry != ".." ) {
$pass = false;
closedir( $handle );
return $pass;
function sorter( $a, $b ) {
$basename = strnatcmp( $a["basename"], $b["basename"] );
@ -164,7 +164,16 @@ switch( $_GET['action'] ) {
<button class="btn-right" onclick="codiad.modal.unload();return false;"><?php i18n("Cancel"); ?></button>
case 'selector':
<div id="modal-loading" style="display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle;min-width:25px;"></div>
<div style="display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle;">Loading File Selector ...</div>
@ -86,6 +86,31 @@
$.loadScript( "components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.ui.widget.js", true );
$.loadScript( "components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.iframe-transport.js", true );
$.loadScript( "components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.fileupload.js", true );
$( document ).on( 'dragenter', function( e ) {
$( '.drop-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'block' );
$( '.drop-overlay' ).on( 'drag dragstart dragend dragover dragenter dragleave drop', function( e ) {
.on( 'dragover dragenter', function() {
.on( 'dragleave dragend drop', function() {
//$( '.drop-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'none' );
.on( 'drop', function( e ) {
codiad.filemanager.upload_drop( e );
@ -286,14 +311,15 @@
createObject: function( parent, path, type ) {
// NODE FORMAT: <li><a class="{type} {ext-file_extension}" data-type="{type}" data-path="{path}">{short_name}</a></li>
let parentNode = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + parent + '"]' );
let appendage = null;
if( !$( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' )
.length ) { // Doesn't already exist
if( parentNode.hasClass( 'open' ) && parentNode.hasClass( 'directory' ) ) { // Only append node if parent is open (and a directory)
let shortName = this.getShortName( path );
if( type == 'directory' ) {
let appendage = '<li><span class="none"></span><a class="directory" data-type="directory" data-path="' + path + '">' + shortName + '</a></li>';
appendage = '<li><span class="none"></span><a class="directory" data-type="directory" data-path="' + path + '">' + shortName + '</a></li>';
} else {
let appendage = '<li><span class="none"></span><a class="file ext-' +
appendage = '<li><span class="none"></span><a class="file ext-' +
this.getExtension( shortName ) +
'" data-type="file" data-path="' +
path + '">' + shortName + '</a></li>';
@ -447,11 +473,17 @@
opened_folders: [],
files: [],
get_index: function( path, files ) {
get_indexes: async function( path ) {
let r = await $.get( this.controller + '?action=index&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ) );
return r;
find_index: function( path, files ) {
let _this = this;
let index = {};
let total = files.length;
let total = ( !!files ) ? files.length : 0;
for( let i = 0;i < total;i++ ) {
@ -463,7 +495,7 @@
if( files[i].children !== undefined ) {
index = _this.get_index( path, files[i].children );
index = _this.find_index( path, files[i].children );
if( Object.keys( index ).length > 0 ) {
@ -479,7 +511,7 @@
let _this = this;
let index = {};
let total = files.length;
let total = ( !!files ) ? files.length : 0;
for( let i = 0;i < total;i++ ) {
@ -504,7 +536,7 @@
return index;
index: function( path, rescan ) {
index: async function( path, rescan ) {
let _this = codiad.filemanager;
let node = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' );
@ -513,8 +545,12 @@
let total_saved = _this.files.length;
let container = $( '<ul></ul>' );
let files = [];
let open_children = parentNode.find( 'a.open' );
let open_children = $( '#file-manager a[data-type="root"]' ).parent().find( 'a.open' );
let root = false;
let file = _this.find_index( path, _this.files );
let children = 0;
_this.opened_folders = [];
if( rescan === undefined ) {
@ -531,199 +567,146 @@
if( file.children ) {
children = file.children.length;
node.addClass( 'loading' );
/*for( let i = open_children.length;i--; ) {
for( let i = open_children.length;i--; ) {
_this.opened_folders.push( $( open_children[i] ).attr( "data-path" ) );
open_children.each( function( key, value ) {
if( rescan || total_saved == 0 || ! children ) {
_this.opened_folders.push( value.attr( "data-path" ) );
let data = await _this.get_indexes( path );
let response = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
let result = null;
if( response != 'error' ) {
result = response.index;
if( total_saved == 0 ) {
root = true;
_this.files = result;
files = result;
} else {
_this.set_index_children( path, _this.files, result );
files = result;
let total_opened = _this.opened_folders.length;
for( let i = 0;i < total_opened;i++ ) {
if( _this.is_child( path, _this.opened_folders[i] ) ) {
_this.index( _this.opened_folders[i], rescan );
} else {
files = file.children;
//Add Legacy support for new file layout
for( let i = files.length;i--; ) {
files[i].name = files[i].basename;
console.log( file, files );
/* Notify listener */
amplify.publish( "filemanager.onIndex", {
path: path,
files: files
console.log( "test", open_children, _this.open_children );
let plus = span.hasClass( 'plus' );
let minus = span.hasClass( 'minus' );
let trigger = ( plus || span.hasClass( 'none' ) || root || ( rescan && minus ) );
_this.trigger_open_close( node.parent(), trigger );
if( rescan || total_saved == 0 ) {
console.log( trigger );
if( trigger ) {
$.get( this.controller + '?action=index&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ), function( data ) {
let response = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
let files = [];
if( response != 'error' ) {
let result = response.index;
let total_files = result.length;
if( total_saved == 0 ) {
root = true;
_this.files = result;
files = result;
} else {
_this.set_index_children( path, _this.files, result );
files = result;
/* Notify listener */
amplify.publish( "filemanager.onIndex", {
path: path,
files: files
console.log( files, container, _this.files );
_this.createIndexes( files, container );
let ul = node.parent( 'li' ).children( 'ul' );
if( ul.length ) {
ul.replaceWith( container );
} else {
$( container ).insertAfter( node );
node.removeClass( 'loading' );
} else {
_this.create_indexes( files, container );
let ul = node.parent( 'li' ).children( 'ul' );
let file = _this.get_index( path, _this.files );
files = file.children;
console.log( file, files );
/* Notify listener */
amplify.publish( "filemanager.onIndex", {
path: path,
files: files
let plus = span.hasClass( 'plus' );
if( plus || span.hasClass( 'none' ) ) {
if( ul.length ) {
if( plus ) {
span.removeClass( 'plus' )
span.addClass( 'minus' );
ul.replaceWith( container );
} else {
node.addClass( 'open' );
_this.createIndexes( files, container );
let ul = node.parent( 'li' ).children( 'ul' );
if( ul.length ) {
ul.replaceWith( container );
} else {
$( container ).insertAfter( node );
} else if( span.hasClass( 'minus' ) ) {
span.removeClass( 'minus' );
span.addClass( 'plus' );
node.parent( 'li' )
.children( 'ul' )
.slideUp( 300, function() {
$( this ).remove();
node.removeClass( 'open' );
node.parent().children( 'span' ).removeClass( 'minus' ).addClass( 'plus' );
node.parent().children().find( 'span' ).removeClass( 'minus' ).addClass( 'plus' );
$( container ).insertAfter( node );
node.removeClass( 'loading' );
if( node.hasClass( 'open' ) && ! rescan ) {
node.parent( 'li' )
.children( 'ul' )
.slideUp( 300, function() {
$( this ).remove();
node.removeClass( 'open' );
node.parent().children( 'span' ).removeClass( 'minus' ).addClass( 'plus' );
node.parent().children().find( 'span' ).removeClass( 'minus' ).addClass( 'plus' );
} else {
node.addClass( 'loading' );
$.get( this.controller + '?action=index&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ), function( data ) {
let expanded = parentNode.children( 'span' ).hasClass( 'plus' )
if( expanded ) {
parentNode.children( 'span' ).removeClass( 'plus' ).addClass( 'minus' );
node.addClass( 'open' );
let response = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
console.log( response );
if( response != 'error' ) {
/* Notify listener *
files = response.index;
amplify.publish( "filemanager.onIndex", {
path: path,
files: _this.indexFiles
let keys = Object.keys( files );
let total_keys = keys.length;
for( let i = 0;i < total_keys;i++ ) {
if( files[keys[i]]. ) {
let display = 'display:none;';
let container = $( '<ul></ul>' );
if( rescan ) {
display = '';
node.parent( 'li' ).children( 'ul' ).remove();
container.css( "display", display );
_this.createIndexes( files, container );
$( container ).insertAfter( node );
if( ! rescan ) {
container.css( "display", display );
node.siblings( 'ul' ).slideDown( 300 );
node.removeClass( 'loading' );
console.log( ul, container );
node.removeClass( 'loading' );
createIndexes: function( files, container = null ) {
filemanager_index: function( node, container, file, files ) {
let _this = this;
let link = node.children( 'a' );
opacity: 0.85,
revert: true,
start: _this.object_start,
stop: _this.object_stop,
zIndex: 100
if( file.type == "directory" ) {
accept: _this.object_accept,
drop: _this.object_drop,
over: _this.object_over,
out: _this.object_out
create_indexes: function( files, container = null, filters = {}, callbacks = [] ) {
let _this = this;
let total_files = files.length;
let root = null;
if( ! container ) {
let project_path = $( '#project-root' ).attr( 'data-path' );
let project_name = $( '#project-root' ).text();
let a = $( `<a class="directory" data-path="${project_path}">${project_name}</a>` );
let li = $( '<li></li>' );
root = $( '<ul></ul>' );
container = $( '<ul></ul>' );
li.html( a );
li.append( container );
root.html( li );
console.log( a, li, root, container );
} else {
root = container
for( let i = 0;i < total_files;i++ ) {
let value = files[i];
console.log( _this.opened_folders, value.path )
let expanded = _this.opened_folders.includes( value.path );
let ext = '';
let name = '';
@ -733,16 +716,12 @@
let link = $( "<a></a>" );
let type = null;
if( value.type == "file" ) {
opacity: 0.85,
revert: true,
start: _this.object_start,
stop: _this.object_stop,
zIndex: 100
if( value.children == undefined ) {
if( filters.type == "directories" ) {
ext = "ext-" + value.extension;
name = value.basename;
@ -750,23 +729,20 @@
link.addClass( ext );
} else {
accept: _this.object_accept,
drop: _this.object_drop,
over: _this.object_over,
out: _this.object_out
if( filters.type == "files" ) {
if( value.children.length > 0 ) {
if( value.children !== null ) {
if( expanded ) {
let sub_container = $( '<ul></ul>' );
console.log( value.children );
nodeClass = 'minus';
link.addClass( 'open' );
_this.createIndexes( value.children, sub_container );
_this.create_indexes( value.children, sub_container, filters, callbacks );
$( sub_container ).insertAfter( container );
} else {
@ -786,7 +762,31 @@
entry.append( span, link );
container.append( entry );
if( typeof callbacks == "function" ) {
callbacks( entry, container, value, files );
} else if( Array.isArray( callbacks ) ) {
let total_callbacks = callbacks.length;
for( let j = 0;j < total_callbacks;j++ ) {
return root;
is_child: function( parent, child ) {
if( child === parent ) {
return false;
let parentTokens = parent.split( '/' ).filter( i => i.length );
return parentTokens.every( ( t, i ) => child.split( '/' )[i] === t )
@ -797,81 +797,59 @@
let _this = this;
$( '#file-manager' ).on( 'selectstart', false );
$( '#file-manager span' )
.live( 'click', function() { // Open or Expand
if( $( this ).parent().children( "a" ).attr( 'data-type' ) == 'directory' ) {
_this.index( $( this ).parent().children( "a" )
.attr( 'data-path' ) );
} else {
_this.openFile( $( this ).parent().children( "a" )
.attr( 'data-path' ) );
/*if( !$( this ).hasClass( 'none' ) ) {
if( $( this ).hasClass( 'plus' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'plus' )
$( this ).addClass( 'minus' );
} else {
$( this ).removeClass( 'minus' )
$( this ).addClass( 'plus' );
$( '#file-manager a' )
.live( 'dblclick', function() { // Open or Expand
if( !codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger ) {
if( $( this )
.hasClass( 'directory' ) ) {
_this.index( $( this )
.attr( 'data-path' ) );
} else {
_this.openFile( $( this )
.attr( 'data-path' ) );
if( !$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).hasClass( 'none' ) ) {
if( $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).hasClass( 'plus' ) ) {
$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).removeClass( 'plus' )
$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).addClass( 'minus' );
} else {
$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).removeClass( 'minus' )
$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).addClass( 'plus' );
.live( 'click', function() { // Open or Expand
$( '#file-manager' )
.on( 'click', 'a', function() {
// Open or Expand
if( codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger ) {
if( $( this )
.hasClass( 'directory' ) ) {
_this.index( $( this )
.attr( 'data-path' ) );
if( $( this ).hasClass( 'directory' ) ) {
_this.index( $( this ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
} else {
_this.openFile( $( this )
.attr( 'data-path' ) );
_this.openFile( $( this ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
if( !$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).hasClass( 'none' ) ) {
if( $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).hasClass( 'plus' ) ) {
$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).removeClass( 'plus' )
$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).addClass( 'minus' );
} else {
$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).removeClass( 'minus' )
$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).addClass( 'plus' );
.live( "contextmenu", function( e ) { // Context Menu
.on( 'click', 'span', function() {
// Open or Expand
if( $( this ).parent().children( "a" ).attr( 'data-type' ) == 'directory' ) {
_this.index( $( this ).parent().children( "a" ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
} else {
_this.openFile( $( this ).parent().children( "a" ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
.on( "contextmenu", 'a', function( e ) {
// Context Menu
_this.contextMenuShow( e, $( this )
.attr( 'data-path' ), $( this )
.attr( 'data-type' ), $( this )
.html() );
$( this )
.addClass( 'context-menu-active' );
$( this ).attr( 'data-path' ),
$( this ).attr( 'data-type' ),
$( this ).html()
$( this ).addClass( 'context-menu-active' );
.on( 'dblclick', 'a', function() {
// Open or Expand
if( ! codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger ) {
if( $( this ).hasClass( 'directory' ) ) {
_this.index( $( this ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
} else {
_this.openFile( $( this ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
.on( 'selectstart', false );
object_accept: function( e, i ) {
@ -921,16 +899,52 @@
object_start: function( e, i ) {
let drag = i.helper[0];
//$( object ).show();
$( drag ).addClass( "drag_start" );
$( drag ).children( 'a' ).removeClass( "a:hover" );
object_stop: function( e, i ) {
let drag = i.helper[0];
//$( object ).hide();
$( drag ).removeClass( "drag_start" );
//$( drag ).removeClass( "hover" );
open_selector: async function( type, callback ) {
let _this = this;
action: 'selector',
type: type,
async function( container ) {
let _this = codiad.filemanager;
let data = [];
let response = await _this.get_indexes( codiad.project.getCurrent() );
response = codiad.jsend.parse( response );
if( response.index ) {
data = response.index;
let children = _this.create_indexes( data, null, {type: 'directories'}, [] );
let div = $( '<div class="file-manager"></div>' );
div.html( children );
container.html( div );
_this.selector_listeners( container );
console.log( div, children );
// Open File
@ -987,10 +1001,16 @@
$.ajax( {
url: this.controller + '?action=open_in_browser&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ),
success: function( data ) {
console.log( data )
let openIBResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
console.log( openIBResponse );
if( openIBResponse != 'error' ) {
_this.preview = window.open( openIBResponse.url, '_newtab' );
_this.preview = window.open( openIBResponse, '_newtab' );
let editor = codiad.editor.getActive();
@ -1407,10 +1427,207 @@
selected: [],
selector_listeners: function( node ) {
let _this = this;
$( node )
.on( 'click', 'a', async function( e ) {
// Select or Expand
if( codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'loading' );
let result = await _this.get_indexes( $( this ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
result = codiad.jsend.parse( result );
let indexes = result.index
console.log( indexes );
let ul = $( '<ul></ul>' );
let children = _this.create_indexes( indexes, ul, {type: 'directories'}, [] );
$( this ).removeClass( 'loading' );
_this.trigger_open_close( $( this ).parent(), null );
$( this ).parent().children( 'ul' ).remove();
$( this ).parent().append( ul );
} else {
_this.select_node( $( e.target ) );
.on( 'click', 'span', async function( e ) {
// Select or Expand
let a = $( this ).parent().children( 'a' );
a.addClass( 'loading' );
let result = await _this.get_indexes( a.attr( 'data-path' ) );
result = codiad.jsend.parse( result );
let indexes = result.index
console.log( indexes );
let ul = $( '<ul></ul>' );
let children = _this.create_indexes( indexes, ul, {type: 'directories'}, [] );
a.removeClass( 'loading' );
_this.trigger_open_close( $( this ).parent(), null );
$( this ).parent().children( 'ul' ).remove();
$( this ).parent().append( ul );
.on( 'dblclick', 'a', async function( e ) {
let _this = codiad.filemanager
// Select or Expand
if( ! codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'loading' );
let result = await _this.get_indexes( $( this ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
result = codiad.jsend.parse( result );
let indexes = result.index
console.log( indexes );
let ul = $( '<ul></ul>' );
let children = _this.create_indexes( indexes, ul, {type: 'directories'}, [] );
$( this ).removeClass( 'loading' );
_this.trigger_open_close( $( this ).parent(), null );
$( this ).parent().children( 'ul' ).remove();
$( this ).parent().append( ul );
} else {
_this.select_node( $( e.target ) );
.on( 'selectstart', false );
select_node: function( node ) {
let _this = codiad.filemanager;
let selected = false;
let path = node.attr( 'data-path' );
for( let i = _this.selected.total;i--; ) {
if( _this.selected[i] == path ) {
selected = true;
if( selected ) {
node.css( 'background', "" );
} else {
_this.selected.push( path );
node.css( 'background', "#fff" );
trigger_open_close: function( node, open ) {
let span = node.children( 'span' );
let a = node.children( 'a' );
let plus = span.hasClass( 'plus' );
let minus = span.hasClass( 'minus' );
let ul = node.children( 'ul' );
if( open === null ) {
open = ( plus || span.hasClass( 'none' ) || a.attr( 'data-type' ) == 'root' );
if( open ) {
if( plus ) {
span.removeClass( 'plus' )
span.addClass( 'minus' );
a.addClass( 'open' );
} else {
span.removeClass( 'minus' );
span.addClass( 'plus' );
node.children( 'ul' )
.slideUp( 300, function() {
$( this ).remove();
node.removeClass( 'open' );
node.children( 'span' ).removeClass( 'minus' ).addClass( 'plus' );
node.children().find( 'span' ).removeClass( 'minus' ).addClass( 'plus' );
node.children().find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'open' );
// Upload
upload: {
timers: {
off: null,
entries: [],
upload_choose_destination: async function( path ) {
let _this = this;
upload_drop: function( e ) {
let _this = codiad.filemanager;
let data = null;
let drop = $( '.drop-overlay' );
let items = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.items;
console.log( e );
for( let i = items.length;i--; ) {
let entry = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
console.log( entry );
if( entry.isFile ) {
} else if( entry.isDirectory ) {
upload_overlay_off: function() {
$( '.drop-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'none' );
upload_overlay_on: function( e ) {
let _this = codiad.filemanager;
let drop = $( e.target );
let path = drop.attr( 'data-path' );
if( _this.file_.timers.off ) {
clearTimeout( _this.upload.timers.off );
_this.upload.timers.off = setTimeout( _this.upload_overlay_off, 1500 );
uploadToNode: function( path ) {
codiad.modal.load( 500, this.dialogUpload, {
path: path
@ -17,458 +17,507 @@ $themes = Common::readDirectory(THEMES);
// Theme
$theme = THEME;
if(isset($_SESSION['theme'])) {
$theme = $_SESSION['theme'];
if( isset( $_SESSION['theme'] ) ) {
$theme = $_SESSION['theme'];
// Get Site name if set
if( defined( "SITE_NAME" ) && ! ( SITE_NAME === "" || SITE_NAME === null ) ) {
$site_name = SITE_NAME;
} else {
$site_name = "Codiad";
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title><?php echo htmlentities( $site_name ); ?></title>
// Load System CSS Files
$stylesheets = array("jquery.toastmessage.css","reset.css","fonts.css","screen.css");
foreach($stylesheets as $sheet){
if(file_exists(THEMES . "/". $theme . "/".$sheet)){
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/'.$theme.'/'.$sheet.'">');
} else {
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/default/'.$sheet.'?v=' . get_version() . '">');
// Load Component CSS Files
foreach($components as $component){
if(file_exists(THEMES . "/". $theme . "/" . $component . "/screen.css")){
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/'.$theme.'/'.$component.'/screen.css">');
} else {
if(file_exists("themes/default/" . $component . "/screen.css")){
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/default/'.$component.'/screen.css?v=' . get_version() . '">');
} else {
if(file_exists(COMPONENTS . "/" . $component . "/screen.css")){
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="components/'.$component.'/screen.css">');
// Load Plugin CSS Files
foreach($plugins as $plugin){
if(file_exists(THEMES . "/". $theme . "/" . $plugin . "/screen.css")){
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/'.$theme.'/'.$plugin.'/screen.css">');
} else {
if(file_exists("themes/default/" . $plugin . "/screen.css")){
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/default/'.$plugin.'/screen.css">');
} else {
if(file_exists(PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/screen.css")){
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="plugins/'.$plugin.'/screen.css">');
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
var i18n = (function(lang) {
return function(word,args) {
var x;
var returnw = (word in lang) ? lang[word] : word;
for(x in args){
return returnw;
})(<?php echo json_encode($lang); ?>)
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script>!window.jQuery && document.write(unescape('%3Cscript src="js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"%3E%3C/script%3E'));</script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.css3.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.easing.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.toastmessage.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/amplify.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/localstorage.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.hoverIntent.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/system.js"></script>
<script src="js/sidebars.js"></script>
<script src="js/modal.js"></script>
<script src="js/message.js"></script>
<script src="js/jsend.js"></script>
<script src="js/instance.js?v=<?php echo time(); ?>"></script>
<div id="message"></div>
if( ! isset( $_SESSION['user'] ) ) {
$path = rtrim(str_replace("index.php", "", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']),"/");
$config = file_exists($path . "/config.php");
$active = file_exists($path . "/data/active.php");
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title><?php echo htmlentities( $site_name ); ?></title>
// Load System CSS Files
$stylesheets = array("jquery.toastmessage.css","reset.css","fonts.css","screen.css");
if( !$config ) {
// Installer
} else {
// Login form
foreach( $stylesheets as $sheet ) {
<form id="login" method="post" style="position: fixed; width: 350px; top: 30%; left: 50%; margin-left: -175px; padding: 35px;">
<span class="icon-user login-icon"></span> <?php i18n("Username"); ?>
<input type="text" name="username" autofocus="autofocus" autocomplete="off">
<span class="icon-lock login-icon"></span> <?php i18n("Password"); ?>
<input type="password" name="password">
<span class="icon-eye in-field-icon-right hide_field">
<div class="language-selector">
<label><span class="icon-picture login-icon"></span> <?php i18n("Theme"); ?></label>
<select name="theme" id="theme">
<option value="default"><?php i18n("Default"); ?></option>
include 'languages/code.php';
foreach($themes as $theme):
if(file_exists(THEMES."/" . $theme . "/theme.json")) {
$data = file_get_contents(THEMES."/" . $theme . "/theme.json");
$data = json_decode($data,true);
<option value="<?php echo $theme; ?>" <?php if($theme == THEME) { echo "selected"; } ?>><?php if($data[0]['name'] != '') { echo $data[0]['name']; } else { echo $theme; } ?></option>
<?php } endforeach; ?>
<label><span class="icon-language login-icon"></span> <?php i18n("Language"); ?></label>
<select name="language" id="language">
include 'languages/code.php';
foreach(glob("languages/*.php") as $filename):
$lang_code = str_replace(array("languages/", ".php"), "", $filename);
if(!isset($languages[$lang_code])) continue;
$lang_disp = ucfirst(strtolower($languages[$lang_code]));
<option value="<?php echo $lang_code; ?>" <?php if ($lang_code == "en"){echo "selected";}?>><?php echo $lang_disp; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<button><?php i18n("Login"); ?></button>
<a class="show-language-selector"><?php i18n("More"); ?></a>
<script src="components/user/init.js"></script>
$( ".hide_field" ).on( "click", function( e ) {
let password = document.querySelector( "input[name='password']" );
console.log( password, password.type );
if( password.type == "password" ) {
password.type = "text";
} else {
password.type = "password";
} else {
define( "USER_WORKSPACE", WORKSPACE . '/' . preg_replace( '/[^\w-]/', '', strtolower( $_SESSION["user"] ) ) );
if( ! is_dir( USER_WORKSPACE ) ) {
mkdir( USER_WORKSPACE, 0755 );
if( file_exists( THEMES . "/". $theme . "/".$sheet ) ) {
echo( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/' . $theme . '/' . $sheet . '">' );
} else {
echo( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/default/'.$sheet.'?v=' . get_version() . '">' );
<div id="workspace">
<div id="sb-left" class="sidebar">
<div id="sb-left-title">
<a id="lock-left-sidebar" class="icon-lock icon"></a>
<?php if (!common::isWINOS()) { ?>
<a id="finder-quick" class="icon icon-archive"></a>
<a id="tree-search" class="icon-search icon"></a>
<h2 id="finder-label"> <?php i18n("Explore"); ?> </h2>
<div id="finder-wrapper">
<a id="finder-options" class="icon icon-cog"></a>
<div id="finder-inner-wrapper">
<input type="text" id="finder"></input>
<ul id="finder-options-menu" class="options-menu">
<li class="chosen"><a data-option="left_prefix"><?php i18n("Prefix"); ?></a></li>
<li><a data-option="substring"><?php i18n("Substring"); ?></a></li>
<li><a data-option="regexp"><?php i18n("Regular expression"); ?></a></li>
<li><a data-action="search"><?php i18n("Search File Contents"); ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<div class="sb-left-content">
<div id="context-menu" data-path="" data-type="">
// Load Context Menu
foreach($context_menu as $menu_item=>$data){
echo('<hr class="'.$data['applies-to'].'">');
} else{
echo('<a class="'.$data['applies-to'].'" onclick="'.$data['onclick'].'"><span class="'.$data['icon'].'"></span>'.get_i18n($data['title']).'</a>');
foreach ($plugins as $plugin){
if(file_exists(PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json")) {
$pdata = file_get_contents(PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json");
$pdata = json_decode($pdata,true);
if(isset($pdata[0]['contextmenu'])) {
foreach($pdata[0]['contextmenu'] as $contextmenu) {
if((!isset($contextmenu['admin']) || ($contextmenu['admin']) && checkAccess()) || !$contextmenu['admin']){
if(isset($contextmenu['applies-to']) && isset($contextmenu['action']) && isset($contextmenu['icon']) && isset($contextmenu['title'])) {
echo('<hr class="'.$contextmenu['applies-to'].'">');
echo('<a class="'.$contextmenu['applies-to'].'" onclick="'.$contextmenu['action'].'"><span class="'.$contextmenu['icon'].'"></span>'.$contextmenu['title'].'</a>');
<div id="file-manager"></div>
<ul id="list-active-files"></ul>
<div id="side-projects" class="sb-left-projects">
<div id="project-list" class="sb-project-list">
<div class="project-list-title">
<h2><?php i18n("Projects"); ?></h2>
<a id="projects-collapse" class="icon-down-dir icon" alt="<?php i18n("Collapse"); ?>"></a>
<?php //if(checkAccess()) { ?>
<a id="projects-manage" class="icon-archive icon"></a>
<a id="projects-create" class="icon-plus icon" alt="<?php i18n("Create Project"); ?>"></a>
<?php //} ?>
<div class="sb-projects-content"></div>
<div class="sidebar-handle"><span>||</span></div>
<div id="cursor-position"><?php i18n("Ln"); ?>: 0 · <?php i18n("Col"); ?>: 0</div>
<div id="editor-region">
<div id="editor-top-bar">
<ul id="tab-list-active-files"> </ul>
<div id="tab-dropdown">
<a id="tab-dropdown-button" class="icon-down-open"></a>
<div id="tab-close">
<a id="tab-close-button" class="icon-cancel-circled" title="<?php i18n("Close All") ?>"></a>
<ul id="dropdown-list-active-files"></ul>
<div class="bar"></div>
<div id="root-editor-wrapper"></div>
<div id="editor-bottom-bar">
<a id="settings" class="ico-wrapper"><span class="icon-doc-text"></span><?php i18n("Settings"); ?></a>
// Load Plugins
foreach ($plugins as $plugin){
if(file_exists(PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json")) {
$pdata = file_get_contents(PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json");
$pdata = json_decode($pdata,true);
if(isset($pdata[0]['bottombar'])) {
foreach($pdata[0]['bottombar'] as $bottommenu) {
if((!isset($bottommenu['admin']) || ($bottommenu['admin']) && checkAccess()) || !$bottommenu['admin']){
if(isset($bottommenu['action']) && isset($bottommenu['icon']) && isset($bottommenu['title'])) {
echo('<div class="divider"></div>');
echo('<a onclick="'.$bottommenu['action'].'"><span class="'.$bottommenu['icon'].'"></span>'.$bottommenu['title'].'</a>');
<div class="divider"></div>
<a id="split" class="ico-wrapper"><span class="icon-layout"></span><?php i18n("Split"); ?></a>
<div class="divider"></div>
<a id="current-mode"><span class="icon-layout"></span></a>
<div class="divider"></div>
<div id="current-file"></div>
<div id="changemode-menu" class="options-menu">
<ul id="split-options-menu" class="options-menu">
<li id="split-horizontally"><a> <?php i18n("Split Horizontally"); ?> </a></li>
<li id="split-vertically"><a> <?php i18n("Split Vertically"); ?> </a></li>
<li id="merge-all"><a> <?php i18n("Merge all"); ?> </a></li>
<div id="sb-right" class="sidebar">
<div class="sidebar-handle"><span><a class="icon-menu"></a></span></div>
<div id="sb-right-title">
<span id="lock-right-sidebar" class="icon-switch icon"></span>
<div class="sb-right-content">
// Load Right Bar
foreach($right_bar as $item_rb=>$data){
if(!isset($data['admin'])) {
$data['admin'] = false;
if(!$data['admin'] || $data['admin'] && checkAccess()) {
}else if($data['title']!='break' && $data['title']!='pluginbar' && $data['onclick'] == ''){
if(!$data['admin'] || $data['admin'] && checkAccess()) {
echo("<hr><div class='sb-right-category'>".get_i18n($data['title'])."</div>");
}else if ($data['title']=='pluginbar'){
if(!$data['admin'] || $data['admin'] && checkAccess()) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin){
if(file_exists(PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json")) {
$pdata = file_get_contents(PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json");
$pdata = json_decode($pdata,true);
if(isset($pdata[0]['rightbar'])) {
foreach($pdata[0]['rightbar'] as $rightbar) {
if((!isset($rightbar['admin']) || ($rightbar['admin']) && checkAccess()) || !$rightbar['admin']){
if(isset($rightbar['action']) && isset($rightbar['icon']) && isset($rightbar['title'])) {
echo('<a onclick="'.$rightbar['action'].'"><span class="'.$rightbar['icon'].'"></span>'.get_i18n($rightbar['title']).'</a>');
} else{
if(!$data['admin'] || $data['admin'] && checkAccess()) {
echo('<a onclick="'.$data['onclick'].'"><span class="'.$data['icon'].' bigger-icon"></span>'.get_i18n($data['title']).'</a>');
<div id="modal-overlay"></div>
<div id="modal"><div id="close-handle" class="icon-cancel" onclick="codiad.modal.unload();"></div><div id="drag-handle" class="icon-location"></div><div id="modal-content"></div></div>
<iframe id="download"></iframe>
<div id="autocomplete"><ul id="suggestions"></ul></div>
<!-- ACE -->
<script src="components/editor/ace-editor/ace.js"></script>
<script src="components/editor/ace-editor/ext-language_tools.js"></script>
<script src="components/editor/ace-editor/ext-modelist.js"></script>
<script src="components/editor/ace-editor/ext-themelist.js"></script>
<!-- Codiad System Variables -->
codiad.system.site_id = `<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];?>`;
codiad.system.session_id = `<?php echo SESSION_ID;?>`;
// JS
foreach($components as $component){
if(file_exists(COMPONENTS . "/" . $component . "/init.js")){
echo('<script src="components/'.$component.'/init.js"></script>"');
foreach($plugins as $plugin){
if(file_exists(PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/init.js")){
echo('<script src="plugins/'.$plugin.'/init.js"></script>"');
// Load Component CSS Files
foreach( $components as $component ) {
if( file_exists( THEMES . "/". $theme . "/" . $component . "/screen.css" ) ) {
echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/'.$theme.'/'.$component.'/screen.css">');
} else {
if( file_exists( "themes/default/" . $component . "/screen.css" ) ) {
echo( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/default/' . $component . '/screen.css?v=' . get_version() . '">' );
} else {
if( file_exists( COMPONENTS . "/" . $component . "/screen.css" ) ) {
echo( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="components/' . $component . '/screen.css">' );
// Load Plugin CSS Files
foreach( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if( file_exists( THEMES . "/". $theme . "/" . $plugin . "/screen.css" ) ) {
echo( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/'.$theme.'/'.$plugin.'/screen.css">' );
} else {
if( file_exists( "themes/default/" . $plugin . "/screen.css" ) ) {
echo( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/default/' . $plugin . '/screen.css">' );
} else {
if( file_exists( PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/screen.css" ) ) {
echo( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="plugins/' . $plugin . '/screen.css">' );
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
let i18n = (
function( lang ) {
return function( word, args ) {
let x;
let returnw = ( word in lang ) ? lang[word] : word;
for( x in args ) {
returnw = returnw.replace( "%{"+x+"}%", args[x] );
return returnw;
)( <?php echo json_encode( $lang );?> )
<script src="js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.css3.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.easing.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.toastmessage.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/amplify.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/localstorage.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.hoverIntent.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/system.js"></script>
<script src="js/sidebars.js"></script>
<script src="js/modal.js"></script>
<script src="js/message.js"></script>
<script src="js/jsend.js"></script>
<script src="js/instance.js?v=<?php echo time(); ?>"></script>
<div id="message"></div>
if( ! isset( $_SESSION['user'] ) ) {
$path = rtrim(str_replace("index.php", "", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']),"/");
$config = file_exists($path . "/config.php");
$active = file_exists($path . "/data/active.php");
if( ! $config ) {
// Installer
} else {
// Login form
<form id="login" method="post" style="position: fixed; width: 350px; top: 30%; left: 50%; margin-left: -175px; padding: 35px;">
<span class="icon-user login-icon"></span>
<?php i18n("Username");?>
<input type="text" name="username" autofocus="autofocus" autocomplete="off">
<span class="icon-lock login-icon"></span>
<?php i18n("Password");?>
<input type="password" name="password">
<span class="icon-eye in-field-icon-right hide_field">
<div class="language-selector">
<span class="icon-picture login-icon"></span>
<?php i18n("Theme");?>
<select name="theme" id="theme">
<option value="default"><?php i18n("Default");?></option>
include 'languages/code.php';
foreach( $themes as $theme ) {
if( file_exists( THEMES . "/" . $theme . "/theme.json" ) ) {
$data = file_get_contents(THEMES."/" . $theme . "/theme.json");
$data = json_decode($data,true);
?><option value="<?php echo $theme;?>" <?php if( $theme == THEME ) { echo "selected"; } ?>>
<?php if( $data[0]['name'] != '' ) { echo $data[0]['name']; } else { echo $theme; } ?>
<span class="icon-language login-icon"></span>
<?php i18n("Language"); ?>
<select name="language" id="language">
include 'languages/code.php';
foreach( glob( "languages/*.php" ) as $filename ) {
$lang_code = str_replace( array( "languages/", ".php" ), "", $filename );
if( ! isset( $languages[$lang_code] ) ) {
$lang_disp = ucfirst( strtolower( $languages[$lang_code] ) );
<option value="<?php echo $lang_code; ?>" <?php if( $lang_code == "en" ) { echo "selected"; }?>>
<?php echo $lang_disp;?>
<button><?php i18n("Login"); ?></button>
<a class="show-language-selector"><?php i18n("More"); ?></a>
<script src="components/user/init.js"></script>
$( ".hide_field" ).on( "click", function( e ) {
let password = document.querySelector( "input[name='password']" );
if( password.type == "password" ) {
password.type = "text";
} else {
password.type = "password";
} else {
define( "USER_WORKSPACE", WORKSPACE . '/' . preg_replace( '/[^\w-]/', '', strtolower( $_SESSION["user"] ) ) );
if( ! is_dir( USER_WORKSPACE ) ) {
mkdir( USER_WORKSPACE, 0755 );
<div id="workspace">
<div id="drop-overlay" class="drop-overlay"><span class="drop-overlay-message">Drop files or folders here.</span></div>
<div id="sb-left" class="sidebar">
<div id="sb-left-title">
<a id="lock-left-sidebar" class="icon-lock icon"></a>
if ( ! common::isWINOS() ) {
<a id="finder-quick" class="icon icon-archive"></a>
<a id="tree-search" class="icon-search icon"></a>
<h2 id="finder-label"><?php i18n("Explore");?></h2>
<div id="finder-wrapper">
<a id="finder-options" class="icon icon-cog"></a>
<div id="finder-inner-wrapper">
<input type="text" id="finder"></input>
<ul id="finder-options-menu" class="options-menu">
<li class="chosen"><a data-option="left_prefix"><?php i18n("Prefix"); ?></a></li>
<li><a data-option="substring"><?php i18n("Substring"); ?></a></li>
<li><a data-option="regexp"><?php i18n("Regular expression"); ?></a></li>
<li><a data-action="search"><?php i18n("Search File Contents"); ?></a></li>
<div class="sb-left-content">
<div id="context-menu" data-path="" data-type="">
// Load Context Menu
foreach( $context_menu as $menu_item => $data ) {
if( $data['title'] == 'Break' ) {
echo( '<hr class="' . $data['applies-to'] . '">' );
} else {
echo( '<a class="' . $data['applies-to'] . '" onclick="' . $data['onclick'] . '"><span class="' . $data['icon'] . '"></span>' . get_i18n( $data['title'] ) . '</a>' );
foreach( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if( file_exists( PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json" ) ) {
$pdata = file_get_contents( PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json" );
$pdata = json_decode( $pdata, true );
if( isset( $pdata[0]['contextmenu'] ) ) {
foreach( $pdata[0]['contextmenu'] as $contextmenu ) {
if( ( ! isset( $contextmenu['admin'] ) || ( $contextmenu['admin'] ) && checkAccess() ) || ! $contextmenu['admin'] ) {
if( isset( $contextmenu['applies-to'] ) && isset( $contextmenu['action'] ) && isset( $contextmenu['icon'] ) && isset( $contextmenu['title'] ) ) {
echo( '<hr class="' . $contextmenu['applies-to'] . '">' );
echo( '<a class="' . $contextmenu['applies-to'] . '" onclick="' . $contextmenu['action'] . '"><span class="' . $contextmenu['icon'] . '"></span>' . $contextmenu['title'] . '</a>' );
<div id="file-manager" class="file-manager"></div>
<ul id="list-active-files"></ul>
<div id="side-projects" class="sb-left-projects">
<div id="project-list" class="sb-project-list">
<div class="project-list-title">
<h2><?php i18n("Projects"); ?></h2>
<a id="projects-collapse" class="icon-down-dir icon" alt="<?php i18n("Collapse"); ?>"></a>
<?php //if(checkAccess()) { ?>
<a id="projects-manage" class="icon-archive icon"></a>
<a id="projects-create" class="icon-plus icon" alt="<?php i18n("Create Project"); ?>"></a>
<?php //} ?>
<div class="sb-projects-content"></div>
<div class="sidebar-handle">
<div id="cursor-position"><?php i18n("Ln"); ?>: 0 · <?php i18n("Col"); ?>: 0</div>
<div id="editor-region">
<div id="editor-top-bar">
<ul id="tab-list-active-files"></ul>
<div id="tab-dropdown">
<a id="tab-dropdown-button" class="icon-down-open"></a>
<div id="tab-close">
<a id="tab-close-button" class="icon-cancel-circled" title="<?php i18n("Close All") ?>"></a>
<ul id="dropdown-list-active-files"></ul>
<div class="bar"></div>
<div id="root-editor-wrapper"></div>
<div id="editor-bottom-bar">
<a id="settings" class="ico-wrapper">
<span class="icon-doc-text"></span><?php i18n("Settings");?>
// Load Plugins
foreach( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if( file_exists( PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json" ) ) {
$pdata = file_get_contents( PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json" );
$pdata = json_decode( $pdata, true );
if( isset( $pdata[0]['bottombar'] ) ) {
foreach( $pdata[0]['bottombar'] as $bottommenu ) {
if( ( ! isset( $bottommenu['admin'] ) || ( $bottommenu['admin'] ) && checkAccess()) || ! $bottommenu['admin'] ) {
if( isset( $bottommenu['action'] ) && isset( $bottommenu['icon'] ) && isset( $bottommenu['title'] ) ) {
echo( '<div class="divider"></div>' );
echo( '<a onclick="' . $bottommenu['action'] . '"><span class="' . $bottommenu['icon'] . '"></span>' . $bottommenu['title'] . '</a>' );
<div class="divider"></div>
<a id="split" class="ico-wrapper"><span class="icon-layout"></span><?php i18n("Split"); ?></a>
<div class="divider"></div>
<a id="current-mode">
<span class="icon-layout"></span>
<div class="divider"></div>
<div id="current-file"></div>
<div id="changemode-menu" class="options-menu"></div>
<ul id="split-options-menu" class="options-menu">
<li id="split-horizontally"><a> <?php i18n("Split Horizontally"); ?> </a></li>
<li id="split-vertically"><a> <?php i18n("Split Vertically"); ?> </a></li>
<li id="merge-all"><a> <?php i18n("Merge all"); ?> </a></li>
<div id="sb-right" class="sidebar">
<div class="sidebar-handle">
<a class="icon-menu"></a>
<div id="sb-right-title">
<span id="lock-right-sidebar" class="icon-switch icon"></span>
<div class="sb-right-content">
// Load Right Bar
foreach( $right_bar as $item_rb => $data ) {
if( ! isset( $data['admin'] ) ) {
$data['admin'] = false;
if( $data['title'] == 'break' ) {
if( ! $data['admin'] || $data['admin'] && checkAccess() ) {
echo( "<hr>" );
} elseif( $data['title'] != 'break' && $data['title'] != 'pluginbar' && $data['onclick'] == '' ) {
if( ! $data['admin'] || $data['admin'] && checkAccess() ) {
echo( "<hr><div class='sb-right-category'>" . get_i18n( $data['title'] ) . "</div>" );
} elseif( $data['title'] == 'pluginbar' ) {
if( ! $data['admin'] || $data['admin'] && checkAccess() ) {
foreach( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if( file_exists( PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json" ) ) {
$pdata = file_get_contents( PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/plugin.json" );
$pdata = json_decode( $pdata, true );
if( isset( $pdata[0]['rightbar'] ) ) {
foreach( $pdata[0]['rightbar'] as $rightbar ) {
if( ( ! isset( $rightbar['admin'] ) || ( $rightbar['admin'] ) && checkAccess()) || ! $rightbar['admin'] ) {
if( isset( $rightbar['action'] ) && isset( $rightbar['icon'] ) && isset( $rightbar['title'] ) ) {
echo( '<a onclick="' . $rightbar['action'] . '"><span class="' . $rightbar['icon'] . '"></span>' . get_i18n( $rightbar['title'] ) . '</a>' );
} else {
if( ! $data['admin'] || $data['admin'] && checkAccess() ) {
echo( '<a onclick="' . $data['onclick'] . '"><span class="' . $data['icon'] . ' bigger-icon"></span>'. get_i18n( $data['title'] ) . '</a>' );
<div id="modal-overlay"></div>
<div id="modal">
<div id="close-handle" class="icon-cancel" onclick="codiad.modal.unload();"></div>
<div id="drag-handle" class="icon-location"></div>
<div id="modal-content"></div>
<iframe id="download"></iframe>
<div id="autocomplete">
<ul id="suggestions"></ul>
<!-- ACE -->
<script src="components/editor/ace-editor/ace.js"></script>
<script src="components/editor/ace-editor/ext-language_tools.js"></script>
<script src="components/editor/ace-editor/ext-modelist.js"></script>
<script src="components/editor/ace-editor/ext-themelist.js"></script>
<!-- Codiad System Variables -->
codiad.system.site_id = `<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];?>`;
codiad.system.session_id = `<?php echo SESSION_ID;?>`;
// JS
foreach( $components as $component ) {
if( file_exists( COMPONENTS . "/" . $component . "/init.js" ) ) {
echo( '<script src="components/' . $component . '/init.js"></script>"' );
foreach( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if( file_exists( PLUGINS . "/" . $plugin . "/init.js" ) ) {
echo( '<script src="plugins/' . $plugin . '/init.js"></script>"' );
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#file-manager {
.file-manager {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
float: left;
@ -6,32 +6,32 @@
padding: 15px 15px 30px 15px;
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cursor: pointer;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 3px;
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background-color: #333;
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.file-manager span {
display: inline-block;
@ -39,40 +39,40 @@
padding-top: 0;
line-height: 6px;
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display: block;
content: "\25b8";
padding: 5px;
margin-left: -10px;
font-size: 16px;
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color: gray;
font-family: entypo;
font-style: normal;
display: inline-block;
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.file-manager .none {
background: none;
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display: block;
content: "\25be";
padding: 5px;
margin-left: -10px;
font-size: 16px;
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color: gray;
font-family: entypo;
font-style: normal;
display: inline-block;
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cursor: pointer;
color: #fff;
#file-manager .minus:hover {
.file-manager .minus:hover {
cursor: pointer;
color: #fff;
@ -214,214 +214,220 @@
/* ICONS */
#file-manager a {
.file-manager a {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 4px 4px;
text-indent: 22px;
padding-top: 5px;
#file-manager .directory {
.file-manager .directory {
background-image: url(images/directory.png);
#file-manager .directory.open {
.file-manager .directory.open {
background-image: url(images/directory_open.png);
#file-manager .file {
.file-manager .file {
background-image: url(images/file.png);
#file-manager .ext-htaccess {
.file-manager .ext-htaccess {
background-image: url(images/config.png);
#file-manager .ext-conf {
.file-manager .ext-conf {
background-image: url(images/config.png);
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background-image: url(images/config.png);
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background-image: url(images/film.png);
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.file-manager .ext-afp {
background-image: url(images/code.png);
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.file-manager .ext-afpa {
background-image: url(images/code.png);
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.file-manager .ext-asp {
background-image: url(images/code.png);
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background-image: url(images/code.png);
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background-image: url(images/film.png);
#file-manager .ext-bat {
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background-image: url(images/application.png);
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background-image: url(images/picture.png);
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background-image: url(images/code.png);
#file-manager .ext-cfm {
.file-manager .ext-cfm {
background-image: url(images/code.png);
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.file-manager .ext-cgi {
background-image: url(images/code.png);
#file-manager .ext-com {
.file-manager .ext-com {
background-image: url(images/application.png);
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background-image: url(images/code.png);
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background-image: url(images/css.png);
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background-image: url(images/doc.png);
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background-image: url(images/application.png);
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background-image: url(images/picture.png);
#file-manager .ext-fla {
.file-manager .ext-fla {
background-image: url(images/flash.png);
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background-image: url(images/code.png);
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background-image: url(images/html.png);
#file-manager .ext-html {
.file-manager .ext-html {
background-image: url(images/html.png);
#file-manager .ext-jar {
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background-image: url(images/java.png);
#file-manager .ext-jpg {
.file-manager .ext-jpg {
background-image: url(images/picture.png);
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.file-manager .ext-jpeg {
background-image: url(images/picture.png);
#file-manager .ext-js {
.file-manager .ext-js {
background-image: url(images/script.png);
#file-manager .ext-json {
.file-manager .ext-json {
background-image: url(images/script.png);
#file-manager .ext-lasso {
.file-manager .ext-lasso {
background-image: url(images/code.png);
#file-manager .ext-log {
.file-manager .ext-log {
background-image: url(images/text-plain.png);
#file-manager .ext-m4p {
.file-manager .ext-m4p {
background-image: url(images/music.png);
#file-manager .ext-mov {
.file-manager .ext-mov {
background-image: url(images/film.png);
#file-manager .ext-mp3 {
.file-manager .ext-mp3 {
background-image: url(images/music.png);
#file-manager .ext-mp4 {
.file-manager .ext-mp4 {
background-image: url(images/film.png);
#file-manager .ext-mpg {
.file-manager .ext-mpg {
background-image: url(images/film.png);
#file-manager .ext-mpeg {
.file-manager .ext-mpeg {
background-image: url(images/film.png);
#file-manager .ext-ogg {
.file-manager .ext-ogg {
background-image: url(images/music.png);
#file-manager .ext-pcx {
.file-manager .ext-pcx {
background-image: url(images/picture.png);
#file-manager .ext-pdf {
.file-manager .ext-pdf {
background-image: url(images/pdf.png);
#file-manager .ext-php {
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background-image: url(images/php.png);
#file-manager .ext-png {
.file-manager .ext-png {
background-image: url(images/picture.png);
#file-manager .ext-ppt {
.file-manager .ext-ppt {
background-image: url(images/ppt.png);
#file-manager .ext-psd {
.file-manager .ext-psd {
background-image: url(images/psd.png);
#file-manager .ext-pl {
.file-manager .ext-pl {
background-image: url(images/script.png);
#file-manager .ext-py {
.file-manager .ext-py {
background-image: url(images/script.png);
#file-manager .ext-rb {
.file-manager .ext-rb {
background-image: url(images/ruby.png);
#file-manager .ext-rbx {
.file-manager .ext-rbx {
background-image: url(images/ruby.png);
#file-manager .ext-rhtml {
.file-manager .ext-rhtml {
background-image: url(images/ruby.png);
#file-manager .ext-rpm {
.file-manager .ext-rpm {
background-image: url(images/linux.png);
#file-manager .ext-ruby {
.file-manager .ext-ruby {
background-image: url(images/ruby.png);
#file-manager .ext-sql {
.file-manager .ext-sql {
background-image: url(images/db.png);
#file-manager .ext-swf {
.file-manager .ext-swf {
background-image: url(images/flash.png);
#file-manager .ext-tif {
.file-manager .ext-tif {
background-image: url(images/picture.png);
#file-manager .ext-tiff {
.file-manager .ext-tiff {
background-image: url(images/picture.png);
#file-manager .ext-txt {
.file-manager .ext-txt {
background-image: url(images/file.png);
#file-manager .ext-vb {
.file-manager .ext-vb {
background-image: url(images/code.png);
#file-manager .ext-wav {
.file-manager .ext-wav {
background-image: url(images/music.png);
#file-manager .ext-wmv {
.file-manager .ext-wmv {
background-image: url(images/film.png);
#file-manager .ext-xls {
.file-manager .ext-xls {
background-image: url(images/xls.png);
#file-manager .ext-xml {
.file-manager .ext-xml {
background-image: url(images/code.png);
#file-manager .ext-zip {
.file-manager .ext-zip {
background-image: url(images/zip.png);
#file-manager .loading {
.file-manager .loading {
background-image: url(images/spinner.gif);
#file-manager .drag_over {
.file-manager .drag_start {
background-color: #333;
/*border-radius: 10px;*/
.file-manager .drag_over {
background-color: #4a4a4a;
border-radius: 10px;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
background-color: #999;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:horizontal {i
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:horizontal {
width: 5px;
background-color: #666;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
@ -816,6 +816,7 @@ table [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] {
background: url(loading.gif) no-repeat center;
/* Download iFrame */
#download {
display: none;
@ -828,4 +829,30 @@ table [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] {
height: 25px;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 25px;
.drop-overlay {
display: none;
border: 2px dashed #fff;
border-radius: 10px;
background: rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.15 );
height: 100%;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 97;
.drop-overlay-message {
text-align: center;
position: relative;
float: left;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate( -50%, -50% );
Reference in a new issue