
    *  Copyright (c) Codiad & Kent Safranski (codiad.com), distributed
    *  as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See
    *  [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact.


    $Active = new Active();

    // Verify Session or Key


    // Get user's active files

if ($_GET['action']=='list') {
    $Active->username = $_SESSION['user'];

    // Add active record

if ($_GET['action']=='add') {
    $Active->username = $_SESSION['user'];
    $Active->path = $_GET['path'];

    // Rename

if ($_GET['action']=='rename') {
    $Active->username = $_SESSION['user'];
    $Active->path = $_GET['old_path'];
    $Active->new_path = $_GET['new_path'];

    // Check if file is active

if ($_GET['action']=='check') {
    $Active->username = $_SESSION['user'];
    $Active->path = $_GET['path'];

    // Remove active record

if ($_GET['action']=='remove') {
    $Active->username = $_SESSION['user'];
    $Active->path = $_GET['path'];
    // Remove all active record

if ($_GET['action']=='removeall') {
    $Active->username = $_SESSION['user'];
    // Mark file as focused

if ($_GET['action']=='focused') {
    $Active->username = $_SESSION['user'];
    $Active->path = $_GET['path'];