' )
+ .height( ch.height() )
+ .width( ch.width() )
+ .addClass( 'editor-wrapper-' + chType )
+ .appendTo( ch.parent() );
+ sc = new SplitContainer( root, chArr, chType );
+ if( this.instances.length > 1 ) {
+ var pContainer = this.activeInstance.splitContainer;
+ var idx = this.activeInstance.splitIdx;
+ pContainer.setChild( idx, sc );
+ }
+ }
+ ace.require( "ace/ext/language_tools" );
+ var i = ace.edit( el[0] );
+ var resizeEditor = function() {
+ i.resize();
+ };
+ if( sc ) {
+ i.splitContainer = sc;
+ i.splitIdx = chIdx;
+ this.activeInstance.splitContainer = sc;
+ this.activeInstance.splitIdx = 1 - chIdx;
+ sc.root
+ .on( 'h-resize', resizeEditor )
+ .on( 'v-resize', resizeEditor );
+ if( this.instances.length === 1 ) {
+ var re = function() {
+ _this.instances[0].resize();
+ };
+ sc.root
+ .on( 'h-resize', re )
+ .on( 'v-resize', re );
+ }
+ }
+ i.el = el;
+ this.setSession( session, i );
+ this.changeListener( i );
+ this.cursorTracking( i );
+ this.clickListener( i );
+ this.bindKeys( i );
+ this.instances.push( i );
+ i.on( 'focus', function() {
+ _this.focus( i );
+ });
+ return i;
+ },
+ createSplitMenu: function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ var _splitOptionsMenu = $( '#split-options-menu' );
+ this.initMenuHandler( $( '#split' ), _splitOptionsMenu );
+ $( '#split-horizontally a' ).click( function( e ) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ _this.addInstance( _this.activeInstance.getSession(), 'bottom' );
+ _splitOptionsMenu.hide();
+ });
+ $( '#split-vertically a' ).click( function( e ) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ _this.addInstance( _this.activeInstance.getSession(), 'right' );
+ _splitOptionsMenu.hide();
+ });
+ $( '#merge-all a' ).click( function( e ) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var s = _this.activeInstance.getSession();
+ _this.exterminate();
+ _this.addInstance( s );
+ _splitOptionsMenu.hide();
+ });
+ },
+ createModeMenu: function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ var _thisMenu = $( '#changemode-menu' );
+ var modeColumns = new Array();
+ var modeOptions = new Array();
+ var maxOptionsColumn = 15;
+ var firstOption = 0;
+ this.initMenuHandler( $( '#current-mode' ), _thisMenu );
+ var modes = Object.keys( ModeList.modesByName ).sort();
+ $.each( modes, function( i ) {
+ modeOptions.push( '
+ _thisMenu.html( html );
+ $( '#changemode-menu a' ).click( function( e ) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var newMode = "ace/mode/" + $( e.currentTarget ).text();
+ var actSession = _this.activeInstance.getSession();
+ // handle async mode change
+ var fn = function() {
+ _this.setModeDisplay( actSession );
+ actSession.removeListener( 'changeMode', fn );
+ };
+ actSession.on( "changeMode", fn );
+ actSession.setMode( newMode );
+ _thisMenu.hide();
+ });
+ },
+ initMenuHandler: function( button, menu ) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var thisButton = button;
+ var thisMenu = menu;
+ thisMenu.appendTo( $( 'body' ) );
+ thisButton.click( function( e ) {
+ var wh = $( window ).height();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ // close other menus
+ _this.closeMenus( thisMenu );
+ thisMenu.css( {
+ // display: 'block',
+ bottom: ( ( wh - $( this ).offset().top ) + 8 ) + 'px',
+ left: ( $( this ).offset().left - 13 ) + 'px'
+ });
+ thisMenu.slideToggle( 'fast' );
+ // handle click-out autoclosing
+ var fn = function() {
+ thisMenu.hide();
+ $( window ).off( 'click', fn );
+ };
+ $( window ).on( 'click', fn );
+ });
+ },
+ closeMenus: function( exclude ) {
+ var menuId = exclude.attr( "id" );
+ if( menuId != 'split-options-menu' ) $( '#split-options-menu' ).hide();
+ if( menuId != 'changemode-menu' ) $( '#changemode-menu' ).hide();
+ },
+ setModeDisplay: function( session ) {
+ var currMode = session.getMode().$id;
+ if( currMode ) {
+ currMode = currMode.substring( currMode.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );
+ $( '#current-mode' ).html( currMode );
+ } else {
+ $( '#current-mode' ).html( 'text' );
+ }
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Remove all Editor instances and clean up the DOM
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ exterminate: function() {
+ $( '.editor' ).remove();
+ $( '.editor-wrapper' ).remove();
+ $( '#editor-region' ).append( $( '
' ).attr( 'id', 'editor' ) );
+ $( '#current-file' ).html( '' );
+ $( '#current-mode' ).html( '' );
+ this.instances = [];
+ this.activeInstance = null;
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Detach EditSession session from all Editor instances replacing
+ // them with replacementSession
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ removeSession: function( session, replacementSession ) {
+ for( var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++ ) {
+ if( this.instances[k].getSession().path === session.path ) {
+ this.instances[k].setSession( replacementSession );
+ }
+ }
+ if( $( '#current-file' ).text() === session.path ) {
+ $( '#current-file' ).text( replacementSession.path );
+ }
+ this.setModeDisplay( replacementSession );
+ },
+ isOpen: function( session ) {
+ for( var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++ ) {
+ if( this.instances[k].getSession().path === session.path ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Convenience function to iterate over Editor instances
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // fn - {Function} callback called with each member as an argument
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ forEach: function( fn ) {
+ for( var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++ ) {
+ fn.call( this, this.instances[k] );
+ }
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Get the currently active Editor instance
+ //
+ // In a multi-pane setup this would correspond to the
+ // editor pane user is currently working on.
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ getActive: function() {
+ return this.activeInstance;
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set an editor instance as active
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor}
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setActive: function( i ) {
+ if( !i ) return;
+ this.activeInstance = i;
+ $( '#current-file' ).text( i.getSession().path );
+ this.setModeDisplay( i.getSession() );
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Change the EditSession of Editor instance
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // session - {EditSession}
+ // i - {Editor}
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setSession: function( session, i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !this.isOpen( session ) ) {
+ if( !i ) {
+ i = this.addInstance( session );
+ } else {
+ i.setSession( session );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Proxy session is required because scroll-position and
+ // cursor position etc. are shared among sessions.
+ var proxySession = new EditSession( session.getDocument(),
+ session.getMode() );
+ proxySession.setUndoManager( new UndoManager() );
+ proxySession.path = session.path;
+ proxySession.listThumb = session.listThumb;
+ proxySession.tabThumb = session.tabThumb;
+ if( !i ) {
+ i = this.addInstance( proxySession );
+ } else {
+ i.setSession( proxySession );
+ }
+ }
+ this.applySettings( i );
+ this.cursorTracking( i );
+ this.setActive( i );
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Select file mode by extension case insensitive
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // e - {String} File extension
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ selectMode: function( e ) {
+ if( typeof( e ) != 'string' ) {
+ return 'text';
+ }
+ e = e.toLowerCase();
+ return ( ModeList.getModeForPath( e ) );
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Add an text mode for an extension
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // extension - {String} File Extension
+ // mode - {String} TextMode for this extension
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ addFileExtensionTextMode: function( extension, mode ) {
+ if( typeof( extension ) != 'string' || typeof( mode ) != 'string' ) {
+ if( console ) {
+ console.warn( 'wrong usage of addFileExtensionTextMode, both parameters need to be string' );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ mode = mode.toLowerCase();
+ this.fileExtensionTextMode[extension] = mode;
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // clear all extension-text mode joins
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ clearFileExtensionTextMode: function() {
+ this.fileExtensionTextMode = {};
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set the editor mode
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // m - {TextMode} mode
+ // i - {Editor} Editor (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setMode: function( m, i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ // Check if mode is already loaded
+ if( !editorModes[m] ) {
+ // Load the Mode
+ var modeFile = 'components/editor/ace-editor/mode-' + m + '.js';
+ $.loadScript( modeFile, function() {
+ // Mark the mode as loaded
+ editorModes[m] = true;
+ var EditorMode = ace.require( 'ace/mode/' + m ).Mode;
+ i.getSession().setMode( new EditorMode() );
+ }, true );
+ } else {
+ var EditorMode = ace.require( 'ace/mode/' + m ).Mode;
+ i.getSession().setMode( new EditorMode() );
+ }
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set the editor theme
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // t - {String} theme eg. twilight, cobalt etc.
+ // i - {Editor} Editor instance (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ // For a list of themes supported by Ace - refer :
+ // https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/tree/master/lib/ace/theme
+ //
+ // TODO: Provide support for custom themes
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setTheme: function( t, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ // If a specific instance is specified, change the theme for
+ // this instance
+ i.setTheme( 'ace/theme/' + t );
+ } else {
+ // Change the theme for the existing editor instances
+ // and make it the default for new instances
+ this.settings.theme = t;
+ for( var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++ ) {
+ this.instances[k].setTheme( 'ace/theme/' + t );
+ }
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.theme', t );
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set contents of the editor
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // c - {String} content
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setContent: function( c, i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ i.getSession().setValue( c );
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set Font Size
+ //
+ // Set the font for all Editor instances and remember
+ // the value for Editor instances to be created in
+ // future
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // s - {Number} font size
+ // i - {Editor} Editor instance (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setFontSize: function( s, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.setFontSize( s );
+ } else {
+ this.settings.fontSize = s;
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.setFontSize( s );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.fontSize', s );
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Enable/disable Highlighting of active line
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // h - {Boolean}
+ // i - {Editor} Editor instance ( If left out, setting is
+ // applied to all editors )
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setHighlightLine: function( h, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.setHighlightActiveLine( h );
+ } else {
+ this.settings.highlightLine = h;
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.setHighlightActiveLine( h );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.highlightLine', h );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Show/Hide print margin indicator
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p - {Number} print margin column
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setPrintMargin: function( p, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.setShowPrintMargin( p );
+ } else {
+ this.settings.printMargin = p;
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.setShowPrintMargin( p );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.printMargin', p );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set print margin column
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p - {Number} print margin column
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setPrintMarginColumn: function( p, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.setPrintMarginColumn( p );
+ } else {
+ this.settings.printMarginColumn = p;
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.setPrintMarginColumn( p );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.printMarginColumn', p );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Show/Hide indent guides
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // g - {Boolean}
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setIndentGuides: function( g, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.setDisplayIndentGuides( g );
+ } else {
+ this.settings.indentGuides = g;
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.setDisplayIndentGuides( g );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.indentGuides', g );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Enable/Disable Code Folding
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // f - {Boolean}
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setCodeFolding: function( f, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.setFoldStyle( f );
+ } else {
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.setFoldStyle( f );
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Enable/Disable Line Wrapping
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // w - {Boolean}
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setWrapMode: function( w, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.getSession().setUseWrapMode( w );
+ } else {
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.getSession().setUseWrapMode( w );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.wrapMode', w );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set last position of modal to be saved
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // t - {Boolean} (false for Automatic Position, true for Last Position)
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setPersistentModal: function( t, i ) {
+ this.settings.persistentModal = t;
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.persistentModal', t );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set trigger for opening the right sidebar
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // t - {Boolean} (false for Hover, true for Click)
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setRightSidebarTrigger: function( t, i ) {
+ this.settings.rightSidebarTrigger = t;
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.rightSidebarTrigger', t );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set trigger for clicking on the filemanager
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // t - {Boolean} (false for Hover, true for Click)
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setFileManagerTrigger: function( t, i ) {
+ this.settings.fileManagerTrigger = t;
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.fileManagerTrigger', t );
+ codiad.project.loadSide();
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // set Tab Size
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // s - size
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setTabSize: function( s, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.getSession().setTabSize( parseInt( s ) );
+ } else {
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.getSession().setTabSize( parseInt( s ) );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.tabSize', s );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Enable or disable Soft Tabs
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // t - true / false
+ // i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setSoftTabs: function( t, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.getSession().setUseSoftTabs( t );
+ } else {
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.getSession().setUseSoftTabs( t );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.softTabs', t );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Get content from editor
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ getContent: function( i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ var content = i.getSession().getValue();
+ if( !content ) {
+ content = ' ';
+ } // Pass something through
+ return content;
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Resize the editor - Trigger the editor to readjust its layout
+ // esp if the container has been resized manually.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ resize: function( i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ i.resize();
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Mark the instance as changed (in the user interface)
+ // upon change in the document content.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor}
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ changeListener: function( i ) {
+ var _this = this;
+ i.on( 'change', function() {
+ codiad.active.markChanged( _this.getActive().getSession().path );
+ codiad.active.savePosition();
+ });
+ },
+ clickListener: function( i ) {
+ var _this = this;
+ i.on( 'click', function() {
+ codiad.active.savePosition();
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Get Selected Text
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ getSelectedText: function( i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ return i.getCopyText();
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Insert text
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // val - {String} Text to be inserted
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ insertText: function( val, i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ i.insert( val );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Move the cursor to a particular line
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // line - {Number} Line number
+ // i - {Editor} Editor instance
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ gotoLine: function( line, i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ i.gotoLine( line, 0, true );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Focus an editor
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor} Editor instance (Defaults to current editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ focus: function( i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ this.setActive( i );
+ if( !i ) return;
+ i.focus();
+ codiad.active.focus( i.getSession().path );
+ this.cursorTracking( i );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Setup Cursor Tracking
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ cursorTracking: function( i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ /**
+ * Update the cursor position now so that when a new file opens,
+ * we do not have the old cursor data.
+ */
+ $( '#cursor-position' )
+ .html( i18n( 'Ln' ) + ': ' +
+ ( i.getCursorPosition().row + 1 ) +
+ ' · ' + i18n( 'Col' ) + ': ' +
+ i.getCursorPosition().column
+ );
+ //Register the changecursor function so updates continue
+ i.selection.on( "changeCursor", function( e ) {
+ codiad.active.savePosition();
+ $( '#cursor-position' )
+ .html( i18n( 'Ln' ) + ': ' +
+ ( i.getCursorPosition().row + 1 ) +
+ ' · ' + i18n( 'Col' ) + ': ' +
+ i.getCursorPosition().column
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Setup Key bindings
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor}
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ bindKeys: function( i ) {
+ var _this = this;
+ // Find
+ i.commands.addCommand( {
+ name: 'Find',
+ bindKey: {
+ win: 'Ctrl-F',
+ mac: 'Command-F'
+ },
+ exec: function( e ) {
+ _this.openSearch( 'find' );
+ }
+ });
+ // Find + Replace
+ i.commands.addCommand( {
+ name: 'Replace',
+ bindKey: {
+ win: 'Ctrl-R',
+ mac: 'Command-R'
+ },
+ exec: function( e ) {
+ _this.openSearch( 'replace' );
+ }
+ });
+ i.commands.addCommand( {
+ name: 'Move Up',
+ bindKey: {
+ win: 'Ctrl-up',
+ mac: 'Command-up'
+ },
+ exec: function( e ) {
+ codiad.active.move( 'up' );
+ }
+ });
+ i.commands.addCommand( {
+ name: 'Move Down',
+ bindKey: {
+ win: 'Ctrl-down',
+ mac: 'Command-up'
+ },
+ exec: function( e ) {
+ codiad.active.move( 'down' );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Present the Search (Find + Replace) dialog box
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // type - {String} Optional, defaults to find. Provide 'replace' for replace dialog.
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ openSearch: function( type ) {
+ if( this.getActive() ) {
+ codiad.modal.load( 400,
+ 'components/editor/dialog.php?action=search&type=' +
+ type );
+ codiad.modal.hideOverlay();
+ } else {
+ codiad.message.error( 'No Open Files' );
+ }
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Perform Search (Find + Replace) operation
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // action - {String} find | replace | replaceAll
+ // i - {Editor} Defaults to active Editor instance
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ search: function( action, i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ if( this.multi_line ) {
+ var find = $( '#modal textarea[name="find"]' )
+ .val();
+ var replace = $( '#modal textarea[name="replace"]' )
+ .val();
+ } else {
+ var find = $( '#modal input[name="find"]' )
+ .val();
+ var replace = $( '#modal input[name="replace"]' )
+ .val();
+ }
+ switch ( action ) {
+ case 'find':
+ i.find( find, {
+ backwards: false,
+ wrap: true,
+ caseSensitive: false,
+ wholeWord: false,
+ regExp: false
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'replace':
+ i.find( find, {
+ backwards: false,
+ wrap: true,
+ caseSensitive: false,
+ wholeWord: false,
+ regExp: false
+ });
+ i.replace( replace );
+ break;
+ case 'replaceAll':
+ i.find( find, {
+ backwards: false,
+ wrap: true,
+ caseSensitive: false,
+ wholeWord: false,
+ regExp: false
+ });
+ i.replaceAll( replace );
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Enable editor
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ enableEditing: function( i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ i.textInput.setReadOnly( false );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Disable editor
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ disableEditing: function( i ) {
+ i = i || this.getActive();
+ if( !i ) return;
+ i.textInput.setReadOnly( true );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Set Overscroll
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ setOverScroll: function( s, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.setOption( "scrollPastEnd", s );
+ } else {
+ this.settings.overScroll = s;
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.setOption( "scrollPastEnd", s );
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.overScroll', s );
+ },
+ setLiveAutocomplete: function( s, i ) {
+ if( i ) {
+ i.setOptions( {
+ enableLiveAutocompletion: s
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.settings.autocomplete = s;
+ this.forEach( function( i ) {
+ i.setOptions( {
+ enableLiveAutocompletion: s
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ //Database
+ //codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.autocomplete', s );
+ },
+ toggleMultiLine: function( e ) {
+ if( e.innerText === "Multi Line" ) {
+ this.multi_line = true;
+ e.innerText = "Single Line";
+ $( 'input[name="find"]' ).hide();
+ $( 'textarea[name="find"]' ).show();
+ $( 'textarea[name="find"]' ).val( $( 'input[name="find"]' ).val() );
+ $( 'input[name="replace"]' ).hide();
+ $( 'textarea[name="replace"]' ).show();
+ $( 'textarea[name="replace"]' ).val( $( 'input[name="replace"]' ).val() );
+ } else {
+ this.multi_line = false;
+ e.innerText = "Multi Line";
+ $( 'input[name="find"]' ).show();
+ $( 'textarea[name="find"]' ).hide();
+ $( 'input[name="find"]' ).val( $( 'textarea[name="find"]' ).val() );
+ $( 'input[name="replace"]' ).show();
+ $( 'textarea[name="replace"]' ).hide();
+ $( 'input[name="replace"]' ).val( $( 'textarea[name="replace"]' ).val() );
+ }
+ },
+ paste: function() {
+ navigator.clipboard.readText().then( text => {
+ codiad.editor.getActive().insert( text )
+ });
+ },
+ openSort: function() {
+ if( this.getActive() && codiad.active.getSelectedText() != "" ) {
+ codiad.modal.load( 400, 'components/editor/dialog.php?action=sort' );
+ codiad.modal.hideOverlay();
+ } else {
+ codiad.message.error( 'No text selected' );
+ }
+ },
+ sort: function( eol ) {
+ let text = $( '#modal textarea[name="sort"]' ).val();
+ let array = text.split( eol );
+ array = array.sort( codiad.editor.sort_a );
+ let sorted = array.join( eol );
+ console.log( text, eol, array, sorted );
+ codiad.modal.unload();
+ codiad.editor.getActive().insert( sorted );
+ codiad.editor.getActive().focus();
+ },
+ sort_a: function( a, b ) {
+ let pos = 0;
+ let case_sensitive = $( '#modal input[name="case_sensitive"]' ).prop( 'checked' )
+ if( !case_sensitive ) {
+ a = a.toLowerCase();
+ b = b.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ if( a < b ) {
+ pos = -1;
+ } else if( a > b ) {
+ pos = 1;
+ }
+ return pos;
+ }
+ };
+})( this, jQuery );
diff --git a/components/filemanager/init.js b/components/filemanager/init.js
index 651208b..ef867a6 100755
--- a/components/filemanager/init.js
+++ b/components/filemanager/init.js
@@ -3,29 +3,28 @@
* as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See
* [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact.
- (function(global, $){
+( function( global, $ ) {
- var codiad = global.codiad;
+ var codiad = global.codiad;
+ $( window ).load( function() {
- $(window)
- .load(function() {
- codiad.filemanager.init();
- });
+ codiad.filemanager.init();
+ });
- codiad.filemanager = {
+ codiad.filemanager = {
auto_reload: false,
- clipboard: '',
- controller: 'components/filemanager/controller.php',
- dialog: 'components/filemanager/dialog.php',
- dialogUpload: 'components/filemanager/dialog_upload.php',
+ clipboard: '',
+ controller: 'components/filemanager/controller.php',
+ dialog: 'components/filemanager/dialog.php',
+ dialogUpload: 'components/filemanager/dialog_upload.php',
preview: null,
+ refresh_interval: null,
- init: async function() {
- this.noAudio = [
+ init: async function() {
+ this.noAudio = [
@@ -33,15 +32,15 @@
- ],
- this.noFiles = [
+ ];
+ this.noFiles = [
- ],
+ ];
this.noImages = [
@@ -51,914 +50,992 @@
- ],
+ ];
- this.noOpen = this.noAudio.concat( this.noFiles, this.noImages ),
- this.noBrowser = this.noAudio.concat( this.noImages ),
- // Initialize node listener
- this.nodeListener();
- this.auto_reload = ( await codiad.settings.get_option( "codiad.filemanager.autoReloadPreview" ) == "true" );
- console.log( this.auto_reload );
- amplify.subscribe( 'settings.save', async function() {
- let option = ( await codiad.settings.get_option( "codiad.filemanager.autoReloadPreview" ) == "true" );
- if( option != codiad.filemanager.auto_reload ) {
- //codiad.auto_save.reload_interval();
- window.location.reload( true );
- }
+ this.noOpen = this.noAudio.concat( this.noFiles, this.noImages ),
+ this.noBrowser = this.noAudio.concat( this.noImages ),
+ // Initialize node listener
+ this.nodeListener();
+ this.auto_reload = ( await codiad.settings.get_option( "codiad.filemanager.autoReloadPreview" ) == "true" );
+ console.log( this.auto_reload );
+ amplify.subscribe( 'settings.save', async function() {
+ let option = ( await codiad.settings.get_option( "codiad.filemanager.autoReloadPreview" ) == "true" );
+ if( option != codiad.filemanager.auto_reload ) {
+ //codiad.auto_save.reload_interval();
+ window.location.reload( true );
+ }
- /* Subscribe to know when a file become active. */
+ /* Subscribe to know when a file become active. */
amplify.subscribe( 'active.onFocus', async function( path ) {
let _this = codiad.filemanager;
let editor = codiad.editor.getActive();
if( _this.auto_reload && editor !== null ) {
- codiad.editor.getActive().addEventListener( "change", _this.refreshPreview );
- }
+ codiad.editor.getActive().addEventListener( "change", _this.refreshPreview );
+ }
- // Load uploader
- $.loadScript("components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.ui.widget.js", true);
- $.loadScript("components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.iframe-transport.js", true);
- $.loadScript("components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.fileupload.js", true);
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Listen for dbclick events on nodes
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- nodeListener: function() {
- var _this = this;
- $('#file-manager').on('selectstart', false);
- $('#file-manager span')
- .live('click', function() { // Open or Expand
- if ($(this).parent().children("a").attr('data-type') == 'directory') {
- _this.index($(this).parent().children("a")
- .attr('data-path'));
- } else {
- _this.openFile($(this).parent().children("a")
- .attr('data-path'));
- }
- if (!$(this).hasClass('none')) {
- if ($(this).hasClass('plus')) {
- $(this).removeClass('plus')
- $(this).addClass('minus');
- } else {
- $(this).removeClass('minus')
- $(this).addClass('plus');
- }
- }
- });
- $('#file-manager a')
- .live('dblclick', function() { // Open or Expand
- if (!codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger) {
- if ($(this)
- .hasClass('directory')) {
- _this.index($(this)
- .attr('data-path'));
- } else {
- _this.openFile($(this)
- .attr('data-path'));
- }
- if (!$(this).parent().children("span").hasClass('none')) {
- if ($(this).parent().children("span").hasClass('plus')) {
- $(this).parent().children("span").removeClass('plus')
- $(this).parent().children("span").addClass('minus');
- } else {
- $(this).parent().children("span").removeClass('minus')
- $(this).parent().children("span").addClass('plus');
- }
- }
- }
- })
- .live('click', function() { // Open or Expand
- if (codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger) {
- if ($(this)
- .hasClass('directory')) {
- _this.index($(this)
- .attr('data-path'));
- } else {
- _this.openFile($(this)
- .attr('data-path'));
- }
- if (!$(this).parent().children("span").hasClass('none')) {
- if ($(this).parent().children("span").hasClass('plus')) {
- $(this).parent().children("span").removeClass('plus')
- $(this).parent().children("span").addClass('minus');
- } else {
- $(this).parent().children("span").removeClass('minus')
- $(this).parent().children("span").addClass('plus');
- }
- }
- }
- })
- .live("contextmenu", function(e) { // Context Menu
- e.preventDefault();
- _this.contextMenuShow(e, $(this)
- .attr('data-path'), $(this)
- .attr('data-type'), $(this)
- .html());
- $(this)
- .addClass('context-menu-active');
- });
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Context Menu
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- contextMenuShow: function(e, path, type, name) {
- var _this = this;
- $('#context-menu a, #context-menu hr').hide();
- // Selective options
- switch (type) {
- case 'directory':
- $('#context-menu .directory-only, #context-menu .non-root, #context-menu .both').show();
- break;
- case 'file':
- $('#context-menu .file-only, #context-menu .non-root, #context-menu .both').show();
- break;
- case 'root':
- $('#context-menu .directory-only, #context-menu .root-only').show();
- break;
- case 'editor':
- $('#context-menu .editor-only').show();
- break;
- }
- if(codiad.project.isAbsPath($('#file-manager a[data-type="root"]').attr('data-path'))) {
- $('#context-menu .no-external').hide();
- } else if( type == "editor" ) {
- $('#context-menu .no-external').hide();
- } else {
- $('#context-menu .no-external').show();
- }
- // Show menu
- var top = e.pageY;
- if (top > $(window).height() - $('#context-menu').height()) {
- top -= $('#context-menu').height();
- }
- if (top < 10) {
- top = 10;
- }
- var max = $(window).height() - top - 10;
- $('#context-menu')
- .css({
- 'top': top + 'px',
- 'left': e.pageX + 'px',
- 'max-height': max + 'px'
- })
- .fadeIn(200)
- .attr('data-path', path)
- .attr('data-type', type)
- .attr('data-name', name);
- // Show faded 'paste' if nothing in clipboard
- if (this.clipboard === '') {
- $('#context-menu a[content="Paste"]')
- .addClass('disabled');
- } else {
- $('#context-menu a[data-action="paste"]')
- .removeClass('disabled');
- }
- // Hide menu
- /**
- * make sure that the user has moved their mouse far enough
- * away from the context menu to warrant a close.
- */
- $('#file-manager, #editor-region').on( 'mousemove', codiad.filemanager.contextCheckMouse );
- $('#context-menu, #editor-region').on( 'paste', codiad.editor.paste );
- /* Notify listeners. */
- amplify.publish('context-menu.onShow', {e: e, path: path, type: type});
- // Hide on click
- $('#context-menu a')
- .click(function() {
- _this.contextMenuHide();
- });
- },
+ // Load uploader
+ $.loadScript( "components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.ui.widget.js", true );
+ $.loadScript( "components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.iframe-transport.js", true );
+ $.loadScript( "components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.fileupload.js", true );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Listen for dbclick events on nodes
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ nodeListener: function() {
+ let _this = this;
+ $( '#file-manager' ).on( 'selectstart', false );
+ $( '#file-manager span' )
+ .live( 'click', function() { // Open or Expand
+ if( $( this ).parent().children( "a" ).attr( 'data-type' ) == 'directory' ) {
+ _this.index( $( this ).parent().children( "a" )
+ .attr( 'data-path' ) );
+ } else {
+ _this.openFile( $( this ).parent().children( "a" )
+ .attr( 'data-path' ) );
+ }
+ if( !$( this ).hasClass( 'none' ) ) {
+ if( $( this ).hasClass( 'plus' ) ) {
+ $( this ).removeClass( 'plus' )
+ $( this ).addClass( 'minus' );
+ } else {
+ $( this ).removeClass( 'minus' )
+ $( this ).addClass( 'plus' );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $( '#file-manager a' )
+ .live( 'dblclick', function() { // Open or Expand
+ if( !codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger ) {
+ if( $( this )
+ .hasClass( 'directory' ) ) {
+ _this.index( $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' ) );
+ } else {
+ _this.openFile( $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' ) );
+ }
+ if( !$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).hasClass( 'none' ) ) {
+ if( $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).hasClass( 'plus' ) ) {
+ $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).removeClass( 'plus' )
+ $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).addClass( 'minus' );
+ } else {
+ $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).removeClass( 'minus' )
+ $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).addClass( 'plus' );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .live( 'click', function() { // Open or Expand
+ if( codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger ) {
+ if( $( this )
+ .hasClass( 'directory' ) ) {
+ _this.index( $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' ) );
+ } else {
+ _this.openFile( $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' ) );
+ }
+ if( !$( this ).parent().children( "span" ).hasClass( 'none' ) ) {
+ if( $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).hasClass( 'plus' ) ) {
+ $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).removeClass( 'plus' )
+ $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).addClass( 'minus' );
+ } else {
+ $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).removeClass( 'minus' )
+ $( this ).parent().children( "span" ).addClass( 'plus' );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .live( "contextmenu", function( e ) { // Context Menu
+ e.preventDefault();
+ _this.contextMenuShow( e, $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' ), $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-type' ), $( this )
+ .html() );
+ $( this )
+ .addClass( 'context-menu-active' );
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Context Menu
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ contextMenuShow: function( e, path, type, name ) {
+ let _this = this;
+ $( '#context-menu a, #context-menu hr' ).hide();
+ // Selective options
+ switch ( type ) {
+ case 'directory':
+ $( '#context-menu .directory-only, #context-menu .non-root, #context-menu .both' ).show();
+ break;
+ case 'file':
+ $( '#context-menu .file-only, #context-menu .non-root, #context-menu .both' ).show();
+ break;
+ case 'root':
+ $( '#context-menu .directory-only, #context-menu .root-only' ).show();
+ break;
+ case 'editor':
+ $( '#context-menu .editor-only' ).show();
+ break;
+ }
+ if( codiad.project.isAbsPath( $( '#file-manager a[data-type="root"]' ).attr( 'data-path' ) ) ) {
+ $( '#context-menu .no-external' ).hide();
+ } else if( type == "editor" ) {
+ $( '#context-menu .no-external' ).hide();
+ } else {
+ $( '#context-menu .no-external' ).show();
+ }
+ // Show menu
+ var top = e.pageY;
+ if( top > $( window ).height() - $( '#context-menu' ).height() ) {
+ top -= $( '#context-menu' ).height();
+ }
+ if( top < 10 ) {
+ top = 10;
+ }
+ var max = $( window ).height() - top - 10;
+ $( '#context-menu' )
+ .css( {
+ 'top': top + 'px',
+ 'left': e.pageX + 'px',
+ 'max-height': max + 'px'
+ })
+ .fadeIn( 200 )
+ .attr( 'data-path', path )
+ .attr( 'data-type', type )
+ .attr( 'data-name', name );
+ // Show faded 'paste' if nothing in clipboard
+ if( this.clipboard === '' ) {
+ $( '#context-menu a[content="Paste"]' )
+ .addClass( 'disabled' );
+ } else {
+ $( '#context-menu a[data-action="paste"]' )
+ .removeClass( 'disabled' );
+ }
+ // Hide menu
+ /**
+ * make sure that the user has moved their mouse far enough
+ * away from the context menu to warrant a close.
+ */
+ $( '#file-manager, #editor-region' ).on( 'mousemove', codiad.filemanager.contextCheckMouse );
+ $( '#context-menu, #editor-region' ).on( 'paste', codiad.editor.paste );
+ /* Notify listeners. */
+ amplify.publish( 'context-menu.onShow', {
+ e: e,
+ path: path,
+ type: type
+ });
+ // Hide on click
+ $( '#context-menu a' )
+ .click( function() {
+ _this.contextMenuHide();
+ });
+ },
contextCheckMouse: function( e ) {
- let offset = $('#context-menu').offset();
- let bottom = offset.top + $('#context-menu').outerHeight( true ) + 20;
- let left = offset.left - 20;
- let right = offset.left + $('#context-menu').outerWidth( true ) + 20;
- let top = offset.top - 20;
- if( ( e.clientX > right || e.clientX < left ) || ( e.clientY > bottom || e.clientY < top ) ) {
- $('#file-manager, #editor-region').off( 'mousemove', codiad.filemanager.contextCheckMouse );
- $('#context-menu, #editor-region').off( 'paste', codiad.editor.paste );
- codiad.filemanager.contextMenuHide();
- }
- },
+ let offset = $( '#context-menu' ).offset();
+ let bottom = offset.top + $( '#context-menu' ).outerHeight( true ) + 20;
+ let left = offset.left - 20;
+ let right = offset.left + $( '#context-menu' ).outerWidth( true ) + 20;
+ let top = offset.top - 20;
+ if( ( e.clientX > right || e.clientX < left ) || ( e.clientY > bottom || e.clientY < top ) ) {
+ $( '#file-manager, #editor-region' ).off( 'mousemove', codiad.filemanager.contextCheckMouse );
+ $( '#context-menu, #editor-region' ).off( 'paste', codiad.editor.paste );
+ codiad.filemanager.contextMenuHide();
+ }
+ },
- contextMenuHide: function() {
- $('#context-menu')
- .fadeOut(200);
- $('#file-manager a')
- .removeClass('context-menu-active');
- /* Notify listeners. */
- amplify.publish('context-menu.onHide');
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Return the node name (sans path)
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- getShortName: function(path) {
- return path.split('/')
- .pop();
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Return extension
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- getExtension: function(path) {
- return path.split('.')
- .pop();
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Return type
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- getType: function(path) {
- if( path.match( /\\/g ) ) {
- path = path.replace( '\\', '\\\\' );
- }
- return $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]').attr('data-type');
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Create node in file tree
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- createObject: function(parent, path, type) {
- var parentNode = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + parent + '"]');
- if (!$('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]')
- .length) { // Doesn't already exist
- if (parentNode.hasClass('open') && parentNode.hasClass('directory')) { // Only append node if parent is open (and a directory)
- var shortName = this.getShortName(path);
- if (type == 'directory') {
- var appendage = '
' + shortName + ' ';
- } else {
- var appendage = '
' + shortName + ' ';
- }
- if (parentNode.siblings('ul')
- .length) { // UL exists, other children to play with
- parentNode.siblings('ul')
- .append(appendage);
- } else {
- $('
- .insertAfter(parentNode);
- }
- } else {
- parentNode.parent().children('span').removeClass('none');
- parentNode.parent().children('span').addClass('plus');
- }
- }
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Loop out all files and folders in directory path
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- indexFiles: [],
- index: function(path, rescan) {
- var _this = this;
- if (rescan === undefined) {
- rescan = false;
- }
- node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
- if (node.hasClass('open') && !rescan) {
- node.parent('li')
- .children('ul')
- .slideUp(300, function() {
- $(this)
- .remove();
- node.removeClass('open');
- });
- } else {
- node.addClass('loading');
- $.get(this.controller + '?action=index&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), function(data) {
- node.addClass('open');
- var objectsResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- if (objectsResponse != 'error') {
- /* Notify listener */
- _this.indexFiles = objectsResponse.index;
- amplify.publish("filemanager.onIndex", {path: path, files: _this.indexFiles});
- var files = _this.indexFiles;
- if (files.length > 0) {
- if (node.parent().children('span').hasClass('plus')) {
- node.parent().children('span').removeClass('plus').addClass('minus');
- }
- var display = 'display:none;';
- if (rescan) {
- display = '';
- }
- var appendage = '
- $.each(files, function(index) {
- var ext = '';
- var name = files[index].name.replace(path, '');
- var nodeClass = 'none';
- name = name.split('/')
- .join(' ');
- if (files[index].type == 'file') {
- var ext = ' ext-' + name.split('.')
- .pop();
- }
- if(files[index].type == 'directory' && files[index].size > 0) {
- nodeClass = 'plus';
- }
- appendage += '' + name + ' ';
- });
- appendage += ' ';
- if (rescan) {
- node.parent('li')
- .children('ul')
- .remove();
- }
- $(appendage)
- .insertAfter(node);
- if (!rescan) {
- node.siblings('ul')
- .slideDown(300);
- }
- }
- }
- node.removeClass('loading');
- if (rescan && _this.rescanChildren.length > _this.rescanCounter) {
- _this.rescan(_this.rescanChildren[_this.rescanCounter++]);
- } else {
- _this.rescanChildren = [];
- _this.rescanCounter = 0;
- }
- });
- }
- },
- rescanChildren: [],
- rescanCounter: 0,
- rescan: function(path) {
- var _this = this;
- if (this.rescanCounter === 0) {
- // Create array of open directories
- node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
- node.parent().find('a.open').each(function() {
- _this.rescanChildren.push($(this).attr('data-path'));
- });
- }
- this.index(path, true);
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Open File
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- openFile: function(path, focus) {
- /* Notify listeners. */
- amplify.publish('filemanager.onFileWillOpen', {path: path});
- if (focus === undefined) {
- focus = true;
- }
- var node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
- var ext = this.getExtension(path);
- if ($.inArray(ext.toLowerCase(), this.noOpen) < 0) {
- node.addClass('loading');
- $.get(this.controller + '?action=open&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), function(data) {
- var openResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- if (openResponse != 'error') {
- node.removeClass('loading');
- codiad.active.open(path, openResponse.content, openResponse.mtime, false, focus);
- }
- });
- } else {
- if(!codiad.project.isAbsPath(path)) {
- if ($.inArray(ext.toLowerCase(), this.noBrowser) < 0) {
- this.download(path);
- } else {
- this.openInModal(path);
- }
- } else {
- codiad.message.error(i18n('Unable to open file in Browser while using absolute path.'));
- }
- }
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Open in browser
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- openInBrowser: function(path) {
- let _this = this;
- $.ajax({
- url: this.controller + '?action=open_in_browser&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path),
- success: function(data) {
- var openIBResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- if (openIBResponse != 'error') {
- _this.preview = window.open( openIBResponse.url, '_newtab' );
- let editor = codiad.editor.getActive();
- if( _this.auto_reload && editor !== null ) {
- codiad.editor.getActive().addEventListener( "change", _this.refreshPreview );
- }
- }
- },
- async: false
- });
- },
- refreshPreview: function( event ) {
- _this = codiad.filemanager;
- if( _this.preview == null ) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- if( ( typeof _this.preview.location.reload ) == "undefined" ) {
- _this.preview = null;
- codiad.editor.getActive().removeEventListener( "change", _this.refreshPreview );
- return;
- }
- _this.preview.location.reload( true );
- } catch( e ) {
- console.log( e );
- codiad.message.error( 'Please close your previously opened preview window.' );
- _this.preview = null;
- codiad.editor.getActive().removeEventListener( "change", _this.refreshPreview );
- }
- },
- openInModal: function(path) {
- let type = "";
- var ext = this.getExtension(path).toLowerCase();
- if ( this.noAudio.includes(ext) ) {
- type = 'music_preview';
- } else if ( this.noImages.includes(ext) ) {
- type = 'preview';
- }
- codiad.modal.load(250, this.dialog, {
- action: type,
- path: path
- });
- },
- saveModifications: function(path, data, callbacks, save=true){
- callbacks = callbacks || {};
- var _this = this, action, data;
- var notifySaveErr = function() {
- codiad.message.error(i18n('File could not be saved'));
- if (typeof callbacks.error === 'function') {
- var context = callbacks.context || _this;
- callbacks.error.apply(context, [data]);
- }
- }
- $.post(this.controller + '?action=modify&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), data, function(resp){
- resp = $.parseJSON(resp);
- if (resp.status == 'success') {
- if ( save === true ) {
- codiad.message.success(i18n('File saved'));
- }
- if (typeof callbacks.success === 'function'){
- var context = callbacks.context || _this;
- callbacks.success.call(context, resp.data.mtime);
- }
- } else {
- if (resp.message == 'Client is out of sync'){
- var reload = confirm(
- "Server has a more updated copy of the file. Would "+
- "you like to refresh the contents ? Pressing no will "+
- "cause your changes to override the server's copy upon "+
- "next save."
- );
- if (reload) {
- codiad.active.close(path);
- codiad.active.removeDraft(path);
- _this.openFile(path);
- } else {
- var session = codiad.editor.getActive().getSession();
- session.serverMTime = null;
- session.untainted = null;
- }
- } else codiad.message.error(i18n('File could not be saved'));
- if (typeof callbacks.error === 'function') {
- var context = callbacks.context || _this;
- callbacks.error.apply(context, [resp.data]);
- }
- }
- }).error(notifySaveErr);
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Save file
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ contextMenuHide: function() {
+ $( '#context-menu' )
+ .fadeOut( 200 );
+ $( '#file-manager a' )
+ .removeClass( 'context-menu-active' );
+ /* Notify listeners. */
+ amplify.publish( 'context-menu.onHide' );
+ },
- saveFile: function(path, content, callbacks, save=true) {
- this.saveModifications(path, {content: content}, callbacks, save);
- },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Return the node name (sans path)
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- savePatch: function(path, patch, mtime, callbacks, alerts) {
- if (patch.length > 0)
- this.saveModifications(path, {patch: patch, mtime: mtime}, callbacks, alerts);
- else if (typeof callbacks.success === 'function'){
- var context = callbacks.context || this;
- callbacks.success.call(context, mtime);
- }
- },
+ getShortName: function( path ) {
+ return path.split( '/' )
+ .pop();
+ },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Create Object
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Return extension
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- createNode: function(path, type) {
- codiad.modal.load(250, this.dialog, {
- action: 'create',
- type: type,
- path: path
- });
- $('#modal-content form')
- .live('submit', function(e) {
- let project = codiad.project.getCurrent();
- e.preventDefault();
- var shortName = $('#modal-content form input[name="object_name"]')
- .val();
- var path = $('#modal-content form input[name="path"]')
- .val();
- var type = $('#modal-content form input[name="type"]')
- .val();
- var createPath = path + '/' + shortName;
- $.get(codiad.filemanager.controller + '?action=create&path=' + encodeURIComponent(createPath) + '&type=' + type, function(data) {
- var createResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- if (createResponse != 'error') {
- codiad.message.success(type.charAt(0)
- .toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) + ' Created');
- codiad.modal.unload();
- // Add new element to filemanager screen
- codiad.filemanager.createObject(path, createPath, type);
- if(type == 'file') {
- codiad.filemanager.openFile(createPath, true);
- }
- codiad.filemanager.rescan( project );
- /* Notify listeners. */
- amplify.publish('filemanager.onCreate', {createPath: createPath, path: path, shortName: shortName, type: type});
- }
- });
- });
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Copy to Clipboard
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- copyNode: function(path) {
- this.clipboard = path;
- codiad.message.success(i18n('Copied to Clipboard'));
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Paste
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- pasteNode: function(path) {
- var _this = this;
- if (this.clipboard == '') {
- codiad.message.error(i18n('Nothing in Your Clipboard'));
- } else if (path == this.clipboard) {
- codiad.message.error(i18n('Cannot Paste Directory Into Itself'));
- } else {
- let project = codiad.project.getCurrent();
- var shortName = _this.getShortName(_this.clipboard);
- if ($('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '/' + shortName + '"]')
- .length) { // Confirm overwrite?
- codiad.modal.load(400, this.dialog, {
- action: 'overwrite',
- path: path + '/' + shortName
- });
- $('#modal-content form')
- .live('submit', function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var duplicate = false;
- if($('#modal-content form select[name="or_action"]').val()==1){
- duplicate=true; console.log('Dup!');
- }
- _this.processPasteNode(path,duplicate);
- });
- } else { // No conflicts; proceed...
- _this.processPasteNode(path,false);
- }
- codiad.filemanager.rescan( project );
- }
- },
+ getExtension: function( path ) {
+ return path.split( '.' )
+ .pop();
+ },
- processPasteNode: function(path,duplicate) {
- var _this = this;
- var shortName = this.getShortName(this.clipboard);
- var type = this.getType(this.clipboard);
- $.get(this.controller + '?action=duplicate&path=' +
- encodeURIComponent(this.clipboard) + '&destination=' +
- encodeURIComponent(path + '/' + shortName) + '&duplicate=' + encodeURIComponent( duplicate ), function(data) {
- var pasteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- if (pasteResponse != 'error') {
- _this.createObject(path, path + '/' + shortName, type);
- codiad.modal.unload();
- /* Notify listeners. */
- amplify.publish('filemanager.onPaste', {path: path, shortName: shortName, duplicate: duplicate});
- }
- });
- },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Return type
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Rename
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ getType: function( path ) {
+ if( path.match( /\\/g ) ) {
+ path = path.replace( '\\', '\\\\' );
+ }
+ return $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' ).attr( 'data-type' );
+ },
- renameNode: function(path) {
- var shortName = this.getShortName(path);
- var type = this.getType(path);
- var _this = this;
- codiad.modal.load(250, this.dialog, { action: 'rename', path: path, short_name: shortName, type: type});
- $('#modal-content form')
- .live('submit', function(e) {
- let project = codiad.project.getCurrent();
- e.preventDefault();
- var newName = $('#modal-content form input[name="object_name"]')
- .val();
- // Build new path
- var arr = path.split('/');
- var temp = new Array();
- for (i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
- temp.push(arr[i])
- }
- var newPath = temp.join('/') + '/' + newName;
- $.get(_this.controller, { action: 'modify', path: path, new_name: newName} , function(data) {
- var renameResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- let renamedMessage = "";
- if (renameResponse != 'error') {
- if( type == undefined ) {
- renamedMessage = 'Successfully Renamed'
- } else {
- renamedMessage = type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) + ' Renamed'
- }
- codiad.message.success(renamedMessage);
- var node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
- // Change pathing and name for node
- node.attr('data-path', newPath)
- .html(newName);
- if (type == 'file') { // Change icons for file
- curExtClass = 'ext-' + _this.getExtension(path);
- newExtClass = 'ext-' + _this.getExtension(newPath);
- $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + newPath + '"]')
- .removeClass(curExtClass)
- .addClass(newExtClass);
- } else { // Change pathing on any sub-files/directories
- _this.repathSubs(path, newPath);
- }
- // Change any active files
- codiad.active.rename(path, newPath);
- codiad.modal.unload();
- codiad.filemanager.rescan( project );
- /* Notify listeners. */
- amplify.publish('filemanager.onRename', {path: path, newPath: newPath, project: project });
- }
- });
- });
- },
- repathSubs: function(oldPath, newPath) {
- $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + newPath + '"]')
- .siblings('ul')
- .find('a')
- .each(function() {
- // Hit the children, hit 'em hard
- var curPath = $(this)
- .attr('data-path');
- var revisedPath = curPath.replace(oldPath, newPath);
- $(this)
- .attr('data-path', revisedPath);
- });
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Delete
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- deleteNode: function(path) {
- var _this = this;
- codiad.modal.load(400, this.dialog, {
- action: 'delete',
- path: path
- });
- $('#modal-content form')
- .live('submit', function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $.get(_this.controller + '?action=delete&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), function(data) {
- var deleteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- if (deleteResponse != 'error') {
- var node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
- let parent_path = node.parent().parent().prev().attr('data-path');
- node.parent('li').remove();
- // Close any active files
- $('#active-files a')
- .each(function() {
- var curPath = $(this)
- .attr('data-path');
- if (curPath.indexOf(path) == 0) {
- codiad.active.remove(curPath);
- }
- });
- /* Notify listeners. */
- amplify.publish('filemanager.onDelete', {deletePath: path, path: parent_path });
- }
- codiad.modal.unload();
- });
- });
- },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Create node in file tree
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- deleteInnerNode: function(path) {
- var _this = this;
- codiad.modal.load(400, this.dialog, {
- action: 'delete',
- path: path
- });
- $('#modal-content form')
- .live('submit', function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $.get(_this.controller + '?action=deleteInner&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), function(data) {
- var deleteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- if (deleteResponse != 'error') {
- var node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]').parent('ul').remove();
+ createObject: function( parent, path, type ) {
+ var parentNode = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + parent + '"]' );
+ if( !$( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' )
+ .length ) { // Doesn't already exist
+ if( parentNode.hasClass( 'open' ) && parentNode.hasClass( 'directory' ) ) { // Only append node if parent is open (and a directory)
+ var shortName = this.getShortName( path );
+ if( type == 'directory' ) {
+ var appendage = '
' + shortName + ' ';
+ } else {
+ var appendage = '
' + shortName + ' ';
+ }
+ if( parentNode.siblings( 'ul' )
+ .length ) { // UL exists, other children to play with
+ parentNode.siblings( 'ul' )
+ .append( appendage );
+ } else {
+ $( '
' )
+ .insertAfter( parentNode );
+ }
+ } else {
+ parentNode.parent().children( 'span' ).removeClass( 'none' );
+ parentNode.parent().children( 'span' ).addClass( 'plus' );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Loop out all files and folders in directory path
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ indexFiles: [],
+ index: function( path, rescan ) {
+ let _this = this;
+ if( rescan === undefined ) {
+ rescan = false;
+ }
+ node = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' );
+ if( node.hasClass( 'open' ) && !rescan ) {
+ node.parent( 'li' )
+ .children( 'ul' )
+ .slideUp( 300, function() {
+ $( this )
+ .remove();
+ node.removeClass( 'open' );
+ });
+ } else {
+ node.addClass( 'loading' );
+ $.get( this.controller + '?action=index&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ), function( data ) {
+ node.addClass( 'open' );
+ var objectsResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ if( objectsResponse != 'error' ) {
- // Close any active files
- $('#active-files a')
- .each(function() {
- var curPath = $(this)
- .attr('data-path');
- if (curPath.indexOf(path) == 0) {
- codiad.active.remove(curPath);
- }
- });
- //Rescan Folder
- node.parent()
- .find('a.open')
- .each(function() {
- _this.rescanChildren.push($(this)
- .attr('data-path'));
- });
- /* Notify listeners. */
- amplify.publish('filemanager.onDelete', {deletePath: path + "/*", path: path });
- }
- codiad.modal.unload();
- });
- });
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Search
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- search: function(path) {
- codiad.modal.load(500, this.dialog,{
- action: 'search',
- path: path
- });
- codiad.modal.load_process.done( async function() {
- var lastSearched = JSON.parse( await codiad.settings.get_option("lastSearched"));
- if(lastSearched) {
- $('#modal-content form input[name="search_string"]').val(lastSearched.searchText);
- $('#modal-content form input[name="search_file_type"]').val(lastSearched.fileExtension);
- $('#modal-content form select[name="search_type"]').val(lastSearched.searchType);
- if(lastSearched.searchResults != '') {
- $('#filemanager-search-results').slideDown().html(lastSearched.searchResults);
- }
- }
- });
- codiad.modal.hideOverlay();
- var _this = this;
- $('#modal-content form')
- .live('submit', function(e) {
- $('#filemanager-search-processing')
- .show();
- e.preventDefault();
- searchString = $('#modal-content form input[name="search_string"]')
- .val();
- fileExtensions=$('#modal-content form input[name="search_file_type"]')
- .val();
- searchFileType=$.trim(fileExtensions);
- if (searchFileType != '') {
- //season the string to use in find command
- searchFileType = "\\(" + searchFileType.replace(/\s+/g, "\\|") + "\\)";
- }
- searchType = $('#modal-content form select[name="search_type"]')
- .val();
- $.post(_this.controller + '?action=search&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path) + '&type=' + searchType, {
- search_string: searchString,
- search_file_type: searchFileType
- }, function(data) {
- searchResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
- var results = '';
- if (searchResponse != 'error') {
- $.each(searchResponse.index, function(key, val) {
- // Cleanup file format
- if(val['file'].substr(-1) == '/') {
- val['file'] = val['file'].substr(0, str.length - 1);
- }
- val['file'] = val['file'].replace('//','/');
- // Add result
- results += '
- });
- $('#filemanager-search-results')
- .slideDown()
- .html(results);
- } else {
- $('#filemanager-search-results')
- .slideUp();
- }
- _this.saveSearchResults(searchString, searchType, fileExtensions, results);
- $('#filemanager-search-processing')
- .hide();
- });
- });
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // saveSearchResults
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- saveSearchResults: function(searchText, searchType, fileExtensions, searchResults) {
- var lastSearched = {
- searchText: searchText,
- searchType: searchType,
- fileExtension: fileExtensions,
- searchResults: searchResults
- };
- localStorage.setItem("lastSearched", JSON.stringify(lastSearched));
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Upload
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- uploadToNode: function(path) {
- codiad.modal.load(500, this.dialogUpload, {path: path});
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Download
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- download: function(path) {
- var type = this.getType(path);
- $('#download')
- .attr('src', 'components/filemanager/download.php?path=' + encodeURIComponent(path) + '&type=' + type);
- }
- };
-})(this, jQuery);
+ /* Notify listener */
+ _this.indexFiles = objectsResponse.index;
+ amplify.publish( "filemanager.onIndex", {
+ path: path,
+ files: _this.indexFiles
+ });
+ var files = _this.indexFiles;
+ if( files.length > 0 ) {
+ if( node.parent().children( 'span' ).hasClass( 'plus' ) ) {
+ node.parent().children( 'span' ).removeClass( 'plus' ).addClass( 'minus' );
+ }
+ var display = 'display:none;';
+ if( rescan ) {
+ display = '';
+ }
+ var appendage = '
+ $.each( files, function( index ) {
+ var ext = '';
+ var name = files[index].name.replace( path, '' );
+ var nodeClass = 'none';
+ name = name.split( '/' )
+ .join( ' ' );
+ if( files[index].type == 'file' ) {
+ var ext = ' ext-' + name.split( '.' )
+ .pop();
+ }
+ if( files[index].type == 'directory' && files[index].size > 0 ) {
+ nodeClass = 'plus';
+ }
+ appendage += '' + name + ' ';
+ });
+ appendage += ' ';
+ if( rescan ) {
+ node.parent( 'li' )
+ .children( 'ul' )
+ .remove();
+ }
+ $( appendage )
+ .insertAfter( node );
+ if( !rescan ) {
+ node.siblings( 'ul' )
+ .slideDown( 300 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node.removeClass( 'loading' );
+ if( rescan && _this.rescanChildren.length > _this.rescanCounter ) {
+ _this.rescan( _this.rescanChildren[_this.rescanCounter++] );
+ } else {
+ _this.rescanChildren = [];
+ _this.rescanCounter = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ rescanChildren: [],
+ rescanCounter: 0,
+ rescan: function( path ) {
+ let _this = this;
+ if( this.rescanCounter === 0 ) {
+ // Create array of open directories
+ node = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' );
+ node.parent().find( 'a.open' ).each( function() {
+ _this.rescanChildren.push( $( this ).attr( 'data-path' ) );
+ });
+ }
+ this.index( path, true );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Open File
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ openFile: function( path, focus ) {
+ /* Notify listeners. */
+ amplify.publish( 'filemanager.onFileWillOpen', {
+ path: path
+ });
+ if( focus === undefined ) {
+ focus = true;
+ }
+ var node = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' );
+ var ext = this.getExtension( path );
+ if( $.inArray( ext.toLowerCase(), this.noOpen ) < 0 ) {
+ node.addClass( 'loading' );
+ $.get( this.controller + '?action=open&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ), function( data ) {
+ var openResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ if( openResponse != 'error' ) {
+ node.removeClass( 'loading' );
+ codiad.active.open( path, openResponse.content, openResponse.mtime, false, focus );
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ if( !codiad.project.isAbsPath( path ) ) {
+ if( $.inArray( ext.toLowerCase(), this.noBrowser ) < 0 ) {
+ this.download( path );
+ } else {
+ this.openInModal( path );
+ }
+ } else {
+ codiad.message.error( i18n( 'Unable to open file in Browser while using absolute path.' ) );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Open in browser
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ openInBrowser: function( path ) {
+ let _this = this;
+ $.ajax( {
+ url: this.controller + '?action=open_in_browser&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ),
+ success: function( data ) {
+ var openIBResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ if( openIBResponse != 'error' ) {
+ _this.preview = window.open( openIBResponse.url, '_newtab' );
+ let editor = codiad.editor.getActive();
+ if( _this.auto_reload && editor !== null ) {
+ codiad.editor.getActive().addEventListener( "change", _this.refreshPreview );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ async: false
+ });
+ },
+ refreshPreview: function( event ) {
+ let _this = codiad.filemanager;
+ /**
+ * When reloading after every change, we encounter performance issues
+ * in the editor. Therefore, we implement the same logic as the
+ * auto_save module where we only reload after the user has finished
+ * changing their document.
+ */
+ if( _this.refresh_interval !== null ) {
+ clearTimeout( _this.refresh_interval );
+ _this.refresh_interval = null;
+ }
+ _this.refresh_interval = setTimeout( function() {
+ if( _this.preview == null ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ if( ( typeof _this.preview.location.reload ) == "undefined" ) {
+ _this.preview = null;
+ codiad.editor.getActive().removeEventListener( "change", _this.refreshPreview );
+ return;
+ }
+ _this.preview.location.reload( true );
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ console.log( e );
+ codiad.message.error( 'Please close your previously opened preview window.' );
+ _this.preview = null;
+ codiad.editor.getActive().removeEventListener( "change", _this.refreshPreview );
+ }
+ }, 500 );
+ },
+ openInModal: function( path ) {
+ let type = "";
+ var ext = this.getExtension( path ).toLowerCase();
+ if( this.noAudio.includes( ext ) ) {
+ type = 'music_preview';
+ } else if( this.noImages.includes( ext ) ) {
+ type = 'preview';
+ }
+ codiad.modal.load( 250, this.dialog, {
+ action: type,
+ path: path
+ });
+ },
+ saveModifications: function( path, data, callbacks, save = true ) {
+ callbacks = callbacks || {};
+ let _this = this, action;
+ var notifySaveErr = function() {
+ codiad.message.error( i18n( 'File could not be saved' ) );
+ if( typeof callbacks.error === 'function' ) {
+ var context = callbacks.context || _this;
+ callbacks.error.apply( context, [data] );
+ }
+ }
+ $.post( this.controller + '?action=modify&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ), data, function( resp ) {
+ resp = $.parseJSON( resp );
+ if( resp.status == 'success' ) {
+ if( save === true ) {
+ codiad.message.success( i18n( 'File saved' ) );
+ }
+ if( typeof callbacks.success === 'function' ) {
+ var context = callbacks.context || _this;
+ callbacks.success.call( context, resp.data.mtime );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( resp.message == 'Client is out of sync' ) {
+ var reload = confirm(
+ "Server has a more updated copy of the file. Would " +
+ "you like to refresh the contents ? Pressing no will " +
+ "cause your changes to override the server's copy upon " +
+ "next save."
+ );
+ if( reload ) {
+ codiad.active.close( path );
+ codiad.active.removeDraft( path );
+ _this.openFile( path );
+ } else {
+ var session = codiad.editor.getActive().getSession();
+ session.serverMTime = null;
+ session.untainted = null;
+ }
+ } else codiad.message.error( i18n( 'File could not be saved' ) );
+ if( typeof callbacks.error === 'function' ) {
+ var context = callbacks.context || _this;
+ callbacks.error.apply( context, [resp.data] );
+ }
+ }
+ }).error( notifySaveErr );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Save file
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ saveFile: function( path, content, callbacks, save = true ) {
+ this.saveModifications( path, {
+ content: content
+ }, callbacks, save );
+ },
+ savePatch: function( path, patch, mtime, callbacks, alerts ) {
+ if( patch.length > 0 )
+ this.saveModifications( path, {
+ patch: patch,
+ mtime: mtime
+ }, callbacks, alerts );
+ else if( typeof callbacks.success === 'function' ) {
+ var context = callbacks.context || this;
+ callbacks.success.call( context, mtime );
+ }
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Create Object
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ createNode: function( path, type ) {
+ codiad.modal.load( 250, this.dialog, {
+ action: 'create',
+ type: type,
+ path: path
+ });
+ $( '#modal-content form' )
+ .live( 'submit', function( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var shortName = $( '#modal-content form input[name="object_name"]' )
+ .val();
+ var path = $( '#modal-content form input[name="path"]' )
+ .val();
+ var type = $( '#modal-content form input[name="type"]' )
+ .val();
+ var createPath = path + '/' + shortName;
+ $.get( codiad.filemanager.controller + '?action=create&path=' + encodeURIComponent( createPath ) + '&type=' + type, function( data ) {
+ var createResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ if( createResponse != 'error' ) {
+ codiad.message.success( type.charAt( 0 )
+ .toUpperCase() + type.slice( 1 ) + ' Created' );
+ codiad.modal.unload();
+ // Add new element to filemanager screen
+ codiad.filemanager.createObject( path, createPath, type );
+ if( type == 'file' ) {
+ codiad.filemanager.openFile( createPath, true );
+ }
+ codiad.filemanager.rescan( path );
+ /* Notify listeners. */
+ amplify.publish( 'filemanager.onCreate', {
+ createPath: createPath,
+ path: path,
+ shortName: shortName,
+ type: type
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Copy to Clipboard
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ copyNode: function( path ) {
+ this.clipboard = path;
+ codiad.message.success( i18n( 'Copied to Clipboard' ) );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Paste
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ pasteNode: function( path ) {
+ let _this = this;
+ if( this.clipboard == '' ) {
+ codiad.message.error( i18n( 'Nothing in Your Clipboard' ) );
+ } else if( path == this.clipboard ) {
+ codiad.message.error( i18n( 'Cannot Paste Directory Into Itself' ) );
+ } else {
+ let project = codiad.project.getCurrent();
+ var shortName = _this.getShortName( _this.clipboard );
+ if( $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '/' + shortName + '"]' )
+ .length ) { // Confirm overwrite?
+ codiad.modal.load( 400, this.dialog, {
+ action: 'overwrite',
+ path: path + '/' + shortName
+ });
+ $( '#modal-content form' )
+ .live( 'submit', function( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var duplicate = false;
+ if( $( '#modal-content form select[name="or_action"]' ).val() == 1 ) {
+ duplicate = true;
+ console.log( 'Dup!' );
+ }
+ _this.processPasteNode( path, duplicate );
+ });
+ } else { // No conflicts; proceed...
+ _this.processPasteNode( path, false );
+ }
+ codiad.filemanager.rescan( project );
+ }
+ },
+ processPasteNode: function( path, duplicate ) {
+ let _this = this;
+ var shortName = this.getShortName( this.clipboard );
+ var type = this.getType( this.clipboard );
+ $.get( this.controller + '?action=duplicate&path=' +
+ encodeURIComponent( this.clipboard ) + '&destination=' +
+ encodeURIComponent( path + '/' + shortName ) + '&duplicate=' + encodeURIComponent( duplicate ),
+ function( data ) {
+ var pasteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ if( pasteResponse != 'error' ) {
+ _this.createObject( path, path + '/' + shortName, type );
+ codiad.modal.unload();
+ /* Notify listeners. */
+ amplify.publish( 'filemanager.onPaste', {
+ path: path,
+ shortName: shortName,
+ duplicate: duplicate
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Rename
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ renameNode: function( path ) {
+ var shortName = this.getShortName( path );
+ var type = this.getType( path );
+ let _this = this;
+ codiad.modal.load( 250, this.dialog, {
+ action: 'rename',
+ path: path,
+ short_name: shortName,
+ type: type
+ });
+ $( '#modal-content form' )
+ .live( 'submit', function( e ) {
+ let project = codiad.project.getCurrent();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var newName = $( '#modal-content form input[name="object_name"]' )
+ .val();
+ // Build new path
+ var arr = path.split( '/' );
+ var temp = new Array();
+ for( i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++ ) {
+ temp.push( arr[i] )
+ }
+ var newPath = temp.join( '/' ) + '/' + newName;
+ $.get( _this.controller, {
+ action: 'modify',
+ path: path,
+ new_name: newName
+ }, function( data ) {
+ var renameResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ let renamedMessage = "";
+ if( renameResponse != 'error' ) {
+ if( type == undefined ) {
+ renamedMessage = 'Successfully Renamed'
+ } else {
+ renamedMessage = type.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + type.slice( 1 ) + ' Renamed'
+ }
+ codiad.message.success( renamedMessage );
+ var node = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' );
+ // Change pathing and name for node
+ node.attr( 'data-path', newPath )
+ .html( newName );
+ if( type == 'file' ) { // Change icons for file
+ curExtClass = 'ext-' + _this.getExtension( path );
+ newExtClass = 'ext-' + _this.getExtension( newPath );
+ $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + newPath + '"]' )
+ .removeClass( curExtClass )
+ .addClass( newExtClass );
+ } else { // Change pathing on any sub-files/directories
+ _this.repathSubs( path, newPath );
+ }
+ // Change any active files
+ codiad.active.rename( path, newPath );
+ codiad.modal.unload();
+ let parent = path.split( '/' );
+ parent.pop();
+ codiad.filemanager.rescan( parent.join( '/' ) );
+ /* Notify listeners. */
+ amplify.publish( 'filemanager.onRename', {
+ path: path,
+ newPath: newPath,
+ project: project
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ repathSubs: function( oldPath, newPath ) {
+ $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + newPath + '"]' )
+ .siblings( 'ul' )
+ .find( 'a' )
+ .each( function() {
+ // Hit the children, hit 'em hard
+ var curPath = $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' );
+ var revisedPath = curPath.replace( oldPath, newPath );
+ $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path', revisedPath );
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Delete
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ deleteNode: function( path ) {
+ let _this = this;
+ codiad.modal.load( 400, this.dialog, {
+ action: 'delete',
+ path: path
+ });
+ $( '#modal-content form' )
+ .live( 'submit', function( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $.get( _this.controller + '?action=delete&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ), function( data ) {
+ var deleteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ if( deleteResponse != 'error' ) {
+ var node = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' );
+ let parent_path = node.parent().parent().prev().attr( 'data-path' );
+ node.parent( 'li' ).remove();
+ // Close any active files
+ $( '#active-files a' )
+ .each( function() {
+ var curPath = $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' );
+ if( curPath.indexOf( path ) == 0 ) {
+ codiad.active.remove( curPath );
+ }
+ });
+ /* Notify listeners. */
+ amplify.publish( 'filemanager.onDelete', {
+ deletePath: path,
+ path: parent_path
+ });
+ }
+ codiad.modal.unload();
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ deleteInnerNode: function( path ) {
+ let _this = this;
+ codiad.modal.load( 400, this.dialog, {
+ action: 'delete',
+ path: path
+ });
+ $( '#modal-content form' )
+ .live( 'submit', function( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $.get( _this.controller + '?action=deleteInner&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ), function( data ) {
+ var deleteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ if( deleteResponse != 'error' ) {
+ var node = $( '#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]' ).parent( 'ul' ).remove();
+ // Close any active files
+ $( '#active-files a' )
+ .each( function() {
+ var curPath = $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' );
+ if( curPath.indexOf( path ) == 0 ) {
+ codiad.active.remove( curPath );
+ }
+ });
+ //Rescan Folder
+ node.parent()
+ .find( 'a.open' )
+ .each( function() {
+ _this.rescanChildren.push( $( this )
+ .attr( 'data-path' ) );
+ });
+ /* Notify listeners. */
+ amplify.publish( 'filemanager.onDelete', {
+ deletePath: path + "/*",
+ path: path
+ });
+ }
+ codiad.modal.unload();
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Search
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ search: function( path ) {
+ codiad.modal.load( 500, this.dialog, {
+ action: 'search',
+ path: path
+ });
+ codiad.modal.load_process.done( async function() {
+ var lastSearched = JSON.parse( await codiad.settings.get_option( "lastSearched" ) );
+ if( lastSearched ) {
+ $( '#modal-content form input[name="search_string"]' ).val( lastSearched.searchText );
+ $( '#modal-content form input[name="search_file_type"]' ).val( lastSearched.fileExtension );
+ $( '#modal-content form select[name="search_type"]' ).val( lastSearched.searchType );
+ if( lastSearched.searchResults != '' ) {
+ $( '#filemanager-search-results' ).slideDown().html( lastSearched.searchResults );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ codiad.modal.hideOverlay();
+ let _this = this;
+ $( '#modal-content form' )
+ .live( 'submit', function( e ) {
+ $( '#filemanager-search-processing' )
+ .show();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ searchString = $( '#modal-content form input[name="search_string"]' )
+ .val();
+ fileExtensions = $( '#modal-content form input[name="search_file_type"]' )
+ .val();
+ searchFileType = $.trim( fileExtensions );
+ if( searchFileType != '' ) {
+ //season the string to use in find command
+ searchFileType = "\\(" + searchFileType.replace( /\s+/g, "\\|" ) + "\\)";
+ }
+ searchType = $( '#modal-content form select[name="search_type"]' )
+ .val();
+ $.post( _this.controller + '?action=search&path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ) + '&type=' + searchType, {
+ search_string: searchString,
+ search_file_type: searchFileType
+ }, function( data ) {
+ searchResponse = codiad.jsend.parse( data );
+ var results = '';
+ if( searchResponse != 'error' ) {
+ $.each( searchResponse.index, function( key, val ) {
+ // Cleanup file format
+ if( val['file'].substr( -1 ) == '/' ) {
+ val['file'] = val['file'].substr( 0, str.length - 1 );
+ }
+ val['file'] = val['file'].replace( '//', '/' );
+ // Add result
+ results += '
+ });
+ $( '#filemanager-search-results' )
+ .slideDown()
+ .html( results );
+ } else {
+ $( '#filemanager-search-results' )
+ .slideUp();
+ }
+ _this.saveSearchResults( searchString, searchType, fileExtensions, results );
+ $( '#filemanager-search-processing' )
+ .hide();
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // saveSearchResults
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ saveSearchResults: function( searchText, searchType, fileExtensions, searchResults ) {
+ var lastSearched = {
+ searchText: searchText,
+ searchType: searchType,
+ fileExtension: fileExtensions,
+ searchResults: searchResults
+ };
+ localStorage.setItem( "lastSearched", JSON.stringify( lastSearched ) );
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Upload
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ uploadToNode: function( path ) {
+ codiad.modal.load( 500, this.dialogUpload, {
+ path: path
+ });
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Download
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ download: function( path ) {
+ var type = this.getType( path );
+ $( '#download' )
+ .attr( 'src', 'components/filemanager/download.php?path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ) + '&type=' + type );
+ }
+ };
+})( this, jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/install/install.php b/components/install/install.php
index 3185df7..4d9e1ee 100644
--- a/components/install/install.php
+++ b/components/install/install.php
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
- "SQLite3"=>""
+ //"SQLite3"=>""
] as $dep=>$status) {
if (extension_loaded(strtolower($dep))) { ?>
diff --git a/components/project/dialog.php b/components/project/dialog.php
index 1e960f1..c71e75f 100755
--- a/components/project/dialog.php
+++ b/components/project/dialog.php
@@ -107,6 +107,11 @@ switch( $_GET['action'] ) {
diff --git a/components/settings/settings.editor.php b/components/settings/settings.editor.php
index 60bc788..ecea254 100755
--- a/components/settings/settings.editor.php
+++ b/components/settings/settings.editor.php
@@ -1,201 +1,140 @@
- Ambiance
- Chaos
- Chrome
- Clouds
- Clouds - Midnight
- Cobalt
- Crimson Editor
- Dawn
- Dreamweaver
- Eclipse
- GitHub
- Idle Fingers
- IPlastic
- Katzenmilch
- Kuroir
- krTheme
- Merbivore
- Merbivore Soft
- Mono Industrial
- Monokai
- Pastel On Dark
- Solarized Dark
- Solarized Light
- SQL Server
- Terminal
- Textmate
- Tomorrow
- Tomorrow Night
- Tomorrow Night Blue
- Tomorrow Night Bright
- Tomorrow Night Eighties
- Twilight
- Vibrant Ink
- XCode
- 10px
- 11px
- 12px
- 13px
- 14px
- 15px
- 16px
- 17px
- 18px
- 80
- 85
- 90
- 95
- 100
- 105
- 110
- 115
- 120
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
+ 10px
+ 11px
+ 12px
+ 13px
+ 14px
+ 15px
+ 16px
+ 17px
+ 18px
+ 80
+ 85
+ 90
+ 95
+ 100
+ 105
+ 110
+ 115
+ 120
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
diff --git a/components/sql/class.sql.php b/components/sql/class.sql.php
index ecb9755..f2b6579 100755
--- a/components/sql/class.sql.php
+++ b/components/sql/class.sql.php
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ class sql {
const DB_TYPES = array(
"MySQL" => "mysql",
- "PostgresSQL" => "pgsql",
- "SQLite" => "sqlite",
+ "PostgreSQL" => "pgsql",
+ //"SQLite" => "sqlite",
public $connection = null;
diff --git a/components/update/class.update.php b/components/update/class.update.php
index bdd8b9c..8b2fdb4 100755
--- a/components/update/class.update.php
+++ b/components/update/class.update.php
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class Update {
+ CONST VERSION = "v.2.9.5";
diff --git a/components/update/update.php b/components/update/update.php
index 4107bc7..dc2d681 100755
--- a/components/update/update.php
+++ b/components/update/update.php
@@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
-$user_settings_file = DATA . "/settings.php";
-$projects_file = DATA . "/projects.php";
-$users_file = DATA . "/users.php";
+$user_settings_file = BASE_PATH . "/data/settings.php";
+$projects_file = BASE_PATH . "/data/projects.php";
+$users_file = BASE_PATH . "/data/users.php";
if ( ! checkAccess() ) {
echo "Error, you do not have access to update Codiad.";
@@ -102,8 +105,6 @@ class updater {
mkdir( $backup, 00755 );
function copy_backup( $source, $dest ) {
// Check for symlinks
@@ -173,8 +174,6 @@ class updater {
function check_sql() {
- require_once('../../common.php');
- require_once('../sql/class.sql.php');
$sql = new sql();
$connection = $sql->connect();
$result = $sql->create_default_tables();
@@ -211,9 +210,6 @@ class updater {
function convert() {
- require_once('../sql/class.sql.php');
- require_once('../settings/class.settings.php');
$user_settings_file = DATA . "/settings.php";
$projects_file = DATA . "/projects.php";
$users_file = DATA . "/users.php";
@@ -235,18 +231,22 @@ class updater {
if( file_exists( $projects_file ) ) {
$projects = getJSON( 'projects.php' );
- foreach( $projects as $project => $data ) {
+ if( is_array( $projects ) ) {
- $owner = 'nobody';
- $query = "INSERT INTO projects( name, path, owner ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );";
- $bind_variables = array( $data["name"], $data["path"], $owner );
- $return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
- if( $return > 0 ) {
- } else {
+ foreach( $projects as $project => $data ) {
- $this->restore();
- exit(formatJSEND( "error", "There was an error adding projects to database." ));
+ $owner = 'nobody';
+ $query = "INSERT INTO projects( name, path, owner ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );";
+ $bind_variables = array( $data["name"], $data["path"], $owner );
+ $return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
+ if( $return > 0 ) {
+ } else {
+ $this->restore();
+ exit( formatJSEND( "error", "There was an error adding projects to database." ) );
+ }
unlink( $projects_file );
@@ -255,28 +255,32 @@ class updater {
if( file_exists( $users_file ) ) {
$users = getJSON( 'users.php' );
- foreach( $users as $user ) {
+ if( is_array( $users ) ) {
- if( $user["username"] === $_SESSION["user"] ) {
+ foreach( $users as $user ) {
- $access = "admin";
- } else {
+ if( $user["username"] === $_SESSION["user"] ) {
+ $access = "admin";
+ } else {
+ $access = "user";
+ }
+ $query = "INSERT INTO users( username, password, access, project ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );";
+ $bind_variables = array( $user["username"], $user["password"], $access, null );
+ $return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
- $access = "user";
- }
- $query = "INSERT INTO users( username, password, access, project ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );";
- $bind_variables = array( $user["username"], $user["password"], $access, null );
- $return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
- if( $return > 0 ) {
- $this->username = $user["username"];
- $this->set_default_options();
- //echo formatJSEND( "success", array( "username" => $user["username"] ) );
- } else {
- $this->restore();
- exit(formatJSEND( "error", "The Username is Already Taken" ));
+ if( $return > 0 ) {
+ $this->username = $user["username"];
+ $this->set_default_options();
+ //echo formatJSEND( "success", array( "username" => $user["username"] ) );
+ } else {
+ $this->restore();
+ exit(formatJSEND( "error", "The Username is Already Taken" ));
+ }
unlink( $users_file );
@@ -415,10 +419,10 @@ class updater {
function remove_directory( $path ) {
- $files = glob($path . '/*');
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- is_dir($file) ? $this->remove_directory($file) : unlink($file);
+ $files = glob( $path . '{,.}[!.,!..]*', GLOB_MARK|GLOB_BRACE );
+ foreach( $files as $file ) {
+ is_dir( $file ) ? $this->remove_directory( $file ) : unlink( $file );
if( is_dir( $path ) ) {
@@ -524,8 +528,6 @@ class updater {
$this->copyr( $src, $dest );
$this->remove_directory( $src );
- $this->convert();
- $this->check_sql();
return( "true" );
} catch( Exception $e ) {
@@ -534,6 +536,21 @@ class updater {
+ public function update_database() {
+ try {
+ $this->convert();
+ } catch( Exception $e ) {
+ $this->restore();
+ return( $e );
+ }
+ $this->check_sql();
+ return( "true" );
+ }
public function update_option( $option, $value, $user_setting = null ) {
$sql = new sql();
@@ -619,6 +636,11 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
echo $updater->update();
+ case( "update_database" ):
+ echo $updater->update_database();
+ break;
@@ -674,6 +696,7 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
const codiad = {};
codiad.update = {
+ base_url: ``,
progress: null,
init: function() {
@@ -711,6 +734,35 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
+ apply_database: function() {
+ return jQuery.ajax({
+ url: "update.php",
+ type: "GET",
+ dataType: 'html',
+ data: {
+ action: 'update_database',
+ },
+ success: function( result ) {
+ return result;
+ },
+ error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
+ console.log( 'jqXHR:' );
+ console.log( jqXHR );
+ console.log( 'textStatus:' );
+ console.log( textStatus);
+ console.log( 'errorThrown:' );
+ console.log( errorThrown );
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ },
check_update: function() {
this.progress.innerText = "Checking for update ... ";
@@ -809,6 +861,33 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
update: async function() {
+ let GET = {};
+ let parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function( m, key, value) {
+ GET[key] = value;
+ });
+ if( Object.keys( GET ).includes( "step" ) && GET.step === "database_update" ) {
+ progress.innerText = "Applying database update.";
+ let apply = await this.apply_database();
+ if( apply !== "true" ) {
+ console.log( apply );
+ progress.innerText = "Error applying update.";
+ return;
+ }
+ progress.innerText = "Successfully completed update. Returning you to Codiad ...";
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ window.location.href = `${location.protocol}//${codiad.update.base_url}`;
+ }, 5000);
+ return;
+ }
let result = await this.check_update();
console.log( result );
@@ -834,7 +913,7 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
- progress.innerText = "Applying update.";
+ progress.innerText = "Applying filesystem update.";
let apply = await this.apply();
if( apply !== "true" ) {
@@ -844,7 +923,12 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
- progress.innerText = "Update Finished.";
+ progress.innerText = "Filesystem update finished. Please wait, your browser will now reload and start the datbase update.";
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ window.location.href = window.location.href + "?step=database_update"
+ }, 5000);
} else if( result === "false" ) {
progress.innerText = "No update was found ...";
@@ -856,6 +940,28 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
update_development: async function() {
+ let GET = {};
+ let parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function( m, key, value) {
+ GET[key] = value;
+ });
+ if( Object.keys( GET ).includes( "step" ) && GET.step === "database_update" ) {
+ progress.innerText = "Applying database update.";
+ let apply = await this.apply_database();
+ if( apply !== "true" ) {
+ console.log( apply );
+ progress.innerText = "Error applying update.";
+ return;
+ }
+ progress.innerText = "Successfully completed update. You may now return to Codiad.";
+ return;
+ }
progress.innerText = "An update was found. Downloading update.";
let download = await this.download( true );
@@ -876,7 +982,7 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
- progress.innerText = "Applying update.";
+ progress.innerText = "Applying filesystem update.";
let apply = await this.apply();
if( apply !== "true" ) {
@@ -886,7 +992,12 @@ if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) {
- progress.innerText = "Update Finished.";
+ progress.innerText = "Filesystem update finished. Please wait, your browser will now reload and start the datbase update.";
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ window.location.href = window.location.href + "?step=database_update"
+ }, 5000);
diff --git a/components/user/class.user.php b/components/user/class.user.php
index e98b544..78d2586 100755
--- a/components/user/class.user.php
+++ b/components/user/class.user.php
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ class User {
public function __construct() {
- $this->actives = getJSON( 'active.php' );
public function add_user() {