"codiad.editor.autocomplete", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.fileManagerTrigger", "value" => "false", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.fontSize", "value" => "14px", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.highlightLine", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.indentGuides", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.overScroll", "value" => "0.5", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.persistentModal", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.printMargin", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.printMarginColumn", "value" => "80", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.rightSidebarTrigger", "value" => "false", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.softTabs", "value" => "false", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.tabSize", "value" => "4", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.theme", "value" => "twilight", ), array( "name" => "codiad.editor.wrapMode", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.filemanager.autoReloadPreview", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.projects.sideExpanded", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.settings.autosave", "value" => "true", ), array( "name" => "codiad.settings.plugin.sync", "value" => "true", ), ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROPERTIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public $connection = ''; public $username = ''; public $settings = ''; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -----------------------------||----------------------------- // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construct ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function __construct() { } public function delete_option( $option, $username ) { global $sql; if( $username == null ) { $query = "DELETE FROM options WHERE name=?"; $bind_variables = array( $option, ); $result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); } else { $query = "DELETE FROM options WHERE name=? AND username=?"; $bind_variables = array( $option, $this->username, ); $result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); } if( $result > 0 ) { echo formatJSEND( "success", null ); } else { echo formatJSEND( "error", "Could not delete option: $option" ); } } public function get_option( $option, $user_setting, $action = "return" ) { global $sql; if( $user_setting == null ) { $query = "SELECT value FROM options WHERE name=?;"; $bind_variables = array( $option ); $return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, array() )[0]; } else { $query = "SELECT value FROM user_options WHERE name=? AND username=?;"; $bind_variables = array( $option, $this->username ); $return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, array() )[0]; } if( ! empty( $return ) ) { $return = $return["value"]; } else { $return = null; } switch( $action ) { case( "exit" ): exit( $return ); break; case( "return" ): return( $return ); break; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save User Settings ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function Save() { global $sql; foreach( $this->settings as $option => $value ) { $this->update_option( $option, $value, $this->username ); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load User Settings ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function Load() { global $sql; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM user_options WHERE username=?;"; $bind_variables = array( $this->username ); $options = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, array() ); if( ! empty( $options ) ) { echo formatJSEND( "success", $options ); } else { echo formatJSEND( "error", "Error, Could not load user's settings." ); } } public function update_option( $option, $value, $user_setting = null ) { global $sql; $query = "INSERT INTO user_options ( name, username, value ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );"; $bind_variables = array( $option, $this->username, $value, ); $result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); if( $result == 0 ) { $query = "UPDATE user_options SET value=? WHERE name=? AND username=?;"; $bind_variables = array( $value, $option, $this->username, ); $result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); } if( $result > 0 ) { echo formatJSEND( "success", null ); } else { echo formatJSEND( "error", "Error, Could not update option $option" ); } } }