/* * Copyright (c) Codiad & Kent Safranski (codiad.com), distributed * as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See * [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact. */ (function (global, $) { var EventEmitter = ace.require('ace/lib/event_emitter').EventEmitter; var Range = ace.require('ace/range').Range; var codiad = global.codiad; $(function () { codiad.autocomplete.init(); }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Autocomplete Component for Codiad // --------------------------------- // Show a popup with word completion suggestions. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// codiad.autocomplete = { wordRegex: /[^a-zA-Z_0-9\$]+/, isVisible: false, standardGoLineDownExec: null, standardGoLineUpExec: null, _suggestionCache: null, standardGoToRightExec: null, standardGoToLeftExec: null, standardIndentExec: null, init: function () { var _this = this; this.$onDocumentChange = this.onDocumentChange.bind(this); this.$selectNextSuggestion = this.selectNextSuggestion.bind(this); this.$selectPreviousSuggestion = this.selectPreviousSuggestion.bind(this); this.$complete = this.complete.bind(this); this.$hide = this.hide.bind(this); /* Catch click on suggestion */ $('#autocomplete li').live('click', function () { $('#autocomplete li.active-suggestion').removeClass('active-suggestion'); $(this).addClass('active-suggestion'); _this.complete(); }); /* In debug mode, run some tests here. */ // this._testSimpleMatchScorer(); // this._testFuzzyMatcher(); }, suggest: function () { var _this = this; var cursorPosition = this._getEditor().getCursorPosition(); var foundSuggestions = this.updateSuggestions(cursorPosition); if (foundSuggestions) { this.addListenerToOnDocumentChange(); // Show the completion popup. this.show(); // handle click-out autoclosing. var fn = function ( event ) { let keycodes = [ 9, 10, 13 ] /*if( ! keycodes.includes( event.keyCode ) ) { return; }*/ _this.hide(); $(window).off('click', fn); }; $(window).on('click', fn); } else { this.clearSuggestionCache(); } }, /* Update the suggestions for the word at the given position. Return true if * some suitable suggestions could be found, false if not. */ updateSuggestions: function (position) { var _this = this; var session = this._getEditSession(); /* Extract the word being typed. Keep only the part of the word * which is before the given position. It is somehow the prefix of * the wanted full word. Make sure we only keep one word. */ var token = session.getTokenAt(position.row, position.column); if (!token) { /* No word at the given position. */ this.removeSuggestions(); return false; } var prefix = token.value.substr(0, position.column - token.start); prefix = prefix.split(this.wordRegex).slice(-1)[0]; if (prefix === '') { /* No word at the given position. */ this.removeSuggestions(); return false; } /* Build and order the suggestions themselves. */ // TODO cache suggestions and augment them incrementally. var suggestionsAndDistance = this.getSuggestions(position); var suggestions = this.rankSuggestions(prefix, suggestionsAndDistance); if (suggestions.length < 1) { /* No suitable suggestions found. */ this.removeSuggestions(); return false; } /* Remove the existing suggestions and populate the popup with the * updated ones. */ this.removeSuggestions(); var popupContent = $('#autocomplete #suggestions'); $.each(suggestions, function (index, suggestion) { /* First get rid of the suggestion suffix. */ suggestion = suggestion.slice(0, -1); var indexes = _this.getMatchIndexes(prefix, suggestion); $.each(indexes.reverse(), function (index, matchIndex) { suggestion = suggestion.substr(0, matchIndex) + '<span class="matched">' + suggestion.substr(matchIndex, 1) + '</span>' + suggestion.substr(matchIndex + 1); }); popupContent.append('<li class="suggestion">' + suggestion + '</li>'); }); this.selectFirstSuggestion(); return true; }, show: function () { this.isVisible = true; var popup = $('#autocomplete'); popup.css({ 'top': this._computeTopOffset(), 'left': this._computeLeftOffset(), 'font-family': $('.ace_editor').css('font-family'), 'font-size': $('.ace_editor').css('font-size') }); popup.slideToggle('fast', function(){ $(this).css('overflow', ''); }); this.addKeyboardCommands(); }, hide: function () { this.isVisible = false; $('#autocomplete').hide(); this.removeSuggestions(); this.clearSuggestionCache(); this.removeListenerToOnDocumentChange(); this.removeKeyboardCommands(); }, /* Return a jQuery object containing the currently selected suggestion. */ getSelectedSuggestion: function () { var selectedSuggestion = $('#autocomplete li.suggestion.active-suggestion'); if (selectedSuggestion.length < 1) { alert(i18n('No suggestion selected. Might be a bug.')); } else if (selectedSuggestion.length > 1) { alert(i18n('More than one suggestions selected. Might be a bug.')); } return selectedSuggestion; }, selectFirstSuggestion: function () { var firstChild = $('li.suggestion:first-child'); firstChild.addClass('active-suggestion'); this._ensureVisible(firstChild, $('#autocomplete')); }, selectLastSuggestion: function () { var lastChild = $('li.suggestion:last-child'); lastChild.addClass('active-suggestion'); this._ensureVisible(lastChild, $('#autocomplete')); }, selectNextSuggestion: function () { var selectedSuggestion = this.getSelectedSuggestion(); selectedSuggestion.removeClass('active-suggestion'); var nextSuggestion = selectedSuggestion.next(); if (nextSuggestion.length > 0) { nextSuggestion.addClass('active-suggestion'); this._ensureVisible(nextSuggestion, $('#autocomplete')); } else { /* The currently selected suggestion is the last one. * Go back to first one. */ this.selectFirstSuggestion(); } }, selectPreviousSuggestion: function () { var selectedSuggestion = this.getSelectedSuggestion(); selectedSuggestion.removeClass('active-suggestion'); var previousSuggestion = selectedSuggestion.prev(); if (previousSuggestion.length > 0) { previousSuggestion.addClass('active-suggestion'); this._ensureVisible(previousSuggestion, $('#autocomplete')); } else { /* The currently selected suggestion is the first one. * Go back to last one. */ this.selectLastSuggestion(); } }, addListenerToOnDocumentChange: function () { var session = this._getEditSession(); session.addEventListener('change', this.$onDocumentChange); }, removeListenerToOnDocumentChange: function () { var session = this._getEditSession(); session.removeEventListener('change', this.$onDocumentChange); }, onDocumentChange: function (e) { if ( e.data === undefined || e.data === null || e.data.text.search(/^\s+$/) !== -1) { this.hide(); return; } var position = null; if (e.data.action === 'insertText') { if( codiad.autosave.saving === false ) { position = e.data.range.end; } else { var start = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) { if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > 50){ break; } } position = e.data.range.end; } } else if (e.data.action === 'removeText') { position = e.data.range.start; } else { alert('Unkown document change action.'); } var foundSuggestions = this.updateSuggestions(position); if (!foundSuggestions) { this.hide(); } }, addKeyboardCommands: function () { var _this = this; var commandManager = this._getEditor().commands; /* Save the standard commands that will be overwritten. */ this.standardGoLineDownExec = commandManager.commands.golinedown.exec; this.standardGoLineUpExec = commandManager.commands.golineup.exec; this.standardGoToRightExec = commandManager.commands.gotoright.exec; this.standardGoToLeftExec = commandManager.commands.gotoleft.exec; this.standardIndentExec = commandManager.commands.indent.exec; /* Overwrite with the completion specific implementations. */ commandManager.commands.golinedown.exec = this.$selectNextSuggestion; commandManager.commands.golineup.exec = this.$selectPreviousSuggestion; commandManager.commands.gotoright.exec = this.$complete; commandManager.commands.gotoleft.exec = this.$hide; commandManager.commands.indent.exec = this.$complete; commandManager.addCommand({ name: 'hideautocomplete', bindKey: 'Esc', exec: function () { _this.hide(); } }); commandManager.addCommand({ name: 'autocomplete', bindKey: 'Return', exec: this.$complete }); }, removeKeyboardCommands: function () { var commandManager = this._getEditor().commands; /* Make sure the standard exec have been initialized. */ if (this.standardGoLineDownExec !== null) { commandManager.commands.golinedown.exec = this.standardGoLineDownExec; } if (this.standardGoLineUpExec !== null) { commandManager.commands.golineup.exec = this.standardGoLineUpExec; } if (this.standardGoToRightExec !== null) { commandManager.commands.gotoright.exec = this.standardGoToRightExec; } if (this.standardGoToLeftExec !== null) { commandManager.commands.gotoleft.exec = this.standardGoToLeftExec; } if (this.standardIndentExec !== null) { commandManager.commands.indent.exec = this.standardIndentExec; } commandManager.removeCommand('hideautocomplete'); commandManager.removeCommand('autocomplete'); }, /* Complete the word at the given position with the currently selected * suggestion. Only the part of the word before the position is * replaced. */ complete: function (position) { var editor = this._getEditor(); var session = this._getEditSession(); var position = editor.getCursorPosition(); /* Get the length of the word being typed. */ var token = session.getTokenAt(position.row, position.column); if (!token) { /* No token at the given position. */ this.clearSuggestionCache(); this.hide(); editor.focus(); } var prefix = token.value.substr(0, position.column - token.start); var prefixLength = prefix.split(this.wordRegex).slice(-1)[0].length; var range = new Range(position.row, position.column - prefixLength, position.row, position.column); var suggestion = this.getSelectedSuggestion().text(); session.replace(range, suggestion); this.hide(); editor.focus(); }, /* Remove the suggestions from the Dom. */ removeSuggestions: function () { $('.suggestion').remove(); }, /* Get suggestions of completion for the current position in the * document. */ getSuggestions: function (position) { /* If suggestions are cached, * return them directely */ if (this._suggestionCache) { return this._suggestionCache; } var doc = this._getDocument(); /* FIXME For now, make suggestions on the whole file content except * the current token. Might be a little bit smarter, e.g., remove * all the keywords associated with the current language. */ /* Get all the text, put a marker at the cursor position. The * marker uses word character so that it won't be discarded by a * word split. */ var markerString = '__autocomplete_marker__'; var text = doc.getLines(0, position.row - 1).join("\n") + "\n"; var currentLine = doc.getLine(position.row); text += currentLine.substr(0, position.column); text += markerString; if (position.column === currentLine.length) { // position is at end of line, add a break line. text += "\n"; } text += currentLine.substr(position.column + 1); text += doc.getLines(position.row + 1, doc.getLength()).join("\n") + "\n"; /* Split the text into words. */ var suggestions = text.split(this.wordRegex); /* Get the index of the word at the cursor position. */ var markerIndex = 0; var markedWord = ''; $.each(suggestions, function (index, value) { if (value.search(markerString) !== -1) { markerIndex = index; markedWord = value; return false; } }); /* Build an object associating the suggestions with their distance * to the word at cursor position. To make sure that no suggestion * string overrides a built-in method of the suggestionsAndDistance * object, suffix all the suggestions with '-'. Afterward, make * sure of removing that suffix before using the stored * suggestions! */ var suggestionsAndDistance = {}; $.each(suggestions, function (index, suggestion) { var distance = Math.abs(index - markerIndex); if (!suggestionsAndDistance[suggestion + '-'] || distance < suggestionsAndDistance[suggestion]) { suggestionsAndDistance[suggestion + '-'] = distance; } }); /* Remove from the suggestions the word under the cursor. */ delete suggestionsAndDistance[markedWord + '-']; /* Fill the cache */ this._suggestionCache = suggestionsAndDistance; return suggestionsAndDistance; }, /* Clear the suggestion cache */ clearSuggestionCache: function () { this._suggestionCache = null; }, /* Given an object associating suggestions and their distances to the * word under the cursor (the prefix), return a ranked array of * suggestions with the best match first. The suggestions are ranked * based on if they match the prefix fuzzily, how much they match the * given prefix in the computeSimpleMatchScore sense and on their * distances to the prefix. */ rankSuggestions: function (prefix, suggestionsAndDistance) { /* Initialize maxScore to one to ensure removing the non matching * suggestions (those with a zero score). */ var maxScore = 1; var suggestionsAndMatchScore = {}; for (var suggestion in suggestionsAndDistance) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(suggestionsAndDistance, suggestion)) { var score = this.computeSimpleMatchScore(prefix, suggestion); if (score > maxScore) { maxScore = score; } suggestionsAndMatchScore[suggestion] = score; } } /* Remove the suggestions that do not match the prefix fuzzily. */ for (suggestion in suggestionsAndMatchScore) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(suggestionsAndMatchScore, suggestion)) { if (!this.isMatchingFuzzily(prefix, suggestion)) { delete suggestionsAndMatchScore[suggestion]; } } } /* Now for each suggestion we have its matching score and its * distance to the word under the cursor. So compute its final * score as a combination of both. */ var suggestionsAndFinalScore = {}; for (suggestion in suggestionsAndMatchScore) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(suggestionsAndMatchScore, suggestion)) { //suggestionsAndFinalScore[suggestion] = suggestionsAndMatchScore[suggestion] - // suggestionsAndDistance[suggestion]; suggestionsAndFinalScore[suggestion] = suggestionsAndMatchScore[suggestion] / suggestion.length; } } /* Make an array of suggestions and make sure to rank them in the * ascending scores order. */ var suggestions = []; for (suggestion in suggestionsAndFinalScore) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(suggestionsAndFinalScore, suggestion)) { suggestions.push(suggestion); } } suggestions.sort(function (firstSuggestion, secondSuggestion) { return suggestionsAndFinalScore[secondSuggestion] - suggestionsAndFinalScore[firstSuggestion]; }); return suggestions; }, /* Return the number of consecutive letters starting from the first * letter in suggestion that match prefix. For instance, * this.computeSimpleMatchScore(cod, codiad) will return 3. If * suggestion is shorter than prefix, return a score of zero. The score * is computed using a Vim-like smartcase behavior. */ computeSimpleMatchScore: function (prefix, suggestion) { /* Use a Vim-like smartcase behavior. If prefix is all lowercase, * compute the match score case insensitive, if it is not, compute * the score case sensitive. */ var localSuggestion = this._isLowerCase(prefix) ? suggestion.toLowerCase() : suggestion; if (localSuggestion.length < prefix.length) { return 0; } else if (localSuggestion === prefix) { return prefix.length; } else { var score = 0; for (var i = 0; i < prefix.length; ++i) { if (localSuggestion[i] === prefix[i]) { ++score; } else { break; } } return score; } }, /* Return true if suggestion fuzzily matches prefix. Because everybody * loves fuzzy matches. * For instance, this.isMatchingFuzzily(mlf, mylongfunctionname) * will return true. The score is computed using a Vim-like smartcase * behavior. */ isMatchingFuzzily: function (prefix, suggestion) { /* Use a Vim-like smartcase behavior. If prefix is all lowercase, * compute the match score case insensitive, if it is not, compute * the score case sensitive. */ var localSuggestion = this._isLowerCase(prefix) ? suggestion.toLowerCase() : suggestion; /* Escape the characters that have a special meaning for regex in * the prefix. */ var localPrefix = prefix.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); var fuzzyRegex = '^.*?'; for (var i = 0; i < localPrefix.length; ++i) { if (localPrefix[i] === '\\') { fuzzyRegex += localPrefix[i]; ++i; } fuzzyRegex += localPrefix[i]; fuzzyRegex += '.*?'; } if (localSuggestion.search(fuzzyRegex) !== -1) { return true; } else { return false; } }, getMatchIndexes: function (prefix, suggestion) { /* Use a Vim-like smartcase behavior. If prefix is all lowercase, * find the match indexes case insensitive, if it is not, find them * case sensitive. */ var localSuggestion = this._isLowerCase(prefix) ? suggestion.toLowerCase() : suggestion; var matchIndexes = []; var startIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < prefix.length; ++i) { var index = localSuggestion.indexOf(prefix[i], startIndex); matchIndexes.push(index); startIndex = index + 1; } return matchIndexes; }, _isLowerCase: function (str) { return (str.toLowerCase() === str); }, _ensureVisible: function (el, parent) { var offset = 1; var paneMin = parent.scrollTop(); var paneMax = paneMin + parent.innerHeight(); var itemMin = el.position().top + paneMin - offset; var itemMax = itemMin + el.outerHeight() + 2*offset; if (itemMax > paneMax) { parent.stop().animate({ scrollTop: itemMax - parent.innerHeight() }, 100); } else if (itemMin < paneMin) { parent.stop().animate({ scrollTop: itemMin }, 100); } }, _computeTopOffset: function () { /* FIXME How to handle multiple cursors? This seems to compute the * offset using the position of the last created cursor. */ var cursor = $('.ace_cursor'); if (cursor.length > 0) { var fontSize = codiad.editor.getActive().container.style.fontSize.replace('px', ''); var interLine = 1.7; cursor = $(cursor[0]); var top = cursor.offset().top + fontSize * interLine; return top; } }, _computeLeftOffset: function () { /* FIXME How to handle multiple cursors? This seems to compute the * offset using the position of the last created cursor. */ var cursor = $('.ace_cursor'); if (cursor.length > 0) { cursor = $(cursor[0]); var left = cursor.offset().left; return left; } }, /* Set of helper methods to manipulate the editor. */ _getEditor: function () { return codiad.editor.getActive(); }, _getEditSession: function () { return codiad.editor.getActive().getSession(); }, _getDocument: function () { return codiad.editor.getActive().getSession().getDocument(); }, /* Some unit tests. */ //i don't need to translate this... this is just for testing things... _testSimpleMatchScorer: function () { var prefix = 'myprefix'; var suggestion = 'myprefixisshort'; var score = this.computeSimpleMatchScore(prefix, suggestion); if (score !== 8) { alert('_testSimpleMatchScorer lowercase test failed.'); } prefix = 'MYPREFIX'; suggestion = 'MYPREFIXISSHORT'; score = this.computeSimpleMatchScore(prefix, suggestion); if (score !== 8) { alert('_testSimpleMatchScorer uppercase test failed.'); } prefix = 'myPrefix'; suggestion = 'myprefixisshort'; score = this.computeSimpleMatchScore(prefix, suggestion); if (score !== 2) { alert('_testSimpleMatchScorer mixed case vs. lowercase test failed.'); } prefix = 'myPrefixIs'; suggestion = 'myPrefixIsShort'; score = this.computeSimpleMatchScore(prefix, suggestion); if (score !== 10) { alert('_testSimpleMatchScorer mixed case test failed.'); } }, _testFuzzyMatcher: function () { var isMatching = this.isMatchingFuzzily('mlf', 'mylongfunctionname'); if (!isMatching) { alert('_testFuzzyMatcher mlf vs. mylongfunctionname failed.'); } isMatching = this.isMatchingFuzzily('mLn', 'myLongFunctionName'); if (!isMatching) { alert('_testFuzzyMatcher mLn vs. myLongFunctionName failed.'); } isMatching = this.isMatchingFuzzily('mLFuny', 'myLongFunctionName'); if (isMatching) { alert('_testFuzzyMatcher mLFuny. myLongFunctionName failed.'); } } }; })(this, jQuery);