/* * * localStorage.setItem( key , value ); * localStorage.getItem( key ); * localStorage.length; * localStorage.removeItem( key ); * localStorage.clear(); (Removes all) * * * Copyright (c) 2011 Wojo Design Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL licenses. */ (function(){ var window = this; // check to see if we have localStorage or not if( !window.localStorage ){ // globalStorage // non-standard: Firefox 2+ // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/dom/storage#globalStorage if ( window.globalStorage ) { // try/catch for file protocol in Firefox try { window.localStorage = window.globalStorage; } catch( e ) {} return; } // userData // non-standard: IE 5+ // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms531424(v=vs.85).aspx var div = document.createElement( "div" ), attrKey = "localStorage"; div.style.display = "none"; document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ].appendChild( div ); if ( div.addBehavior ) { div.addBehavior( "#default#userdata" ); //div.style.behavior = "url('#default#userData')"; var localStorage = window["localStorage"] = { "length":0, "setItem":function( key , value ){ div.load( attrKey ); key = cleanKey(key ); if( !div.getAttribute( key ) ){ this.length++; } div.setAttribute( key , value ); div.save( attrKey ); }, "getItem":function( key ){ div.load( attrKey ); key = cleanKey(key ); return div.getAttribute( key ); }, "removeItem":function( key ){ div.load( attrKey ); key = cleanKey(key ); div.removeAttribute( key ); div.save( attrKey ); this.length--; if( this.length < 0){ this.length=0; } }, "clear":function(){ div.load( attrKey ); var i = 0; while ( attr = div.XMLDocument.documentElement.attributes[ i++ ] ) { div.removeAttribute( attr.name ); } div.save( attrKey ); this.length=0; }, "key":function( key ){ div.load( attrKey ); return div.XMLDocument.documentElement.attributes[ key ]; } }, // convert invalid characters to dashes // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-Name // simplified to assume the starting character is valid cleanKey = function( key ){ return key.replace( /[^-._0-9A-Za-z\xb7\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u037d\u37f-\u1fff\u200c-\u200d\u203f\u2040\u2070-\u218f]/g, "-" ); }; div.load( attrKey ); localStorage["length"] = div.XMLDocument.documentElement.attributes.length; } } })();