active = $path . "/data/active.php"; $this->config = $path . "/config.php"; $this->projects = $path . "/data/projects.php"; $this->path = $path; $this->sessions = $path . "/data/sessions"; $this->users = $path . "/data/users.php"; $this->rel = $rel; $this->workspace = $path . "/workspace"; $this->db_types = sql::DB_TYPES; $this->project_name = $_POST["project_name"]; $this->project_path = $this->clean_path( $_POST["project_path"] ); $this->username = $this->clean_username( $_POST["username"] ); $this->password = $this->encrypt_password( $_POST["password"] ); $this->check(); $this->sql = new sql(); $this->install(); exit; } } function check() { if ( ! ( defined( 'DBHOST' ) && defined( 'DBNAME' ) && defined( 'DBUSER' ) && defined( 'DBPASS' ) && defined( 'DBTYPE' ) ) ) { define( 'DBHOST', $_POST["dbhost"] ); define( 'DBNAME', $_POST["dbname"] ); define( 'DBUSER', $_POST["dbuser"] ); define( 'DBPASS', $_POST["dbpass"] ); define( 'DBTYPE', $_POST["dbtype"] ); } else { $this->JSEND( "The config file already exists.", "One or more of the following have already been set: {DBHOST},{DBNAME},{DBUSER},{DBPASS},{DBTYPE}," ); } if( ! in_array( DBTYPE, $this->db_types ) ) { $this->JSEND( "Invalid database. Please select one of the following: " . implode( ", ", $db_types ), json_encode( array( $dbtype, $db_types ) ) ); } if( ! is_dir( $this->sessions ) ) { mkdir( $this->sessions, 00755 ); } } function clean_path( $path ) { // prevent Poison Null Byte injections $path = str_replace( chr( 0 ), '', $path ); // prevent go out of the workspace while ( strpos( $path, '../' ) !== false ) { $path = str_replace( '../', '', $path ); } return $path; } function clean_username( $username ) { return strtolower( preg_replace( self::PATH_REGEX, '-', $username ) ); } function create_config() { $config_data = 'path . '"); // BASE URL TO CODIAD (without trailing slash) define("BASE_URL", "' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $this->rel . '"); // THEME : default, modern or clear (look at /themes) define("THEME", "default"); // ABSOLUTE PATH define("WHITEPATHS", BASE_PATH . ",/home"); // SESSIONS (e.g. 7200) $cookie_lifetime = "0"; // TIMEZONE date_default_timezone_set("' . $_POST['timezone'] . '"); // External Authentification //define("AUTH_PATH", "/path/to/customauth.php"); // Site Name define("SITE_NAME", "' . $_POST['site_name'] . '"); // Database Information define( "DBHOST", \'' . addslashes( urldecode( $_POST['dbhost'] ) ) . '\' ); define( "DBNAME", \'' . addslashes( urldecode( $_POST['dbname'] ) ) . '\' ); define( "DBUSER", \'' . addslashes( urldecode( $_POST['dbuser'] ) ) . '\' ); define( "DBPASS", \'' . addslashes( urldecode( $_POST['dbpass'] ) ) . '\' ); define( "DBTYPE", \'' . addslashes( urldecode( $_POST['dbtype'] ) ) . '\' ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ** DO NOT EDIT CONFIG BELOW ** ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PATHS define("COMPONENTS", BASE_PATH . "/components"); define("PLUGINS", BASE_PATH . "/plugins"); define("THEMES", BASE_PATH . "/themes"); define("DATA", BASE_PATH . "/data"); define("WORKSPACE", BASE_PATH . "/workspace"); // URLS define("WSURL", BASE_URL . "/workspace"); // Marketplace //define("MARKETURL", ""); '; return file_put_contents( $this->config, $config_data ); } function create_project() { $project_path = $this->project_path; $connection = $this->sql->connect(); if ( ! $this->is_abs_path( $project_path ) ) { $project_path = preg_replace( self::PATH_REGEX, '-', $project_path ); $project_path = $this->username . "/" . $project_path; if( ! is_dir( $this->workspace . "/" . $project_path ) ) { mkdir( $this->workspace . "/" . $project_path, 0755, true ); } } else { if ( substr( $project_path, -1 ) == '/' ) { $project_path = substr( $project_path, 0, strlen( $project_path ) - 1 ); } if ( ! file_exists( $project_path ) ) { if ( ! mkdir( $project_path . '/', 0755, true ) ) { die( '{"message": "Unable to create Absolute Path"}' ); } } else { if ( ! is_writable( $project_path ) || ! is_readable( $project_path ) ) { die( '{"message": "No Read/Write Permission"}' ); } } } $query = "DELETE FROM projects WHERE path = ?;"; $bind_variables = array( $project_path ); $statement = $connection->prepare( $query ); $statement->execute( $bind_variables ); $query = "INSERT INTO projects(name, path, owner) VALUES (?,?,( SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1 ));"; $bind_variables = array( $this->project_name, $project_path, $this->username ); $statement = $connection->prepare( $query ); $statement->execute( $bind_variables ); } function create_tables() { $result = $this->sql->create_default_tables(); if ( ! $result["create_tables"] === true ) { exit( json_encode( $result ) ); } } function create_user() { $bind_variables = array( $this->username, $this->password, $this->project_path, Permissions::LEVELS["admin"] ); $query = "INSERT INTO users( username, password, project, access ) VALUES ( ?,?,( SELECT id FROM projects WHERE path = ? LIMIT 1 ),? )"; try { $connection = $this->sql->connect(); $statement = $connection->prepare( $query ); $statement->execute( $bind_variables ); } catch( exception $e ) { exit( "Error could not create user: " . $e->getMessage() ); } $this->set_default_options(); } function encrypt_password( $string ) { return sha1( md5( $string ) ); } function is_abs_path( $path ) { return $path[0] === '/'; } function install() { $project_name = $_POST['project_name']; if ( isset( $_POST['project_path'] ) ) { $project_path = $_POST['project_path']; } else { $project_path = $project_name; } $timezone = $_POST['timezone']; $dbtype = $_POST['dbtype']; $dbhost = $_POST['dbhost']; $dbname = $_POST['dbname']; $dbuser = $_POST['dbuser']; $dbpass = $_POST['dbpass']; $connection = $this->sql->connect(); $this->create_tables(); $this->create_user(); $this->create_project(); //exit( "stop" ); $this->create_config(); return "success"; } function JSEND( $message, $error=null ) { $message = array( "message" => $message ); if( ! $error === null ) { $message["error"] = $error; } exit( json_encode( $message ) ); } public function set_default_options() { foreach( Settings::DEFAULT_OPTIONS as $id => $option ) { $query = array( "*" => "INSERT INTO user_options ( name, user, value ) VALUES ( ?, ( SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? ), ? );", "pgsql" => 'INSERT INTO user_options ( name, "user", value ) VALUES ( ?, ( SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? ), ? );', ); $bind_variables = array( $option["name"], $this->username, $option["value"], ); $result = $this->sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); if( $result == 0 ) { $query = array( "*" => "UPDATE user_options SET value=? WHERE name=? AND user=( SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? );", "pgsql" => 'UPDATE user_options SET value=? WHERE name=? AND "user"=( SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? );', ); $bind_variables = array( $option["value"], $option["name"], $this->username, ); $result = $this->sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); } } } } $Install = new Install(); ?>